How do they live with the guilt and stress...

How do they live with the guilt and stress? When i jerk it to questionable material my heart is pounding and im nervous the rest of the night. How can they actually do it and be totally fine

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Meticulously maintained reptilian bloodline. Ever see a lizard with a struggling animal in its mouth? Zero emotional reaction, same thing.

They were born into it. Molded by it.

They do not consider the rest of us to be human.
Learn this.


They look at us how we look at Mexicans and Italians.

We're no better than livestock in their eyes.

>When i jerk it to questionable material my heart is pounding and im nervous the rest of the night.
youll learn

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Even if some of them aren't psychos and care about each other, they see the goy as merely tools.

Do you feel guilty when you step on a bug?
Neither do they.

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u posted the pic and ur asking us if that face cares about anything?that shit is cancer slung over maybe? bones.
ill break it down for you.jews are women.
straight up female minds.
they can rationalize absolutely anything,everything,they have no mental brain barriers to degeneracy,lie to everyone and know how to manipulate social structure to further their goals.
then add a paranoid victim complex ingrained from the cradle that bottom line is "never again."
largest swath of believers in holohoax is workaday jews that aint part of the destruction zion machine but perpetuate it by referencing it.
they can do it because of one word.goyim.
essentially enemy.they have been indoctrinated to believe that everyone is out to get them and theyre right,they are but its because of their own murderous,infiltrating and destructive actions.they justify it with,never again.
we can kill others but you cant kill us.
same thing with multicultralism,yes for others,no for us.
they are who they are and dont give a shit anymore,they are straight up murderers and need to be put down.

>my heart
they have no souls

the trick is to believe you're actually doing the right thing



So rich and spoiled he simply doesn't care.

>My heart
Didn't he have like 3 different hearts?

Its like stepping on ants. You don't feel a thing.

>questionable material
Gonna need details.

They are simply high functioning psychopathic sadistic pieces of shit that were smart enough to find the spiritual but stupid enough to choose Lucifer over God.

To them, anyone who isn't above others like them is simply beneath their grandiose delusional identity of themselves.

indo eurpoean stock are based from homo sapiens.
kikes are based from Neanderthals.
they arent like anyone else on the planet.
Niggers are more closely related to indo europeans than kikes.


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Stop fapping to sea pea and get help.

They believe that they have a covenant with a deity that will reward them for perpetuating the power structure. They all know it's going to fail, kind of like drug addicts think that they day will never come when it catches up to them, but they ignore it and fight harder and harder to keep their game going.

Fpbp. Fucking lizard people don't have souls. (Jews)

>they have no souls
this the sooner you realize that the average one of them is nothing more than a golem you'll start opening a much bigger rabbit hole.

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This fucker lives and people like R Lee Ermey dies? Fuck this shit.

I do. I think about the life the bug was probably living right before I stepped on it. I invision their experiences and their life, what was probably running through the little fucker's life. Then I say a prayer and go on my way.

maybe he's not doing anything wrong


>pretending to be white
>pretending to not be a faggot
>Mexicans and Italians

Le 56% and/or is it (((you)))?

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Apparently, greed covers a multitude of sins

Its easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

"Greed is good"- Gordon Gecko

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