
Pic related is the first romanian coin that was issued. Notice the date on it? 1867.

This means you didn't even have a proper nation state until 1867.

What a huge fucking failure you are
Another fun fact: The coin was minted in Heaton, England. You didn't even have the proper equipment to mint your own coins

Attached: g2036.jpg (332x330, 128K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Only a Jew would judge a nation by its shekels.

fuck off mutt, your whole county is a jewish slave so you better fuck off with your 250 year history


Attached: 1468777539477.jpg (1256x1480, 1.11M)

why are you so angry today? Life is beautiful.

>when gypsies start shouting "WE WUZ ROMANZ AN SHIET"

Attached: 1469444688767.png (322x268, 6K)

Gib back Budapest, legitimate Romanian clay.

Attached: P1330878-BudapestFlag.jpg (1152x864, 187K)

>The coin was minted in Heaton, England.

It is common to mint coins and produce banknotes overseas.

>How iz we didn't have a nation state if we wuz Romanz an' shieeet
>Chezm8, bozgors XD

Attached: 1473283320177.png (1011x2239, 3.69M)

because romanians always start shit when they see my flag so I thought it's time to give back

yeah I know Stonehenge is also romanian clay. Actually, the moon is also romanian and so was Mozart

>and so WAS Mozart
Nice try, Mozart.

No Mozart was bulgarian totally different.

That's common sense.
Only a great civilization can build something like pic related

Attached: interwar-tower-building-central-bucharest.jpg (2448x3264, 3.39M)

pretty sad considering hungarians started minting their own coins 1000 years ago


can't be, turks can't into classical music

>pretty sad considering hungarians started minting their own coins 1000 years ago
Only after we stole the technology from the peaceful daco-romanians and turned them into gypsy-rat hybrids with our vile mongolmagic

Attached: romaniayes2.jpg (800x778, 424K)


not convinced. lacks the detail and complexity of western classical music.

I can understand you rushing in to defend bulgarians tho: Romanians are bulgarian expats according to non-romanian science

What's my skin type?


romanians = serbs with a fake identity created by vatican
even the worst of the brainlets know this by now

seems like im a brainlet then.
>created by vatican
why? what for? care to elaborate?

>nation states are predicated upon the ability to mint your own currency

stay small hungry

Attached: XBmwHQS.png (632x338, 8K)

it's just part of their divide&conquer on the orthodox
romanian language and nation are a modern invention
visit romanian villages, they basically speak serbian

Attached: romania is whiiteee.png (922x1024, 1.03M)

Romania has always been a backwater shithole. Basically the India of europe

>look, it's retarded

mutt education.

Just think for a moment about what you said. no really, just think for a moment you retard

Attached: fed.jpg (301x167, 10K)

They don't speak serbian wtf

Italy is organized and clean too.
Full with riches.

Italy became a shithole after you and Albanians came. Bring third world people, bring third world habits

Holy shit

Attached: 1442052242363.gif (400x240, 1.95M)

not an argument

>being this buttmad

Attached: hungary btfo!.png (912x764, 180K)

>be romania
>fend off ottoman roaches for hundreds of years
>protect faggot huns (hungarians)
>faggot huns backstab you and take Transylvania because they are little bitches
>get fucked by ottomans so all money used is now ottoman empire currency
>get fucked by commies because hungary is a pussy ass mongol shithole
>romania helps you fend off commies
>still complain like an autistic faggot

>India of europe
Gypsies actually are from india.
They were a nomadic tribe

What is my skin color?

Yeah Romania is a disgrace. It's Africa tier.

Attached: p4pb3573567[1].jpg (639x399, 77K)

>It's Africa tier.
It's on Very High in HDI and the fastest growing economy in Europe.
You're just retarded and clueless, thinking Internet memes and funny pictures define a country

dacian coins (cca 44-29 bc) King Koson

Attached: Screenshot_20180415-200336.jpg (978x561, 328K)

Dumb frogposter

Irrelevant to them since Jow Forumstards deny the history of every nation, according to them we're not descendants of Dacians and Dacians just vanished, didn't leave any descendants

Attached: dacian man.jpg (1600x1064, 217K)

pic related is a 1000 year old hungarian silver coin.

Now tell me, what nation can call itself a nation if it doesn't have it's own currenty before the victorian age?

you can't have a country without its own currency, unless it's a slave colony owned by an alpha country.

the fuck are you even talking about

Attached: Lancea_Regis_Adamovszky.jpg (1012x714, 100K)

Romanians truly are the niggers of Europe

>1000 year old
Not even that old lmao

nice try, that's a roman coin issued for one of their shithole colonies (romania)

post some real romanian coins from lets say 16th-17th century

>roman coin
It's a Dacian Koson, hunmutt

>Stonehenge is also romanian clay. Actually, the moon is also romanian and so was Mozart
This. Unironically.

romans conqured Dacia around 100 ac Mongo

Eastern Europe are states in a formal sense but not in a material sense

They exist on the map, they have people in expensive suits as public officers but they don't have anything beyond that

Poland, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria - we're all in the same situation. States in form but not in substance

nice math

Attached: dailyromanian.jpg (634x519, 136K)

>not careing about chings buying everything
>not careing about ahmeds and ogaabogas everywhere

you should go back


>Poles topped the league for violence
yeah that's your Slavshit best friend

Attached: KEK.jpg (499x499, 17K)

the entire JIDF is jacking off to OPs pic right now.

first of all, those are greek letters. the standing figures are romans in togas

second, the king who issued these coins is Thrakian (bulgarian)

these are thrakian coins found in Transylvania


you can't stop stealing

coin by Radu 1 (1377-1383)

Attached: Screenshot_20180415-201447.jpg (1063x554, 304K)

>HungAryans are not w-white!

Attached: cfacd72be1776.png (422x350, 36K)

>Thrakian is Bulgarian
The absolute state of hunmutt knowledge


Nice try, but the Vlach coin you linked was typically used aroud the whole of eastern europe including serbia, bulgaria and even ukraine.

ok, listen, my original question was about nation states: show me a coin that says "Romania" or "Kingdom of Romania" before 1867. Every single country had established their unique currency before 1867 except romanians

Let me fix this up for you:
>Be random voyvodships who became loyal vassals to the turks outside of Vlad who only did so because he wanted to save some cash
>Literally no achievements in science etc to be proud of
>Don't join WW1 right away, instead sell oil to all parties and then declare war on Austria-Hungary in order to steal lands you never had
>Be humiliated and lose to the worst german general there was during the war in a matter of weeks
>Sign a peace treaty becoming a vassal state
>Literally a DAY before the end of the war re-enter it and steal lands you have no claim to
>Ally with Hitler and be such a bitch to just give lands to a proper ally he had - Hungary
>Send troops to the eastern front who were generally considered by the Wehrmacht to be the worst ones
>When soviets get near go alongside of your tradition and switch camp, esentially becomming soviet puppet willinglly
>Do jack shit during commie era, not even one chimp out when all the other eastern block countries were trying to get independent
>During the Autumn of Nations be the only warsaw pact country to have a bloody revolution
>Join the EU, become the poorest country in it
>Ship out your people to the west where they are known as rapists and thieves
>Be known worldwide as gypsies
why live Radu?

are you retarded? thrakian territory was literally in todays bulgaria

>156 out of 1,1 million poles in the UK
>414 out of 310 thousand romanians in the UK

Thracian language has nothing to do with modern day Bulgarian, nor Bulgarians of today have any connection to Thracians

why do coins make you a "proper nation state"?

>Now tell me, what nation can call itself a nation if it doesn't have it's own currenty before the victorian age?

The United States

>you can't have a country without its own currency, unless it's a slave colony owned by an alpha country.

The entirety of the Euro zone would disagree with you

>the fuck are you even talking about

The United States owns all the countries in the world

doesn't matter, I was talking about a geographic perspective, thats why I said Bulgaria. namely: thrakian king, not romanian king

besides, don't tell me bulgarians are not the successors of thrakians. it's like saying romanians aren't the successors of the so-called dacians

>The United States owns all the countries in the world

not for long Jason, the petro-dollar will collapse soon

>The United States owns all the countries in the world
And Israel owns the United States.

the alpha country is germany and it's belgian cronies

Genetic studies showed Bulgarians are Turks, not even Slavic

Keep telling urself that

Feels good man.

Attached: coin-image-1_Srebrennik-Silver-Kievan_Rus_(980-1015)-jmHBwcI0o2UAAAEskEfD8Dxk.jpg (605x309, 31K)

you and I both know we could nuke the middle east off the face of the earth if we wanted to

>american education

based poland bro

Op should get something to eat, hes probably irratable because hes hungary.

Who knew losing some territory they were never even majority in could make them so upset

why are there so many americans rushing in to protect romanians. mutts of the world unite!

or is it perhaps because romania has become a US vassal state storage for anti-russian warheads and whatnot

But user, we all know Romania for Count Dracula and Vampires, Hungary is barely know for being Austria's bitch

you're the ones who are upset all the time. theres always a random romanian who starts foaming upon the sight of my flag in any random thread. you're the ones opening anti-hungarian threads and you're the ones butthurt about us 24/7.

who wants transylvania back? no one, would you take back Stacy who has been blacked by a group of feral niggers??


Attached: 1462628078770.png (1490x1023, 198K)

>why are there so many americans rushing in to protect romanians.
Ameribros are based, Jow Forumstards are just jealous of their great country and their GUNZ
>who wants transylvania back?
Some hunmutts actually want to take it but it's not gonna happen again


The mongoloid believes he's European.
There's nothing more satisfying than a delusional Hungarian providing my daily dose of keks.

just google hungarian inventions you illiterate fag

here's a few

Attached: 1481980635617.jpg (714x800, 473K)

Italy and Germany didn't become nation states until 1871.

What's your point?

>tfw nobody here defends hunmutts except their subhuman friend (poles)

Attached: ahahahahahah.jpg (224x224, 5K)

No more brother wars guize


>inveting hydrogen bomb that destroys places is a good thing
Lmao nice, hope one is used on Hungary one day

user if your inventions/achievements are not important enough to be famous, and require people to search on google for them, you have failed as a civilization


'sup toth