how can any country compete
China town
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You can't, just give up already
Check out Indias recent stats, Pajeet.
do you even know where Hong Kong is mate
>we're best at not having access to contraception
>how can any country compete
By being far more wealthy.
Their population is going to crash. All chinks want boys because of the one child policy.
Largest standing army in the history of the planet
WTF, I'd expected that the guy was in desperate search for a bathroom, this is disappointing, sad!
how many of those people are literally useless though
you do know that protestants are heretics too right? which are basically all american christians, that's why they fled to america in the first place
nuclear arsenal NOW
all modern churches are heresy
which is why they discontinued it
protestantism isn't even a church, it's literal heresy, it goes against the one true church, it is quite literally a group of heretics
Is that why all Protestant nations are superior to catholic ones? Because some con artists in the Vatican aren’t running the show anymore?
>believing that population, let alone any statistic by itself, is enough to determine which country is best
k bud
It is, and the modern catholic church is ridiculously corrupt and we haven't had a real pope for a very long time. They're all shit, and they're all fake.
>muh shekels tho
you can figure the reason out kikepuppet heretic
>b-but everyone is shit anyways
I'm just saying don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house, aka shitpost about heretics when you are quite literally a heretic
yes omg, look at how bad Switzerland is doing compared to Namibia
Russia is so wrecked by this
I'm not a protestant though? I choose not to belong to any denomination and instead study theological and philosophical texts (Descartes, Augustine, etc) as well as the original of course to procure my own interpretations.
>>Their population is going to crash. All chinks want boys because of the one child policy.
Chinks changed the police you degenerate fat
Hong Kong is poo
damn, Ling Ling and Pajeet make me feel uncomfortable....
Hush hush vietcong baby, we will take care of you
Robots will help us compete... right?