Is Fortnite the one true hope of uniting the human race? god i love this redpilled game

is Fortnite the one true hope of uniting the human race? god i love this redpilled game

Attached: fornite.jpg (1024x1024, 349K)

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it has the potential to bring us together in one giant in game dance party at salty springs

No it's a waste of time and shit just like any other modern game.

I can just imagine now all the roasties cosplaying fornite.

>nobody gives a shit about the 3 super diverse characters on the front cover basically putting all that design process to waste.

Only slightly redpilled if played on PC. Console is trash because its chock full of little niglets, spics, and white trash that play for free on their welfare recipient parents' Xboxes

Pubg is better.

>game literally rewards you for constructing and hiding in cuck sheds during firefights

>red pilled

Kek true


It has the woman front and center and theres a stupid nigger and another woman and the only white man is off in the back.

Sea of Thieves is even more redpilled.

You sail around, with drunk idiots playing the hurdy gurdy like a retard and barfing all over the place, with galleons all over the place destroying little sloop shiplets because they exist, and you steal their treasure without any consequence. And you get to kill a giant sea monster by random chance.

And it's a pirate game, where you befriend other pirates, skill skeletons, and then betray those idiots by blowing up their ship and murdering them when they have outlived their usefulness, all while the scream expletives into your headset. With absolutely no consequences whatsoever.

Attached: SeaOfThieves.jpg (1440x840, 140K)

its about surviving dipshit....the white race should be playing the fuck out of this game

games arent redpilled. go outside

>surviving in a cuckshed

>not dying in glorious battle so join Wotan in Valhalla

The man looks a little bit persian to me, not very white. And very cuck-ish too with that goatee and the purple hair.
I wish there was a "diversity meter" for videogames like there is a "kikemeter" for movies and shows.

This looks like another overwatch

Yea because walls can be materialized out of thin air and weapons are literally lying on the ground.

Great survival simulator

No, they should be playing pubg.

i think youre missing that the "other" woman is clearly a body positive model, and the guy in the back isnt white, hes an animu hapa

>haha think you're about to kill me? sorry i have 100 of each construction material that'll act as bullet sponges
Fuck this faggot ass game

Tho only redpilled game is crusader kings 2, ask jews for a loan, then expell the jews and take the money 10/10

Speaking of which.

Attached: Soynite.png (518x749, 443K)

Fortnite is proof that humanity is fucked

you casual cucks will never recognize a true skill based masterpieces like dota and cs

Don’t be retarded this game isn’t even Political

Also video games are probably one of the foremost contributing factors to the pussification and de-warrioring of the white race.

Enjoy your cuckshed simulator.

That's the battle royal game mode. The 4-player Co-op where you build forts while fighting off hordes of husks is the real game.

Attached: 1522215780501.jpg (600x737, 75K)

I thought emojis and "bae" did that.

It's too cold, you faggot.

>battle royale

The building aspect is retarded.
It's only popular because it has slightly better shooting mechanics than PUBG which runs like typical PCshart early access garbage.

agree with leaf

why is there a fat chick in the game? do you have a stamina penalty if u use her?

fuck video games I cant take it anymore why did i wastemylife on video games since i was 10 EReEreereeWRienrasjldhfbzjlsdf bnasdf asnbdf asd

holy shit this thread is getting slid so fast, shills are pissed.... literally a magnet for homos, queers and soylent sipping cucks who want to hate on fortnite

/pol would be the last place you'd hear about fortnite

soylent is pretty good

what's it with the comic graphics nowadays?

>keyboard spam
>no life on vidya
Are You My Friend?

Wtf is with this corporate shilling. Get off my board JEW!!!!!!


SJW women coders cant code for shit so they use easy shitty animation like those

i hope this thread and OP are ironic

this game is shit and i hate myself just for having it installed for my normie friends, which i hate


How about just hating on anything mainstream altogether? Cause I've seen enough mainstream shit to know it's always gonna be shit, once mainstream.

agreed with the canuck

Agreed, a Pirate’s life for me

You sound like a triggerd 12 year old faggot who has below average IQ, no social life and spends most if not all of his time playing Fortnite

grow up

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Shush, let the faggot call other faggots faggots. It'll make him feel cool.

all battle royale games currently out are trash and the only reason Fortnite is popular is because it's free. There will be a killer battle royale game one day but not today.

>Better shooting mechanics
>speaks like a so[n](y)gger

>is Fortnite the one true hope of uniting
yes , because business wise it will unite alot of jobs or psychiatrists

>There will be a killer battle royale game one day but not today.

lol. game industry is crashing right now. all you will see from now on are cash grabs and half-finished early access games

Gaaaaah. Don't remind me(and it ALREADY crashed, years ago). I still want the good companies to stay long. Well, Bioware is already out, and so is Creative assembly. Shit what else is there?

Fortnite isn't redpille-
>the white aryan character model is used most frequently for all skins
>circle cross in retail row
>teaches kids that the brazil servers are the worst and the japanese servers are the best

nigga by the time something mainstream makes it to the philipines its already retro

This game literally had to be sponsored into existence. It's not like what happened with Overwatch or DayZ. YouTubers were (((sponsored))) to play this game, and now you are playing it.

4cuck is dead.

aka not giving your money to the jew

this game is 100% redpilled

How do I stop playing this game? It's starting to get to the point where I'm shirking schoolwork to play. This is the only game I play at this point; I have no self control.

Simple. Just stop. And do something else. Sounds like you a kid with no other hobbies man.

I never control myself. I just overplay games so much until they become boring. Usually takes me 1-2 weeks until I stop caring.

no skin, no skills.

OP works at epic games jsyk

just play melee

Stop trying to shill your shitty cuck stream here Ninja. No one likes you and you probably smell like piss and shit. kys

What are you, 10?

nigga i got a free skin for setting up a twitch account then just deleted it right after...fuck these jews i have the rarest skin and it was free

>Have to buy skins otherwise random character which is usually either a female or a black dude.
Kek.. Sure..

I met some people through SoT that actually could've been from Jow Forums, wouldnt suprise me.

i just got done with an insane dancepart in the waiting room on fornite.... TOP KEK famalam

Counter-Strike 1.6 was the only red-pilled shooter ever.

>internet far from being mainstream
>most players age 20+
>you had to connect with others in clans/teamspeak to even be able to play matchmaking, no random shit
>literally everybody had a clan and a community, no loners had a chance, unless they want to be stuck playing public server
>no skins or anything like that
>people actually watched hltv and talked about the match in teamspeak instead of just lonely watching a streamer
>no youtube
>no streams

best gaming time of my life


This is the new Happy Wheels I guess, nothing else has been hyped this much - not even the two games that this one is blatantly ripping off.

A quality edit taking the piss out of the game here:

Nah, that's what Runescape is for

Attached: OSRS_3-609x400.png (609x400, 99K)

hey chances, get anymore beatings lately?

fuck pubg. I aint finna get chicken dinner I need to be the winner

kys, no seriously kys

Yes, it is.

This is bait


pubg lost and its dev is incompetant

ninja is doing more to protect the institution of marriage in the eyes of the youth than any of you

>video games arent redpilled
>what is MGS2/Day of Infamy/Deus Ex

bait is when i leave a a rocket launcher laying out in the open then put on the bush camo and lure in an unsuspecting looter on fortnite..god i love tricking those fuckers

pretty much this, radical heights is doing the exact same thing. Also you can tell the difference between the twitch streamer's opinion before getting paid and after. The game is shit

how did these games positively change your life?
lol. some people really believe red pill is just way of thinking without any connection to real life.
back in the days were actually red-pilled, when people in cs 1.6 constantly bullied for not having a real life. "basement dweller" was term daily used in the old day to bully others.

nowdays somehow people think playing vidya is in any way red-pilled. god damn what happened.

just fucking admit you are degenerate and stop being delusional

whiter than you mohammed

>skill based

not playing any new arena shooters

i want this guys fucking head on a pike

no bait is when i leave a shield potion underneat a trap

Or because it is made by Epic who actually makes decent games?

>A mediocre game that impressionable Gen-Exxers play because it's popular on YouTube

It's normie-core garbage

pubg master race reporting in

cheaper to make and more poor faggots can play

if the dev wasn't a chink loving faggot

literally this

savage my nigga

Not the user youre talking about but damned if you didnt get it down to almost perfection. Not 12, im 20