Hey Syria, sorry that Trump attacked you for no reason whatsoever. Here's the map to attack back. Only the REDs...

Hey Syria, sorry that Trump attacked you for no reason whatsoever. Here's the map to attack back. Only the REDs. Blue is no attack zones.

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If Hillary were president we would've already invaded Syria

Get a life this ain't funny or good trolling


>destroying Atlanta and Louisiana
Yes throw all your missiles this way

Proof democrats are fine with people gassing their own people and only republican areas getting hit in a way.

kek fucking benedict arnold, why not include your own state

This isn't even the correct electoral map are you that retarded? And both parties were in support of the two attacks on syria. Both can go to hell

Is this a joke or something? Some kind of gay-ass leftist attempt at a meme?

The blue states are the only ones cucked enough to fall for the lies from the Kike state of Israel that are leading us into war.

The only people who are "woke" enough to question the official narrative and call these gas attacks out out as the obvious FALSE FLAG that they actually are are the red states!!!

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>nigger speak

I guess you're from Oklahoma?

Why the fuck is Oklahoma blue?

We're the fucking shittiest state in the union. In 2016 Oklahoma was declared for Trump before the polls even closed. Our teacher walkout ended with teachers getting less than they had when the walkout started. We have more square feet of potholes per square mile than we have actual roads.

Things we are shit at:
>Electing competent officials
>Lethal injections
>Funding education
>Not sending total retards to Washington that hold up snowballs as an argument against climate change

Things we are good at:
>Sucking oil dick
>Shooting each other
>Causing earthquakes
>Being obese

We 100% deserve to be nuked over and over and over again.

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We have Obama to thank for laying the foundation for this kind of separatist thinking

Fire crotch

>democrats pretending shillary wouldnt have started bombing syria 2 or 3 weeks after she was elected

top kek

That's not the right map

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Because Hillary was such a dove, wasn't she?

In your fucking mind maybe. But that doesn't matter, because she is not president, she's just some sad old cunt trying to hawk her dumb book. The orange corporate whore retard needs to turn his campaign lies into truths and stay the fuck away from Syria. Infrastructure, not giving tax money to pork barrel military-industry complex cronies. Just like Bush and Obama, sad!

lol dems are ecstatic we attacked Syria. They actually believe the evil Assad narrative. Go on reddit right now and I'll be you'll see all those antiTrump subs actually shilling for him over this issue

Biggest pussy on the planet lol

Especially when one of her campaign promises was enforceing a no-fly zone in Syria on day one.

Which would have meant attempting to shoot down Russian fighters.

Waaay outdated map.
In any case...Hey Syria!! Hillary and Obama armed your terrorist rebels & Al Qaeda, running guns through Benghazi, and armed ISIS.
Both are Democrats. All the blue you see on the political maps are Democrats.
Bomb away.

>attacks the blackest part of America
Fine with me

Is that why Democrats are praising the attack more than Republicans right now?