You hate the Jews because you ain't em. You are just jealous of their success.
The Jews are the most successful group in human history. 3000 years of history and consciousness as a people, the most Nobel prizes, the most successful financial businesses, and creators of the most successful religion in history. If I was a petty loser like you lot, I'd be jealous of the Jews too, but I'm not. Instead I am grateful for the existence of the Jews and their achievements, which have made the world a better place for all of us.
You hate the Jews because you ain't em. You are just jealous of their success
Cool story. You're gonna lose.
The Jews are so competent, creative, and gifted that by the 19th century, the gentile elite all over Europe began to realise that they can't keep keeping the Jews down. The Jews were just that good, so good that the gentile elite decided to let Jews into the halls of power.
Jews also have the highest IQ, 1 standard deviation above the mean.
You reek of jealousy.
they so ugly no one wants to be em they literally give me the heebie jeebies and yes that term was coined to explain the disgust one felt in a room full of jewbs
>j-j-jews are ugly!!! So there!
Uhm, no.
you sound like every delusional jew ever
Now that some of the stars of Seinfeld have come out as flaming liberals, I can no longer watch the reruns. Fuck them all.
yeah, yeah they are.
Jews have nothing going for them, Nobel peace prizes are literally handed out by Jews. Obama got one for literally doing nothing.
Everything Jews have achieved Europeans have done more than them.
The fact that they even exist is because Europeans protect them from Muslims, the fact they even have Israel is because Europeans gave it to them.
It's literally a matter of time before Europeans start acting collectively like Jews are, and then it's basically fucking over for you.
This time you won't have the soviets to fight for you.
Prove it.
Except jews have the most Nobel prizes in the sciences per capita, dummy. Is your post ignorance or a wilful misdirection to make your fragile ego feel better? Hmm.
But I like Seinfeld because he hates other Jews
they hate jews because they need boogieman to blame their own failures
You sound like a loser antisemite that wanks off to Hitler. Also, I'm not Jewish.
>The Jews are so competent, creative, and gifted that by the 19th century, the gentile elite all over Europe began to realise that they can't keep keeping the Jews down. The Jews were just that good, so good that the gentile elite decided to let Jews into the halls of power.
>Jews also have the highest IQ, 1 standard deviation above the mean.
>You reek of jealousy.
and yet they relentlessly cling to europeans and oppose anyone that doesn't want them.
hmm, who is the real dependent here?
Post Khazar-milkers, Jewess feet and hot shebrews in general.
Good! good! unleash your Jew! do it!
Jews have indeed high cognitive intelligence (but poor emotional intelligence) but most of their success is related to the fact that they network, the whole religion is also a gigantic traffic of influence.
K.K.Kramer wasn't Jewish and he made the show jointly with George who was half Italiano.
Funny show, ultra elite Hebrew banking Jews are different than basic Jews.
It's not that I hate people. It's not that I have a problem with someone of a different religion or ethnicity than my own. My problem is that there is one particular ethno-religious group that while comparatively tiny is also at the center of so much chaos and discord whereever they are.
You misspelled "nepotist parasites", OP
What on earth are you talking about you nazi loonie.
>they're only so successful because they're bad!
Typical jealous hater.
Jews are more doomed than whites, though.
Currently speaking, the Jews are needing less and hated more than anyone on the planet. They've yet to prove they can run a self sustaining society, as Isreal is completely dependent on aid, as well as those weird Jewish enclaves in western countries. So one can conclude that Jews are parasites and helpess without a host.
White people are in a better position than Jews to save their race.
Israel only needs aid because it's surrounded by hostile countries. And that is primarily military aid.
Other countries manage. Isreal is just weak and full of non-ashkenazis because the Ashkenazi are arrogant and greedy to a fault and thought they could pull it off. But now they've overplayed their hand, too too much land, took in too much cheap labor, drank too much of their own koolaid. Isreal is doomed no matter what happens now.
>says foaming at the mouth anti-semite for 3000th year
You've drank too much of the jew hate koolaid.
You know who else has survived for over three thousand years? Literally everyone on earth.
If success is measured by the number of times you get caught and thrown out of host nations for your crimes....Olympic level for contempt immortality non ethical business and selling vice.
>You are just jealous of their success
They only have success because they hire their own people
>calls any criticism of jews anti-Semitism
Whites have a right to serve their own selfinterests as a group too.