Frazzledrip general /fdg/

Last 2 threads i was in was spammed into a shitshow and 3rd one got 404d, the more people try to silence this the more i start to believe its actually real. NYPD was even in one of the threads saying he saw the video that apparently traumatized most of those that saw it

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Other urls found in this thread:


ty user

bump because cia faggots keeping watch

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B is the only answer.

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Can I get the quick rundown on this frazzle dazzle? It sounds too funny to be anything serious.

Literally nothing
Not Jow Forums related
Sage and report all frazzled faggots

While this shits going on, keep track of other military updates too. But this seems like some fuggged up shit.

Quick rundown?

hillary and huma raped a little girl skinned her face took turns wearing it and consuming some drug i don't recall the name of and a video is on the dark web called frazzledrip purportedly. Jow Forums went down when this story was put up and cia shills are in overdrive + anything bread is molded /pruned asap. this is why they tried to start ww3 probably

oh look, another coordinated shill effort to further discredit the right

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bumping, lets get some reposts of the content we had in the last thread.

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If it were real it would be everywhere by now

Bumping for justice!

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Here's a short background story on it.

If the video doesn't exist then how come shills are so adamant about SHUTTING IT DOWN

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Oh snap... Tremendous if verified.
I'll worship any user who streams the video in every public space imaginable.
But internet rumors are just rumors at this point. I heard that Jow Forums went down due to a flag-bug that showed countless israli posters were behind the memeflags.
So I'll believe it when I see it. Otherwise this is just more poison in the well.

The victim was frazzled. HRC was fraying.

Am I evil for wanting absolutely everyone who ever voted for Hillary to be forced to watch this 'A Clockwork Orange' style?

Some chick did a stream about it, well sort of, she's trying to get confirmation it's real.

so why are they actively pruning it and why did Jow Forums go down when the story broke?


Jow Forums is being slid. currently 24 threads without a single reply and 53 with 5 or less replies. Something kicked the hornet's nest.

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Whoa what?! We talking about the hrc video? Is it really on dark web?

these threads are dropping like flies. I'm getting spooked.

they are getting pruned and happened to start right when Jow Forums was taken down plus cia slide shill faggots are in overdrive since it was first dropped

plus the timing of the near ww3 conflict was likely to keep Jow Forums away from talking about this

They are being taken down because this is X shit.


I believe these ppl are cannibals. Not sure if this pic is shooped but LDR is a freak for sure. She and HRC are besties.

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Good point, let's also keep our eyes out for any military happenings now that this is about to blow the fuck up.


fake until you give me a video. Thanks
And dont come up with excuses,if you say that if you put it up here and the thread would delet. Then show the archives where the video is,if the video was already posted before.
if not,then its another glorified LARP psyop.

T I C K. T O C K

Saw what? What's the thread even about?


It was a waste of time... I just got done watching. Im not a shill, go see for yourself. She acts like shes a tv hacker bitch that they always put in cop show. Lame.

also there is a qr code in the video with the bunny icon. I can get it to scan nor do I think that is nessicarily a good idea, thoughts?

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So far I haven't seen any pruning of this

I just mean if it were real thousands of people would repost it and spam it on Twitter,Facebook everywhere, they would have to shut down the whole internet to stop it from spreading

also the drug wasn't a drug is was the andrenochrome released into the girls blood as skinned her alive after raping her part of a high level masonic ritual called frazzledrip which is to wear down the soul then drip it out through the blood when you skin them alive

Thanks. Anyway, this can't be real, how the hell in todays age does a video like that not get passed around? Even if CIA/FBI shills were to shut it down, there will always be one who has seen enough and is pissed off about the world that he will try his best to pass it around.

What is s s that

i've seen two threads get pruned within 2 minutes of being created and they stopped pruning because people called them out about it

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>So far I haven't seen any pruning of this

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Implying if such a video existed it wouldnt be posted on Jow Forums nonstop
That is insane meme material even if it was fake. Don't be delusional, this video doesnt exist.

Interesting, see if you can get a better frame and scan it. It's probably nothing


it's out there and it's why they are trying to start ww3

lack of evidence is not evidence of lack give it time it will come to surface the truth always does

They've been right on things before. Does anyone else remember the threads where a person was testing samples for adrenochrome, speaking to pol about trucks they had caught, and sounded legit? Wonder if it was a nypd.

Here's the twitter hashtag feed:

Wow, "They" are really trying to hide this. What has Q said?

This, if there is no video then just let us talk like crazy people amongst ourselves there isnt any reason to try to deny something this outrageous... unless of course theres something out there

Pretty sure this is a operation by JIDF/leftypol/other hostile groups



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this is from a month ago, I didn't make it

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I am sure this is just viral marketing planned to get trannies to vote for Hillary.

If it was then it wouldnt be about their queen torturing children

>Jow Forums mods arent compromised

Bumping for gigantic if accurate plot twist.

something fishy here for sure. saw one or more threads about this with screenshots of video like an hour ago, got up from computer to make coffee and when i came back couldn't reach Jow Forums, and when i did there were all these obvious slide threads

Was whole Jow Forums down? I thought I had just gotten banned! Today is first time I could post in a couple of days. Kept getting this, pic related. Did that happen to everyone?

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Your fucking thread got 404'd because people posted Gore and Scat in it for fucks sake man. Theres still no proofs, pleas sHoW pRoOf now or stop sliding other threads you double nigger

In a sense, I could access 4ch but couldn't post (constant Connection Errors)

That's usually from if you're using free wifi/xfinity. Jow Forums had no posting or thread creation for hours the other day, the entire site was up but frozen in place.

This is fucking embarrassing, even by nu-Jow Forums standards. If the video doesn't get posted within an hour everyone shilling this fake garbage should be permabanned, or at least banned until some actual evidence comes to light.

It was down for 6 hours, the entire site just frozen then magically started working again. If the video did drop this is when it did and (((they))) used this time to try and scrub the video from the internet

Most people don’t know about the podesta video and that’s on YouTube

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What the fuck

>larp threads

Which one?

>b-ban anyone that talks about this p-please
Theres plenty of other threads you can post in why choose this one?

fuck off commie


That one is easier to dismiss because Podesta is never seen in it and everyone assumes it sounds like him.

>not posting the video
K youre a nigger

H redacted this

What a fucking idiot
Dude they delete threads they dont like and moderate the archives regularly
Youre a moron


Can confirm the entire site went down for around 3 hours on Friday

Who made you board admin Moshi?

FYI, don't download video(if you find it) unless you know exactly what you're doing. Many people saying you can get arrested for having it.

These are going to keep 404ing because we don't have any confirmation yet. The troll in me likes the hype and I do think there's something coming down the pike, but let's not give the MSM an easy win.

I'm a rural phone poster. No Wi-Fi here.
Yes! I saw that. I could still read just not post. Kept refreshing and same shit was in same place. I did notice that. I'm going to find Q post about Jow Forums going done. I remember that. Hang on.



It was more like 6

More like 8

there is something about this in the McCabe report

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>t. Newfag

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Yeah, shit was down, we fugeed over to 8ch, they made us our own board, lmfao. Then Jow Forums came back after some hours, it was a long time.

Also forgot to mention, that image and webm posting was disabled for a quite a while once Jow Forums came back, it was text only and threads did not have a post limit.

Whats a fat black got to do with this?

just email every police station in the country with select image attachments from the video and a link to the full thing.
I'm pretty sure there are thoroughly bullet proof methods of sending untraceable e-mails.
And if that didnt work send it to everyone. It's not an impossible feet to try and get millions of legit e-mail addresses and send them all 1 message.

repeat after me


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Or just contact your friendly water filter salesman

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>everyone assumes it sounds like him.
Voice recognition software agrees.

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