I always wondered - what is the chance to reply a blackman on /pol? How many them among our fellow Americans?
How many niggaz here?
Other urls found in this thread:
Team chocolate here
Jow Forums needs more diversity
i identity as a nigga, transracial masterrace checking in n shit yo
Honorary here
I'm 50% African, so would I count?
>muts always with their percents
and they wonder why we make fun of them.
Is a mongrel not a mutt
2nd /3rd Generation Nigerian, this board is pretty comfy.
unironically whiter than you
Straight from the suburbs of Chicago here. Gen X.
Nirvana, Coltrane, Mystikal, Bad Boy Bill, Aphex Twin, Sigur Ros, Juliana Hatfield, Jill Scott, Jeff Buckley
Laugh at all the larpers. Laugh at jew haters. Laugh at zionist. Love Alex Jones, but only when he's not interviewing a guest. Watched every William Cooper doc, even the 10 hour long ones. Probably watched close to 400 documentaries on NWO and all its many facets.
Voted for Trump because FUCK LIBERALS.
Ron Paul Constitutionalist at heart.
And A Clockwork Orange is the greatest movie ever made, with The Breakfast Club a close second.
Just look for blue flag with stars and red stripes, sure way to spot them
>Laugh at zionist
Don't you know how to talk that's a plural AND a retarded statement
>a wild civic nationalist liberalist appears
says france.........the nigger import capital of the world
Do you knows who our last 3 presidents have been?
i am a american who happens to be black i dont identify with niggers i have a job well educated and dont fucking blame white people for all the ills in the world fuck nigs and bring on the 4th reich
Every American is non-white.
I can't speak nigerian
Holy shit the memes write themselves >that
I don't live on the coast, there is no nigger blood or spic blood in me.
>No niggas here boss
>Every American is non-white
niga here
try the Injun threads. Full of niggers tonight.
The American is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a racist, rapist, nazi, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But reveal his genetics and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back and screams: "Whiter than you, mohammad."
Dios mio...
We all niggers here, nigga.
Every Jow Forums IRL meetup is 100% niggers
>not posting the updated version
What is the objective? This is going to be controversial, but the objective, is to achieve the objective of race mixing.
The challenge of race mixing that faces us in the XXIst century.
It is the last chance, if this republican voluntarism did not work, the republic would then have to use even more restraining methods.
t the president of France
terribly framed.
Ah-ah le funny internet man oxoxoxo
I'm 25% black but still whiter than you mohammad
When you reply to an American, toss a coin. Heads means it's a black user, tails means it's el goblino. If it lands on its edge it's an actual white.
We are killing and imprisoning them as fast as we can.
Jungle bunnies breed like rabbits.
One too many.
Paris is more BLACKED than Chicago, Atlanta and NYC.
Even in Detroit you have areas where no negroid can be found.
We need to lure them out.
Post things they like....
Here niggah niggah niggah come out and post
Well I say I say hello there massa
You'll only attract more la creaturas...
When I reply to a Finn, I flip a coin. It's just for fun though, you're 100% steppe nigger.
I would be shocked if any real black person cozied up to this one. Stephen sold them all out. This dude in real life, would probably get beaten to death.
oh but here's a good scene youtube.com
wus poppin NIbBas?
Excellent taste there, mat-
>breakfast club
>Being this butthurt
You brit/pol/?
well I support that, but I've met some french people and only 1 of them was aryan, and he was autistic (but cool) most look like moor mutts.
oh and a couple of mudslime nigger fucks that say they are french and don't wear underwear and smell like ass, I only know this cause working in a tech field they would work on shit and they bent over while working on electronic equipment and had plummer ass
So many darkies on jerr you'd think this was a white nationalist board ... You thought wrong .
What are the odds of talking to a whitey is the better question.
Jow Forums is a white supremacist board for non-whites.
"We" Julio Tlacoxolal?
Pretty much...
Just remember all the blacked posters pretending to be black are lil white boys
>You know your women's sweet white pussy craves the BBC whiteboi.
I can't do it...
Cheick Kongo's a beast though.
Like 56% of Jow Forums is at least part black and most of those is part nigger, not based black
>Being white
>Unironically being a white supremacist
Kys faggot
this sucks
Protip: You don't have to be White to be Aryan.
Seems like we have lots of nigers around and no one is posting from an african country.
Unironically the most white nationalist guy on brit/pol/ is half ugandan...
I'm probably 0.1% African, does that count?
checking in
they were with us at the start...