So did Russians have a plan for a situation like this?
I can understand why they didn't counterattack, but what are they doing now? ARe they at least gonna bomb the shit out of some america-funded al-quaedas or something?
Not a Russia-boo, just asking. Surely they can't just leave Syria after this humiliation, can they?
No reason to counterattack the pathetic shitshow the otherday. Most were shot down
Dylan Brown
>Most were shot down None were shot down. Unfortunately Washington is right.
The videos are larps, Anti air missiles explode if they don't hit the target after some seconds and syria literally did not have any systems to shoot down rockets with. Their most recent AA system is Buk and it was produced in 1967.
Don't believe russian propaganda
Noah Phillips
S400 doesn’t work again America!!! Sorry Vlad.
Elijah James
You can't find your own asshole
Wyatt Morris
Russia is weak. Only thing they do is shill harder on Jow Forums
Jonathan Cox
Takes a Vlad to know one
Isaac Thomas
They are trying to wake US citizen by their inaction, to show who is real aggressor, it hardly comes through to normies who watch television programming, but it's something.
Their response would clearly end up starting nuclear war eventually, so you can see who is moderate in this situation, playing tit for tat, their position were not hit yet so no reaction as of yet, could be it's all arranged between Trump and Putin though. I still keep my hopes for Trump but he'll lose support if bombing continues.
John Torres
Russia doens't brag about how HUUUGGE their missiles are or what they are going to do.
They're being patient with that idiot Trump, but once you push them past a certain point, they'll let loose all Hell and the USA will be toast.