Filet -a- Face Video True or False?

Guys, An internet rumor is circulating about an alleged snuff film being posted on the dark web featuring Hillary & Huma raping and torturing a little girl. Allegedly it was on originally on Weiner's laptop. What say you /pol? Happening or Not?

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Other urls found in this thread:

SJW's will defend this

If you had all the power in the world, and you were to ordinary people what an ant is to an elephant, wouldn't you do this?


they are the globalists
Currently they can do anything they want

>wouldn't you rape and torture little kids?

NO mother fucker!

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>internet rumor
>Alleged x2
wow real strong evidence u got here. def habbnig

You don't understand power because you've never had it. It has its own intoxication. Go rent a hooker and destroy her - and you'll feel maybe 0.1x the power that people in Hillary Clinton's position feel everyday.

I rescue spiders from my room so that they go back to their people and regale them with tales of the mountain sized he-man who saved them.

All across the lands there are tribes of insects that worship me.

Kys spaghetti nigger

Yea, user, Admittedly sketchy evidence. Speculation & rumor but if anyone cane find out the truth, it would be the autists here at /pol.

does anyone have an archive or screencaps of the thread? People on cripple were saying that it was fake a while ago but the thread got 4040d

Supposedly the video is titled "Frazzle Drip"

No. It's titled ""

Is it a rap or a rape video? ....ummm nevermind, what's the fucking difference.

Fake and the reason is simple, i and 3 others are searching the web 24/7 for the alledged video of HRC and still to this day we did not find any video of HRC murdering a child.

Ok so its a rap video.

Thank you for the correction, user.

basic gestalt

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Excellent digits user, you must be speaking the trut.

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The difference is how you find it.

Even 8ch/pol/ had to delete their thread on this topic

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Ugh, yea. Thanks....

No you fucking sick dago, I would use my power to annihilate these people

Reminds me of Squidward Suicide


No you sick fuck

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>thinking you have a web crawler capable of finding it
I don't think you understand. Either it is shared with you...or it isn't.

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I know, the video names are Base64 btw.

false. I could never believe it til i see it. its 1000x more absurd than the Trump pee tape thing and thats the second most absurd thing I've ever heard.

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this. i have no opinion on whether or not these people are doing that pedo shit, but the truth is they have completely different brains from most ordinary people. the amount of ego and drive and motivation and ambition and intelligence required to get to positions of power like that is huge.

you have to have an extremely strong desire to control and dominate people. most people dont have this, or if they do, they dont have the ability to make it a reality.

basically their brains are different. and there is a history of pedophelia among the elites of empires (romans etc).

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Nope, Clinton's just regular corporate evil, not satanic mayhem evil.

Unless i see the tape for myself i call bullshit

Why would anyone spread this with their clear name attached?

Fuck you're an idiot.

Idk about that, but I know the recent OIG report and a 11/4/16 Erik Prince and Breitbart interview make some fucked up connections from Weiners laptop and Epstein Island.

Why wouod they film it though? I can believe they are into weirdo shit, but I dont believe they are dumb enough to film it... or at least not dumb enough to leave it on sone reckless retards laptop.

The video will not be leaked to the public, too much at stake for everyone involved.

I'd have to actually see solid proof of something like that. They are trash but even I have a higher opinion of them than to believe they are capable of something like that.

Also google the term pedovore, apparently Hillary and her clique only eat children, nothing else.

their lifespan is 3 seconds. you were forgotten about millennia ago unless they wrote about you on stone tablets.

Reported to Italian authorities

It was my thread, it got 404’d before I could archive it

That's why it was a question you fucking mong

If they decided to leak images as (proof) like they did, You would pick better ones


>It has its own intoxication
It does, but not being able to resist and control that intoxication means you are mentally weak and inferior. Its an addiction like anything else and consequently would prove that they can't handle the power they are addicted to. Pro tip: You're a psychotic user seek help.

What images?

anyone have archives of the original thread where this was """""allegedly""""" leaked

The adrenochrome part is what makes me think it's fake

Huh? Who?

of course not.

You know what the worst part of this whole thing is?.
Having to download a fucking movie off the dark web, shit takes ages

I saw that kid before in non-larping context.

When I rent a hooker I fuck her hard and slap her and pull her hair and stuff but never do I feel like fileting her face off.

You’ve got issues, bud.

Why they cut out their adrenaline glands all the time for adrenochrome

Adrenochrome rumours were around since Pizzagate began though

Not gonna lie, I would do some weird perverted fucked up shit but it would be with consenting adults.

to be released 9/11

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Check & agreed

THe weiner laptop evidence is dangled regularly - presumably a negotiating tactic.

The Youtubers who claim Hillary eats children. Ofcourse Google will hand their info over to the FBI once Hillary gets wind of it.

Reminder that alleged + alleged + alleged = truth.

You can look it up.

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It was supposed to come out in January

>ID: Snuf

>wouldn't you do this?
no, because then immortality will be lost to me

I know it seems like garbage disinfo. People that rich could simply synthesize a chemical, considering its not even a complex molecule

>you'll feel maybe 0.1x the power that people in Hillary Clinton's position feel everyday.
whats the point of feeling powerful when you're so inbred you're actually retarded?

i thought i was the only one...

It would already be all over Jow Forums

Oh, yea, the livestream...

What's the source of this?

>internet rumor
fucking dropped

op is a faggot

Possibly the substance isn't Adrenochrome after all, but something else that gets released when a human goes through unspeakable terror.
DMT comes to mind, although that would be easy to procure as well. Perhaps they're just evil bitches.

aka it's a fucking LARP you dumb faggot

>but never do I feel like fileting her face off.
you should try it sometime


Qanon-loving boomers are going wild right now

I would argue the real reason is still obscure to everyone

>delusional schizo boomers past their prime desperately grasp for anything to make their lives exciting again

I don't believe it for a moment.

I told you I did a thread on this months ago, and it was 404’d before I could archive it. I’ll see if I can find the source.

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Today five or so threads were deleted, which caused a streisand effect.

good, schizo bullshit belongs on stupid newfag

That lady on YouTube tagged above has confirmation. Ghost channel???

i love when off-topic autism gets deleted and you faggots screech "HURRRRR WER GETTIN CLOSE X-----------------------------------DDDDD" like the stupid retards you are

Wow they even took the time to add spooky post-processing effects to their video! I am a believer now!

if anything, rumours about her being spread all over the web is definitely a political topic.

Is this red pill or black pill?
Will I become like this if I had power?

Looks like some stupid illuminati larp. Probably some pathetic artist trying to push his PS work.