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In what way does she not have conservative beliefs should I not choose that one.

>has conservative views
>virginal traditional housewife
>get half asian half white waifu

this is clearly the best choice

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happa masterrace

Votes to bring in immigrants.
Doesn't want a free market.
Thinks socialist handouts to the poor are good.
BLM and MeToo hashtags constantly.
Has tattoos.

Stuff like that.

White and virgininal, traditional housewive. I don't give a shit about her beliefs, I'm in charge anyway.

White conservative thank you.

I'll cook my own dinner, just stop thinking about that "gay" guy you spent all that time with.

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This is bait. Conservative beliefs is completely unimportant if she's legit traditional. Essentially you're just wasting one on tradthots


Why do I care what my wife's beliefs are if she isn't allowed to express them?

this is obvious
means her political beliefs don't mean squat because she's a woman

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White and virginal.
Women always follow their partner's belief system. Your game is flawed and retarded

She's a product of her environment. Besides the tattoos she can be changed, women's "beliefs" are extremely malleable.

Erm she's anything but conservative irl, she's riding this niche thinking it's still a thing. Just like Milo who had his moments in 2015 but now is gone.


You've met her like twice? At least one of those times you both had a bit to drink? She's an intelligent woman at very least and that matters more to me than coming home to a hot meal.

Obviously the best choice

White and has conservative beliefs. I could give a shit about being "virginal" as that would hypocritical of myself not being one. Always go with someone who you share similar beliefs in and form a bond through that.

Tradthots are a legit thing nowadays though.

>not virginal, traditional or a housewife
>has conservative beliefs
in what way is she conservative exactly? she voted for Trump? lol wow so (((conservative)))

Kike delusions

Not him but also she could have been lefty in the past but is conservative now. That would still fit within the confines of this game if that were the case.

Usually the bottom two options come together or not at all.

>virginal traditional housewife

Then redpill the fuck out of her and you can have the three

Virgin/trad + white
Her political views don't matter. She'll be in the kitchen after all

Top and right are objectively best. I can live with a wife doesn't want to support Israel, truck in immigrants for cheap labour, and fret about satanic cults.

but according to the game she necessarily isn't traditional or a housewife, meaning her "conservatism" is actually just 1960's liberalism, which isn't remotely conservative unless you're a total faggot and have no standards.

I am sorry if I am not a fucking Amish but that is a bullshit standard to hold anyone to. What is more important is their beliefs and personality and how it revolves around your own.

I do not intend to accept standards that I do not apply to my own life. What I do accept however is the conclusions a person has made through their own life choices similar to mine.

you can always speak sense to your wife but you will never get her virginity back or make her white.

But there are only 2 options?

>traditional housewife

>hey hun, i'll need you stay home to babysit Timmy on Friday night while I hit the town with my girlfriends
>oh by the way childcare has gone up so I'll be working 5 days a week now, doubleshift on Wednesday, it'd be great if you had the house tidied and dinner ready when I get home each evening y'know
>Oh you wanna have sex? Have you cleaned the gutters yet? Maybe tomorrow
>Oh absolutely I agree immigration needs to be cut
>btw I'm gunna grab $50 to go shopping

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I hate conservatives, I'm a reactionary. I don't want a "housewife" either. I'll just pick white and save my other pick for "high IQ"

>is political
sorry but traditional women know that politics are the realm of men

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Do you have a misconception that everyone is somehow the fucking same virgin or not?

I know when I was a virgin the first person I was in a relationship to led to some horrible shit. Why would I be content with that for the rest of my life? I personally would rather have someone I could actually agree on then never had a dick inside her.

Also I don't know if you a virgin yourself but name a virgin you know that never had sex in high school or college? If it has never gone that far with them they are incredibly anti-social and on the same page as weebs as far as personality goes. But please name one in your life right now that isn't underaged?

I would also like to add a piece of advice while you are answering. The biggest red flag in a relationship(virgin or not). Is if the majority of her friends are guys are girls. I have learned from experience that the one with guys as her friends are not worth your time and will probably cheat on you but the later is more preferable.

>conservative views
Anyone who picks this is a retard beta cuck

You are right we should all pick a ugly, fat, feminist, jewish, ugly dyke who is a virgin and reads karl marx daily simply because she doesn't have here hymen broken because she wasn't appealing enough to do so.

Man I feel like such a beta cuck for not wanting my dick inside that thing.


>the only thing americans know how to do is take things out of context
Honestly now your retarded government makes sense
It's just the american mentality of being fucking stupid

>Has conservative blah blah
Beauty and faithfulness is all true love really needs from a waman

Beauty indicates she takes care of herself, faithfulness means she loves her man. Stop getting greedy you aspies