Now its fucking happening bro

'Half human, half animal’ 7ft beast leaves residents TERRIFIED after ‘savaging two dogs'

Bigfoot spotted in EUROPE? Fearless bloke chases ape-like figure through wilderness

Buckle up the chinstraps on your helmets autists, cause the seems of reality are becoming frayed.

Attached: Mysterious-creature-leaves-residents-terrified-after-savaging-two-dogs-696104.jpg (620x413, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wait a min, they made only the bottom half human...Fucking pervs.


Attached: Death-Stranding.jpg (1160x653, 207K)

Its a starving bear

image is clearly a still from a security camera watching the building entrance, it's a doctored image. Why take a still and not just do the full video.

canadians need to stop fucking their dogs NOW, else this shit will happen in the frozen wastes of Dogfuckia.

Attached: canadian-ethics.png (1064x722, 325K)

faggot op take this dumb shit out of here you shit eating CUNT

Wait a minute. Could it be?

Attached: downloadfile-20.jpg (960x540, 77K)

you are jealous nigger

i broke this story here

Attached: 1522091446069.gif (422x234, 2.88M)

se llama el lobizon

Attached: rex.jpg (264x191, 10K)

this 100% that is an emaciated bear

Some one violated the Masquerade.

Dios mio...

Attached: 1508814492473.png (232x198, 32K)

could be

Attached: skinny bear.png (1021x774, 1.61M)

No way
It would have been dead of starvation long before looking like that

Why are people so stupid?
Like other anons have said, that is a starving, severely sick bear that will probably die soon. Poor thing

I always hated when the thirst would force it on you and you'd have to go rampaging

It's the Hilldog!

too much effort to shoop


Attached: Nosferatu.jpg (350x325, 18K)

Looks like a starving grand danois.

It's a starving bear, it's gotta be. Look at pic related. They will look like that and are just sad and disturbing, and they'd eat fucking anything because of starvation caused by food sources moving away or being poached.
If it is an actual bear, then obviously its fur is shaved which is unusual

Attached: starving polar bear.jpg (775x518, 77K)

Fucking White Wolf faggots every time

It's la creatura

Nice Reddit explanation. This is an obvious shop.

Dig if let

Attached: 1522991413521.webm (640x616, 787K)

looks like a jew bear to me. pls someone add a kippa to this jewbear

Jow Forums is always wrong

Attached: 1523814926228.jpg (320x240, 20K)

The Daily star HAHAHA it always does wierd ufo and joke articles.

Attached: 1523815219796.jpg (728x500, 179K)

Yet another tragedy caused by EU's refugee policy.

We’ve arrived

Attached: 94AC355A-C546-48A5-B59E-57D9BCB8CF52.jpg (690x461, 146K)

>Its a starving bear

Most likely but how in the hell is that fucking thing still walking? It looks like a zombie.

My personal bet would be some kind of wasting disease, if it still has the energy to kill dogs to try to eat. Could be plenty of cancers of the digestive system or bile system, something preventing it from properly digesting what it eats.

But can I fug?

No its just the daily star they always do a front page meme


Forgot pic.

Attached: download (4).jpg (251x201, 5K)

Just a shoop. Disappointing.

it's a bear with rabies or something, people are retarded. When something gets diseases all the hair falls out making it look weird.


>Its a starving bear!!1!
>no its a demon gaiz!!!1

Gullible faggots get played so easily

now im dissapointet

Attached: 1f77243f0c84a2c47d9c50e33d8981b526aa57ca.png (550x309, 183K)

Holy shit a bald bear.

Checked and wrecked

I wonder how big his knot is 0w0

>Check /x/
>Same thread



Attached: 1523754448857.gif (240x320, 448K)

it is a bear with rabbies, just because it's fake doesn't make us wrong.

Everything was fine, /x/ was limited to its own board, until Dickless shut down our containment grid.

Attached: Containment Unit.jpg (792x1254, 813K)

Bigfoot is real though

This is actually how Pixar hires their artists. They are required to have made at least one image or video that was so realistic it went viral among UFO nutters.

Numeral don’t lie
It’s the man-bear-pig


Thanks for not wasting my time.


loool. Thats how you roll in NK and Venezuela.

Uhuh, now tell us about your personal relationship with an ancient, magic trick performing, Nordic looking, hippie Jew



why is it that this shit is always captured with shitty resolution potato cameras?


Damn Russia man is on Florida man level, I don’t want to fight someone so similar to me. Get smashed and chase Bigfoot through the woods, that’s good stuff right there.

i love MTG

>mfw jew bear
I love Jow Forums so much.

Attached: 1443035389004.jpg (388x500, 121K)

Heres another one: "Syria shot down the missiles".

Attached: Maram Susli @ Info Wars.png (1191x1829, 2.48M)

It has some type of disease obviously

Go home you low IQ mutt

>/nupol/ is always wrong
FTFY. Those faggots listen and believe.

Attached: nupol_truth.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

>killed a pitbull

>Jew bear

Attached: 1523719750352.png (655x653, 443K)

lol 4 people all posting the same shit at the same time
Fucking SHILLS

Look at the head. THis is no fucking emaciated bear. And then the rear of its body is wrong. Something else for sure.

This thing was harassing the village. Doubt a starving bear would do such a thing.

literally 5 shills pop up and start screaming

Fucking nigger shills
If we know one thing now folks. Its that this is something other than a bear.

El Americano...

Bears and other animals can get a disease called “mange” which causes the animal to lose some or all of it’s hair.

So it’s most likely a combination of mange and starvation that’s causing it to look like that.

When you think about it, it's even more ballsy on their part. You or I can grab the shotgun from our truck if we want to go chasing the skunk-ape, they likely had, at best, a baseball bat.


Attached: 567567.jpg (560x544, 27K)

This is fucking sad

Youre such a dumb ass retard its funny

Maybe its like Shadowrun as magic comes back into the world. Mystical creatures begin appearing.

Attached: 1518109886311.gif (250x251, 1.09M)

its a bear

Attached: xmfHu8E.jpg (1200x899, 107K)

Can't believe I just looked at those shitty fucking videos.

It's a blatant photoshop

Truely based and redpilled to actually believe footage of something even a person like me who takes demons and other otherwordly things as serious business can't see any truthfulness in all of these clickbait bullshit made for brainwashed "occult" rednecks.

Can't wait for the next big "happening" of (((them))).

Attached: 1522643683358.png (698x658, 78K)

If it was emaciated and had mange it would look like OP's pic.

¡qué horror!
la creatura y el monstruo son uno ahora....

Get the fuck back onto /x/ you scum.

Attached: fuck off sage 3.jpg (565x600, 161K)

fake as fuck

>German Flags attempting Spanish
Priceless *aussie accent*

But /x/ is for funposting only...
...also it's getting a little colder outside...

Attached: 1522774666514.png (736x736, 36K)

Professor Lupin!

Still, sage goes in every field.

Attached: Werewolf_WB_F3_WerewolfInForestIllustration_Illust_100615_Land.jpg (320x240, 17K)

t. jew
its bigfoot
stop trying to cover it up

W-What's wrong with that sentence exactly?

Attached: 1510551991705.gif (640x443, 3.88M)

Holy shit, I didn't even notice til I posted -- it' the exact same fucking image, just reversed.


Thought the same thing

ay caramba it got trough the cracks

Attached: Untitled.png (866x376, 453K)

Fuck's sake, even Bigfoot is immigrating here now.

>daily star

That newspaper is beyond a meme.

The name doesn't even make sense. There are no stars during the day.

can you slow it down

top kek and nice digits