Adam Conover opinions

What does Jow Forums think of this douche?

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I dont

You don't what?

Alan is the man

The manifestation of collectivized leftist cherry picked opinion. Throws in some politically charged banter and you have yourself a generation defining good goy program.

There is absolutely no way he isn't aware of how severely hes misleading people.

Peak soy for good goys

>What do you think of this douche?
I think he's a douche.

Think of him you dense mother fucker

>Sources from Salon and Kotaku
>Literally frames arguments in absence of other facts and factors
>Project self as "objective truth seeker non-partisan intellectual"
>Is literally just a smug asshole from College Humor who actually doesn't know anything he is talking about, and admits he just goes with what his "research team" gives him

>"Undocumented immigrants aren't illegal, just not legal yet."

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Lies by omission.

His piece on illegal immigration for example.
He stated that most people here illegally are those who stayed after their visas expired- so a border wall wouldn't help.

He neglects to say that people with visas were vetted and had approval to visit, compared to random criminals who come across the border unchallenged.

I tolerated him until he started shit-talking JFK
He's a fucking faggot who deserves death

He is the perfect leftist deceiver, fitting every aspect of the archetype to a tee.

>Data wonk glasses
>Twitter 'provocateur' personality

Since the Podesta emails came out (many people's first encounters with the irl ops of Illuminati types), the mandate has been to laugh down at anyone that has a differing opinions. That's the essential goal of this show; maybe they'll do one episode on geology or some stupid name brand urban legend, but most are programmatic debunkings of CIA and leftist wrongdoers.

You'll notice now how any serious claim outside the narrative is met with silent laughter from leftists. Its a virtue signal essentially saying they are too smart to deal with a "baddie" and must shame their opponent with derision. But its funny because now people are breaking the mould and normies are actually starting to make level opinions about some of these controversial opinions. So expect wave after wave of these douche debunked until America gets FRAZZLED.

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Physical incarnation of modern smug liberals talking down to the unwashed masses.

hes a commie no question

An okay show hosted by a tremendous fag. I honestly don't know why they need to present that show with the cucked narrative. The information is cool enough that it can be presented without his faggot ass.


>"Haha so ACKTUALLY you may like your white neighborhood but one time this guy who lived there called someone a nigger suburbs are too white goy"
Fuck him

If you research ANY subject he talks about, you'll he cherrypicks a few sources that go against field-relevant academic consensus on any particular issue. Challenging academic narratives is something society needs to do obviously, but he manages to ruin even that. His sources are almost always flimsy and fall apart under the slightest bit of scrutiny. Fortunately for him, he has a platform and can't be challenged on any subject.

End result? Normies in the reddit IQ-range (110-125) walk away feeling smug and "enlightened" after having absorbed absolute garbage.

Too much soy

Most of his school teachers and community members were Jews, so it's not surprising.

He’s profiting off neurotic resentful people who need media that continually fuels and reinforces their cynicism. It is for unhappy people and it makes their lives worse.

He made a red pilled video about circumcision in the USA but aside from that the guy is just full of shit

Liked it when it was Penn and teller bullshit

Judging by that egotistical face, he’s a propped up puppet charged with one-line quips designed to be conversational “gotchas,” for leftist mental illness.

That was the heterosexual version

Just like all the other "informative" shows he couldn't just stick with telling people why sunglasses are a scam and how internships are defrauding people

Basically Penn and Teller for millennials

Really? My memory is shifty about who it was, but it wants me to think I remember this haggardly Jewess who was his mom.

Anyway, I wouldn't put it past him to name circumcision given his transient platform and sense of humor.

Every once in a while you have to give an accurate episode just to maintain the illusion of credibility while you apply the propaganda onto the targeted issues

>the one who put forth the 1964 civil rights act
He was a fucking faggot who deserved death

He's a gay retard

My effeminate coworkers always share his shit on facekike. None of them have a deep voice or shot a gun outside of Caw Ub Dooty. I don't think of him ever.

I have no idea who he is, but he has one of those punch-able Seth Rogan faces.

I liked his video on the lack of evidence for racial equality.

which video

Hi I'm Adam, and today I'm going to ruin the Holocaust!

The fact is, the ovens made in the early 1900s weren't capable of processing that many bodies at once. Even if they were, the time to burn even 1 body can easily take up to a few hours to burn. Makes 6 million in a few years sound a bit farfetched. For almost a century Americans were brainwashed into believing a Jewish fable, but the fact is, it just didn't happen!

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Soy boy faggot that deserves the rope.

He's the living embodiment of ACKSHULLAY.jpg

A better option is planting an axe in the middle of his face

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peak soybug

JFK actually wanted to test how Tax cuts would work for improving the economy and getting more people employed to calm racial tensions before taking the civil rights route. He believed economy prosperity would iron out racial differences with everyone living together in wealth instead of mandating constitutional changes.

He definitely had civil rights on the table, but he wanted to take more logical and economic route first. Unfortunately Democratic congress fucked him on ever getting the tax cuts passed until right after his death.

Then all the money gained by the Kennedy tax cuts were used to fund civil rights, affirmative action, the welfare state, and removing physical poverty in the entire country. It also had every single democrat sweeping under the rung HOW they funded this, which was lower taxes on the rich and corporations.

JFK was based and truly wanted America to be peaceful and happy and commie free like his father.

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I tolerated him until he said God was a woman

he had exactly one good video. I assumed he was different because this was the only one I'd ever seen. I guess they got to him for this one though

Checked and based. JFK was the last breath of the party Jackson started

Who? He looks like any smug liberal faggot

>he blames christianity

Still waiting for Adam Ruins the Holocaust and Adam Ruins Communism.

he's right shitlord

saw his alpha/beta vid and was convinced. Jow Forums is retarded for believing in that r9k pseudo science soy shit. same for 'chad' memes. total faggot shit

Doctrinaire liberal cuck

what the fuck is that hairline lmao

Left winger who spreads bullshit.

>they're just not legal yet

He never talks about how Mexico had more people die violently than Syria. So his method is to never, ever provide any evidence contrary to the soy propaganda he's spouting. He always lies by omission and never acts in good faith in any capacity.

He doesn't teach anything and just reinforces the arrogant leftist mindset. His counterpart would be someone like Rush Limbaugh in the cuckservative sphere.

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I've watched a few episodes and I think he should just be ignored. If anyone is swayed by his arguments they are a lost cause.

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a jew

I don't remember. It was a few months ago. He went into how liberals are 100% certain that the races are equal, and they get angry at anyone who questions their believe, and yet they have no evidence to support it. He was basically saying it's like a religion, where you have complete belief based on faith but not evidence. I thought that was a really good point.

Started out decent. Dog breeds, circumcision & such.

As he went on he really started reaching with historical revisionism that amounts to "you were taught X but this other source says Y" to keep pumping out content. And eventually he started pumping out blatant leftist propaganda with it and the misconceptions started becoming straw-men positions of deep south caricatures.

I just had a cool thought. We need to fund a show called Adalwine Ruins Everything. Episode 1 could be the Holocaust.

>Mexico had more people die violently than Syria.
How did it fucking happened?
Syria at war with fucking ZOGmerica and Kikeland, what type of war is going on Mexico?


>Watch herpes video
>He says herpes is fine and most of the world has it
>Doesn't differentiate between strains of herpes
>This made public television
The guy has interns half-assing research and """"exposing"""" and ""telling the truth"". He's a dangerous clown.

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I grew up a couple of houses down from him and went to school with him. Odd kid who didn't fit in. Very soy boy.

Drug war. The Cartels fight the government and each other and both of them are intertwined.

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until he says that teachers should tell kids that masturbation is okay, and that herpes is normal

Why is Yuru Camp so comfy?

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Camping and cooking outdoors is ultramax comfy.
Though, their food is really plush for camping.

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JFK was a fucking syphilis infected faggot that deserved what he got and the entire kennedy clan needs to be wiped out

source on pic?

Extreme soy, his comedy is on the level of the Mr. Peabody and Sherman show.

Sold out shill.

oy vey

This asshole? I think he is one of the reasons why my brother is slowly getting more leftist views. He served in the military, and has voted republican his entire life. Not the most red pilled person, but definitely was never blue pill brainwashed. Now he spends a lot of free time watching these garbage youtube videos. Adam ruins everything, that adam savage guy from mythbusters, and all these top 10 videos. He's also escaped in the world of comic books. Our world seems to be crumbling slowly around us, but its okay. We have soy boy videos with the "real facts", and comic books. This reminds me of a lot of conservative types I know. The leftists in my family say low-key racist shit all the time, but still voted for Hillary. Sometimes you have to wonder if people at their core know at least a bit of what is going on, but want to pretend it isn't happening. You can plant red seeds in them, but will they ever grow?

He's a retarded mouthpiece whose sole purpose is to solidify leftist bullshit in a snarky tone. Dumb kids watch him, he confirms the bullshit that's pumped into their heads by the mainstream media and public education, and those simpletons go on to post shit like SHE WON BY THREE MILLION IT WAS HER TURN

They're literally just loose terms for sexual aggression/passivity. What on earth are you talking about.

He's a soyboy, but really actually do appreciate that some of his videos are favorable towards laissez-faire economics

I also really like how he made a video which showed big game hunting in a favorable light.

Gotta give the devil his due.

It's propaganda that doesn't tell you it's propaganda and unless you've trained your mind to recognize propaganda you accept it.

Some people will never get it, but if you can convince your brother that these people are just trying to control his opinion by not showing him everything you can start him on a path to a redpill.

But if he's totally committed to living in a fantasy land there isn't a lot you can do.

Also let's not forget he mad a vid that's anti-circumcision.

Well in order for government to get rid of those pesky amendments from constitution new generations of kids needs to be brainwashed to relief their rights, so next stage social engineering can come into place, country flooded with immigrants so totalitaristic technocracy can slowly be set in place.

Communism/cultural marxism for the masses, free market capitalism for monopolistic international corporations = Fascism.

Man, burn those stupid comic books. Shit is for kids.


When you're wrong, using false statistics, to propagate an ideological agenda. But somehow people use you as a source... Tf have we come to....

Why would ANYONE need a GUN? I mean, COME ON the government and police will protect you!

The fuck are you babbling about?

I'm with Ambrose Bierce on this one.

He's talking about how it's psychological conditioning. They're training people to mentally associate conservative views with derision without ever thinking about them.

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I saw that episode.
Dangerous is a good term for him.
He's a public health risk.

This has to be worst thing I've ever seen

you deserve cancer if you like kennedy


Are you serious? Mexico has been in a narco civil war since long before the Syria. Get off this board and read a book, you child.

He shows the bias toward the argument he wants to believe by using a low standard for anything that supports it and requiring a high standard for anything that refutes it (if he mentions it at all). It's like Politifact: The TV Show.

Another puppet show of the (((Elites))), à la John Oliver.

>believing the media made up narrative of "Camelot"
Wow. Kennedy was a weak ineffectual leader who wasn't going to be reelected.

I dislike his blatant misinformstion. I dont get how a nigga can be so wrong so often. Hasnt been correct sense his video on dog breeding

I remember first seeing him talked about on /v/ in reference to his "girls play video games too!" video and saying since women make up half the gaming market when you count phone apps people should make games targeting women on home consoles, without realizing that theres a difference between playing flappy bird on your phone while riding on a bus than sitting down at your computer for 30 hours trying to forge an empire.

The next and last video I saw was his contradictory statements in regards to the electoral college. Just another wackjob liberal mouthpiece.

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You can't blame him. He's just collecting money. Blame the writers

I watched one episode when it was still on YT, after my daughter told me about it.
We watched an episode about death and the industry behind it and it was basically shilling for dollars.
One episode was enough for me

so he like Trump?