Why are americans so proud of their military

What is there to defend?

Attached: 1523769139521.jpg (688x1272, 213K)

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>obese white mother
>niglet child
this is the most american picture I ve ever seen.

it was a r/eddit meet up so that should tell you a lot

defending faggots like you so you can complain about them

Is braphog nationalism the final redpill?


Because all of their tax money goes to it instead of infrastructure and healthcare.

Especially since most of the military is dated and maybe a tenth of the male population is draftable.

prove it

This guy gets it.

You antifa fags are so ignorant and retarded. You have to be or you would be one of us.

b-but i'm not american and barely bisexual

get out then if you aren't american

It's the best military in the world. The military industrial complex employees a large percentage of the American people and they like their jobs. Because every rational minded person loves their military, they are the people who defend your way of life with their lives for shit pay.

>you antifa fags are so ignorant and retarded. You have to be or you would be one of us.

no where in there did you prove it...now,prove it

get out from where, lol

man, you're dumb


if you aren't american gtfo of Jow Forums

lol no

what country are you exactly homo


That hippopotomus woman looks like she just offered the black girl for sale and is giving you the look that this is a good deal.

Attached: 1518051440396w333333.jpg (477x731, 258K)

that explains everything

defending the BBC we kangz of univs
once tribal muh BBC will sport a shell as Africans