''user, I know I have 10% African blood, but please impregnate me and raise my child''

Would you?

Attached: victoria.jpg (1244x792, 2.18M)

Where in Africa?


Nigerian, & 'unspecified hunter gatherer'

Just here to check this wasted get

Nope. No point having kids if they're not going to be of your own race. Might as well be raising an alien.

100% or go to highway rn

Dan hold her tighter shes a fighter Schneider has been inside her. Dont worry about some nigger

he had damn good taste at least

Attached: squirt.gif (540x270, 3.25M)

>its completely normal to send you DNA samples to Jews who send you false information back


Some Nigerians like the Fulani are originally Middle Eastern (Caucasoid)

No. No dilution of my race, it would also add up over time.

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wouldn't it dissipate over time?

The person in question would be always tainted. Just think of a glass of milk where you add some cacao. And just look at Brazil, the nation of mongrels, how this experiment ended.

Would impregnate, wait till born then leave

No, not even a problem as i dont find girls with shitskin hair and eyes attractive.

Ummmm, dude?

The people who post here are the LOSERS of society.

LOL @ you thinking the men here have a choice with women. Fuckin' losers come here. Also lots of the posters here are spics or other brown pieces of shit pretending to be white.

In that picture you can't tell but there are some others where you can see he nigger blood. She's hot as fuck though anyway. It would be hard for me to say no, but ultimately I probably would try my best to not knock her up but fuck her endlessly.

isn't she hispanic

>user, I know I have 100% Mongoloid blood, but please impregnate me and raise my child

Would you?

Attached: 1509326849927.jpg (1080x1297, 327K)

Sound like you've got some African ancestry too

Fuck off faggot.

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VJuice doesn't have African, she has half hispanic.

and you think that difference matters?

>brown nipples
nah son

Yeah but Jow Forums told me East Asians are literally honorary Aryans, so it's not racemixing you dumb fucking nigger

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Sorry you’re not Asian

Go find a ginger prince you sheboon

>always be tainted
This is gonna be unpopular, but I think if you get 80 or maybe 85% white than you get in the ethnostate.

It's a very cute Jap, but no.

yes why not

>Will I curse my child with a nigger bloodline?
No, and you're cruel if you do.

yeah, it does.. mixes can be bad but the worst of them is anything mixed with nigger.

Half White Half Hispanic, Half White Half Arab, and Half White Half Indian often times results in girls that look like Vjuice, where they have White facial features but just darker coloring. It can be very pretty. Half white half Asian and Half white Half Native American usually results in stronger asiatic facial feature, and half white half nigger or abbo results in basically a nigger with slightly lighter skin, ugly fucking things.

>not wanting to run over every bump on her nipples with your tongue