Discerning Truth

There seem to be a lot of young fags on Jow Forums. This is often a disadvantage for those genuinely interested in knowing the truth. If you find yourself on the receiving end of two conflicting stories from two different sources, ask yourself "who has an incentive to lie to me?" In the case of religion, your priest will tell you an assortment of lies designed to stroke your ego and soothe your fears and then he will pass around the collection plate. Your friendly neighbourhood atheist will instead offer you the truth. It will not comfort you or make you feel special, but it will be the truth. And he will give it to you for free.

Who has the incentive to lie to you?

tldr: your god's fake and your priest is a scammer

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Other urls found in this thread:


What is your conception of god, fedora tipper?

Which god?

JC is not the con, the megachurches are the con, read between the lines to get to the truth of what JC was talking about

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Let's see.
I was atheist.
I meditated.
During meditation I saw my spiritual true Self.
And after this, I merged with god in mystic extacy.

No money was asked of me. Nobody taught me a thing, yet I found god.

How will you tip your fedora now?

Can anyone explain why religiotards are so obsessed with hats? It’s very strange.

Fuckhead. Get bent.

OP Is definitely a teenager with no direction in life and no clue about what it is to be spiritual.

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Which god?

Damn you guys REALLY do everything in your power to discredit Jesus Christ.

No other political and/or spiritual figure have ever been as attacked and discredit.

Satanist call themselves "Anti-Christ". Thats why Jesus Christ is the answer.

Thanks for confirming for us that Jesus is lord.
Have a great day Shil..

The god that I found during meditation, he didn't give me a name, why do you ask?

amen brother, god bless you

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Receiving the truth for free has angered this user. Is he smart enough to wonder why?

My teenage years ended 32 years ago.

Jesus was a fictional character. I offer you this fact at no charge.

Thousands of gods have been fabricated. Did you fall for one of the pre-fab gods or did you fabricate a fresh new god?

It's not that simple.

Burn in Hell blasphemer. You're an idiot or a kike.

>Did you fall for one of the
I beg you pardon?

I meditated without any dogma and EXPERIENCED DIRECTLY union with the divine.

I haven't believed shit.


Then you learned nothing in your entire life. Typical atheist

>What i'm actually telling you guys, is that i am God. I mean, of course i'm not God... yet!!

Yes it is, Rector Minvader, but I understand why you are compelled to lie.

I don't usually lie about this subject.

Another “good” christian frothing with rage

It doesn't cost ANY money to believe in Jesus and follow in his footsteps. Disingenuous atheists do themselves no favours by lying.

All the hardcore shill against Jesus only confirms he is the one.

Again, Thank you!

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With which god?

>atheists have the truth
>when presented the necessity for God's existence for the universe's existence: "Science doesn't tell us everything"
>atheists have the truth
Imagine being this insecure

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le answering a question with a question when asked about a statement you made.jpeg

You don't appear to be contributing much to the thread. Try again.

Not really, that only proves that people don't like Jesus and Jesus's teachings and Jesus's followers.

No, no it doesn't.

KEK is definitely real, you should start there.

Sure it does. Even if you never set foot in a church, their tax-free status means that EVERYONE subsidises the church, thinkers and retards alike.

Which god?
You stated that the universe's existence requires a creator. By your own criterion, your favourite god also requires a creator. Who created your favourite god?

How about you focus on mainly criticizising a relevant and dangerous religion such as Islam instead of the religion of your own people? start by drawing a picture of the prophet Muhammed and showing it to a group of Muslims.

God is God.

Your question was rhetorical, as obviously I have no conception of that which does not exist. I asked the question to remind you that your favourite god is just one of thousands, and comes with the same amount of supporting evidence as all of the other gods that you know are fake. That amount is zero.

Are you retarded?

Of course, you don't understand what i mean by that and i'm not quite smart enough to put it into words either. Of course, you think you're being Jewed. You think a lot of things, one of them is that you're smarter than God. This is why they fucking kicked us out of Eden to begin with.

The Bible contains Jew kryptonite.

"The nation race of Israel recorded their acts of genocide in their holy books"

This one sentence absolves any gentile of accusation of religious bigotry, of racism, nationalism, even genocide against Jews. Which is why they shill against Christianity.

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>Who has the incentive to lie to you?

The atheist of course. If he is very successful at selling his lies, the sky is the limit, he can even join the ranks of great and terrible villains like Lenin and Mao, instead of stewing in his current petty evil and spite. If he doesn't succeed, he will still be patted on the back by kikes in media, to whom he is a useful idiot (at least as long as he doesn't attack Islam or something), and by people in power, whom atheism helps to justify their theft, lies and assorted perversions to themselves. If he is moderately successful in selling his lies, he may therefore get a cushy position, where he will get money and fame for waggling his tongue. In any case he risks absolutely nothing and is not required to place anything on the line.

Nah, you just weren't smart enough to understand what science can explain, and the concept of scientific PROGRESS.
Ex: we could just be a perturbation of the higg's field equivalent of another universe which doesn't have the same laws, permitting to exist without cause.

>oy vey i'm so fucking clever

It's hilarious to me, because i know you know.

>By your own criterion, your favourite god also requires a creator.
>He doesn't know about Uncaused Cause

Arguments from ignorance are not arguments.

All gods are fake. This thread applies to every god ever created.

You dodged the question again


Everyone has an incentive to lie, let's be honest.

Let me try that again...

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I'm not dodging the question, I told you I meditated and that I experienced Self Realization and you asked me "which god" so I have to ask of you the following.

Given that there seems to be a god of heaven and a god of hell, and that I don't know WHAT THE HELL OF A RELIGION THIS WAS IF THERE EVEN IS A BLOODY RELIGION FOR THIS, how do you expect me to know?

Thanks in advance.

>can't think, can't reason

Press "joo" button. Jews are just as retarded as any other godtard.

>follow the teachings of Jesus
>don’t care about the church
Wow look how hard that is.
Jesus should be treated like a philosopher rather than a religious icon tbqh.
You fags are even more annoying than hardline Christians

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What people do not realize is that Jews do not hate Christianity they hate the truth.
"The nation race of Israel recorded acts of invasion and genocide in their holy books"

No Jew can accuse any other race religion Nation or even perpetrators of genocide Of being worse than they are when you read their own history. hence the move to Jewish Secularism, ignoring their own texts as if their ignorance changes the past

>It's magic, I mean, parallel universes that can never ever be observed even theoretically, so I ain't gonna explain shit! But scientific PROGRESS, therefore you aren't free from the burden of proving existence of things that cannot be observed.

Atheists, ladies and gentlemen.

how does american churches wanting money discredit christianity as a whole?

No churches in europe go round asking for money

>He doesn't know about Uncaused Cause


e-except god coz he's all magic & shit

That's actually not true, you're one of this guys that dosen't really know what the fuck he's talking about yet thinks he's so fucking smart. I know your kind. Lurk moar.

>provides no evidence for his claim

Do you think i even care to convince you? i don't give a fuck. The truth is out there as they say, but since you're emotional not logical you probably won't find it.

Not an argument.

>Jews hate Jesus
>always believe the opposite of Jews

Most churches in the US have a volunteer preacher who generally works another full time job. The tithes help support the church and the community.
Some churches abuse it but to say that’s all of them is retarded.

Thousands of gods have been invented. Surely you are aware of this fact. Now, either you think you experienced one of the already-invented gods, or you think you experienced a brand new god. Once again: w-h-i-c-h god?

>always believe the opposite of Jews
>going to hell because you were obsessed with jews

I experienced a real God.

>you think you experience

No, I don't think I experienced.


I don't care that you are atheist, there isn't a law of the universe preventing you from being fucking wrong.

Fuck off


711 honorary poo.
Any way

What people do not realize is that Jews do not hate Christianity they hate the truth. consider the sentence:

"The nation race of Israel recorded acts of invasion and genocide in their holy books"

No Jew can accuse any other race religion Nation or even perpetrators of genocide Of being worse than they are when you read their own history. hence the move to Jewish Secularism, ignoring their own texts as if their ignorance erases the past.

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>You fags are even more annoying than hardline Christians
How many atheists have knocked on your door to spread the good news?

The Christian god you obtuse Aussie fuck
I hope an ibis crane rapes you in your sleep

And the fedora edgelord will tell you lies to inflate his ego. He is a loser, but if you think he is really smart you will buy his books. He will drag you down with him further away from God.

>your god's fake and your priest is a scammer

replace god with science and priest with scientist and youre right

I mean, you really aren't very woke, i was endowed at birth with the gift of awareness so i know that for a fact. You should listen to me. Maybe listen to some Art Bell, that type of mainstream stuff might get you interested in the subject of the paranormal/supernatural. It's all real dude. Makes life more interesting if you ask me.

Another thing you could do is indulge in some sexual degeneracy and go down the rabbit hole with that (don't really reccomend it, but it's a path). Another one is the occult (i really don't reccomend that one). You could also do psychedelic drugs, which even though it tends to attract entities it isn't so dangerous if you know what you're doing. Good luck.


You just cursed God's only Son.

Enjoy never having children and everything good in your life coming to ruin.

Get Fucked.

Haven't been to church in years but smart enough to remember the suffering I encurred from disrespecting the one most high in whom I trust.

Pictures Related you in the future.

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Praise Jezus Chrystus, Lord of Universe

Still dodging the question. kek. The "which god?" question never fails to blast asses.

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Good good goyim.

>religious talking about burden of proof
>religious talking about magic
>religious talking about something that can't be observerved
At least that's something we have a start of proof on, and actual reasearch behind it.

Or i could just
>It's magic, I mean, a space fairy that can never ever be observed even theoretically, so I ain't gonna explain shit! But muh HOLY BOOK, therefore you aren't free from the burden of proving existence of things that cannot be observed.

Religious, ladies and gentlemen.

>I'm asking an irrelevant question

Why are you babbling about joos? How is that relevant to my thread?

>caricature of a Jew showering himself with money
Bold atheism? That picture looks like bold antisemitism to me. I've reported this to the Australian Federal Police

>Waaaaaah Daddy made me go to Sunday School!: The Post
Grow up, you fucking zero.

Not the user of whom I asked the question. Nevertheless, your god is just as fake as all of the thousands of other gods that you know are fake.

What good news? lmao.

>hats, loser, edgy, zzzzzzzzz

Not an original thought in sight. *sigh*

Which god?

What happens if you're wrong?

>Posts picture of Jesus.
> Uses terminology of priesthood.
Lol man what does anything bout this hab to do with juice.

Athiests aren't "speaking truth" for free either. They need someone to stroke their egos and feed their intellectual superiority complex. Neither are good but at least the preist passes the plate out in the open and lets you know what he is about and gives you a choice to walk out the door and not accept the exchange. If you walk out the door on an atheist he just follows you and harasses and belittles you for making your own choice instead of blindly following his hateful reasoning, which is obviously superior to anything you could conceive of yourself. This is what makes atheists particularly deplorable. They are the feminist vegans of religion.

Chronically underrated

I've insulted Jesus many times and nothing happened. He's probably above it.

Raging and hating for jesus, the post. kek.

What research have you conducted to know you aren't wrong?

Retard, ladies and gentlemen.

You forgot to mention hats, virgins, basements and tendies. Lern to god, cunt.

What the fuck leaf, stop being a snitch.

Snitches get stitches.

>I've reported this to the Australian Federal Police

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Patience has to run out at somepoint faggot

fuck off chink

go back to your shithole ahmed