Who here had a fucked up childhood, and realize that is the reason they are all kinds of fucked up...

Who here had a fucked up childhood, and realize that is the reason they are all kinds of fucked up? That is the final red pill.

My father used to beat me on a yearly basis until i was 14, my mom did web cam shows with strangers on the internet, the whole school knew, and onetime i found a pic of my mom sucking some dudes sick by accident.

Now i don't get a long with anyone, i go from 1-100 if something bad happens, and i have a mild form of ptsd where I flinch whenever something surprises me.

Raise your kids well Jow Forums, shit aint no joke.

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>shit aint no joke

Your life seems funny to me

If you're real and not a shill thread, then I recommend you do two things:

1) Get as far away from all those people as you possibly can.

2) Start watching some Jordan B. Peterson videos. He's a psychologist, a genius, and his lectures could really help you get your head straight.

Yeah somewhat. I was abused by my babysitter (12) when I was 8. She was a girl, and it was just dry humping.

I think for some reason that made me absolute garbage with women, because I was used to the idea that they do all the work or something like that.

I got picked on, my dad was an alcoholic, all of my (((((friends))))) were dogshit. I feel like my life is a Stephen King book. People are selfish, grim, life is dark, grim, things don't always work out like in the hollywood movies.

i hear you.

I hate when people talk like they know the future "You will find someone someday! You will have kids someday! it's all gonna workout someday!"

How the fuck could anyone know that? Maybe it won't.... then what will they say? Fucking blind optimism, and FUCK ((((the secret)))))

I fucking hate when people say "it's all in your head, it's a state of mind, your thinking is off"

One peice of shit fucking self help book comes out, and every 98 IQ boomer thinks their are a fucking Bhudda meditating on a mountain top.

New age is absolute garbage, and The art of attraction is like post-new age

Absolute complete garbage

without Jesus every childhood is mess up

I understand. I developed attraction to men when I was a teenager and didn't realize that it was me reliving trauma of being anally raped at 6 yo by my faggot cousin till a year or so into a relationship with a man. Fucking keep faggots away from your children.

Except that it literally is your attitude. Unless something is physically preventing you from meeting your goals, it's all you and your thoughts m8. You can't go around telling yourself "life is dark" and "I hate people who try to encourage me", then complain when things don't go your way.

jus askin, how old r u now user?

fuck off and kill yourself faggot. this thread has barely started.

I'm obviously not him, but when you've never seen a light in your childhood, how are you supposed to see the light in adulthood? If an animal is constantly outcasted, or attacked, it does not tread along the path like "normal animals.'

you again fuck off


all this pain. find peace bros.

>be 5
>always saw men in white suits
>they would go to the bathroom and closets
>almost never talked, just gasped
>every day the suit they wore looked unique
>very, very colorful like the a jawbreaker split in half
>cousin who lived with us said they would carry her at night and walk in circles in the room for a while
>police told us they couldnt do anything because they dont deal with poltergeists
>2nd grade teacher's aunt got kidnapped
>3rd grade teachers parents got hit by an 18 wheeler, was on the news for a month
>wonder why i was schizophrenic for half my life

did u get on with ur parents otherwise, or have siblings or any friends?

I'm a balding manlet MGTOW, who has more or less experienced what every typical MGTOW has experienced. I can really save the time and effort by just saying my experience with women basically just like everyone else who isn't attractive.

Litterally every single short guy I know struggles with women, and people keep spewing that confidence bullshit.

Man I guess something about being really tall makes you confident.... I think being tall IS being confident, and being physically attractive IS being confident lol.

I've already had this conversation a million billion times man.

>very, very colorful eyes
forgot to add "eyes". now that i think about it, their eyes looked more like neon rainbow butterflies


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I have a feeling that most of us here have had some adversity to overcome in this life. Probably more than most, not that it’s a bragging point. We joke about our autism, some of us have it. A lot of us also probably have “adhd” which is also correlated with high IQ.
Some Liberals tend to have this “rose colored shade” view of the world.

> Be literal red headed step child.
> Be beaten with belts, brooms, you name it.
> Step father rubbed counter grime in my face to show contempt.
> Step father grabbed my face so hard, left finger shaped bruises, nuns at school cried for me.
> No body did shit to protect me.
> Still a little fucked up.
> Dad now.
> Kids psycho normal, thank god.
> Met people 10x, 100x, 1000x worse off than me.
> Met people who walked through hell and back.
> Now I know destroyed childhoods are common. Best to forget and move on. Or at least not pass it on.
> Know not-fuck-up-childhoods are rare.

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Yeah, Stephen King reference hits home.

liberals are just too optimistic. they are spoiled and think the world can be fixed with a welfare check. even american blacks are very spoiled despite screamin oppression. theyre just manchildren that conceived an ego out of being a victim

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I'm sorry but everyone has some kind of physical attribute that they wish was different. The guys who are successful aren't perfect either. If you are unattractive, you have an even greater need to change the way you think, and really it should encourage you because you can't make yourself grow hair but you can make your thoughts and your way of seeing the world more positive and attractive.

I had nice normal family and I’m still a psycho so it’s not always nurture over nature

Pics of moom?

funny. im the most spoiled of all my cousins. always the latest toys and shit. even flew out to attend sports events. some of my cousins had no father figure. and yet im the one who is unemployed and fat. 0 friends whatsoever

Yep. All short men, who at this point have been statistically proven over and over and over to have less success with women need new age faggot magic to magically fix their lives with the power of positive thinking.

I'm going to burn my Hegel, Henri Bergson, Plotinus, Heideger, and Evola.... that new age self help post-modern fairy dust really speaks to me man.

Take your bullshit advice and shove it up your ass

Was diddled by the older boys in the neighborhood and ended up gay fucking all my friends from age 6-17. Raised in a methlab for my childhood. Failed all my classes until I was forced by my Dad to drop out. Used to self mutilate and other shit.

Had a rough transition into adulthood but been married 10 years. Got two good kids. Decided to be Christian in my own way, I don't like the church scene. Homeschool my kids. Forgave my Dad and paved the way for him to grow up too.

Still fucked up, I just learned to control myself. Occasionally a functioning alcoholic though. Fit regardless because I always aim to strength and fitness despite falling off my path sometimes. I think the worst of my alcoholism has passed me by as I've grown wiser with age and I'm not so ready to allow myself the indulgence of depression. Not with my whole family to protect.

Dude i am 5'8 135lbs hungry skeleton manlet and i fuck roasties pretty regularly. Just gotta be confident bro

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>new age faggot magic
Who's talking about that? Just expressing yourself right now you are extremely unattractive in your way of thinking. Negative, bitchy, passive aggressive, sarcastic. You can change that. It's something you have 100 percent control over.

is not appropriate

Show me one example of passive aggressiveness. You have no idea what you are talking about

The reason you hate yourself and repel women is because you actually prefer that over facing the fact that you hate yourself and need to change.

So you admit that you're negative, bitchy, and sarcastic?

It's so funny that you think you are some sort of expert just repeating this basic self help nonsense. I read grown up books dude. It's laughable that you think you can give me advice.

And here you are moving the goal posts. You can leave now, pleb.

chris likes this

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If it's so basic then why can't you help yourself? Why aren't all your books (that you're name-dropping for some reason?) helping you with your life?

>degenerate mom has me at 16
>degenerate father is a rageaholic who beats shit out of mom.
>divorce at 4
>paternal grandfather had 5 children
>molested them all
>father is bipolar through childhood
>playing Mario kart having time of life one moment, beating the shit out of me the next
>leaves my life at 12
>later gets locked up for child porn
>now really distraught and hope I wasn’t diddled as a kid
> mom marries a fed agent
> my saving GRACE
>loved me like a son even though he didn’t have to. Taught me about honor and respect
>was very strict about “yes sir no sir” and just now understanding why at this point in my life
>probably the reason I’m not a complete loser or a fag

Sometimes I wallop in self pity, but try not to. I was gifted both athletically and intellectually. Textbook underachiever. I received an athletic scholarship for handegg, fucked it up first year experimenting with coke. Came home and immediately joined the Army Infantry. Get 18x and get selected. Physically and mentally I had the ability. Unfortunately, I fucked this one up for not working well enough with others. Now I’m 27 and out the army with an honorable. Trying to figure where to go from here. Any relateable?

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I think the real question is why are you here harassing people who are venting, with meme advice that everyone here worth a damn knows is a joke.

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I don't really know if my childhood was fucked up but my parents were more or less the Costanzas only with a more aspie father

You should consider suicide

had a fine childhood. don't have any psychological problems that turned me into a nazi. just came here and saw the data. sorry r/eddit or buzzfeed writer

You think you need to be this way, but you don't. It's your choice.

Why you mad bro?


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I feel so sorry for you guys and will pray for you. You're stronger than I

Except 99% of the time they don’t talk about your attitude. They say that things will just magically fall into alignment, “you are loved” - even if you haven’t spoken to a single person in weeks, that one day you’ll wake up and a perfect waifu will call you asking for marriage and that rainbows will shoot out your ass.
The only people who suggest changing your attitude get dragged through the mud for “trivializing depression.”

There's something about being beaten to shit by a nigger who keeps being protected by the Marxist teachers that really makes you question "the best intentions".
And when you get punished for immediately returning the favour, that can't be good for your ability to trust other people.
In my case they were all women, so I can't trust women in a position of power or umpiring.
It's not even a matter of rationality and logical, factual reasons for distrusting them. I hate them.

Naturally lefties just think that's sexism and white male patriarchy in action.
If only they knew less, I could excuse them for their ignorance.

I grew up being told I was unwanted, fat and ugly. First suicide attempt at 10 years old. No dates in high school at all. A string of abusive relationships, until I stopped being a doormat. I'm now married, have a house, zero debt and great friends. I have a dark sense of humor and that gets me through this hellhole. Bullying doesnt get better, it gets worse. Dont let the evil people bother you. They will get their due. Several of my highschool bullies committed suicide or have horrible lives now.

If you are too cynical to tell yourself "You are loved," then you need it the most. You're talking about a person who is not getting love from other people. OF COURSE they should tell themselves "You are loved" because they are probably telling themselves things like "Fuck you, kill yourself, I hate myself" in their head 1,000 times a day. It does change your attitude,but, obviously you can't only repeat mantras. You have to also take action by talking to people and doing things that make you not hate yourself.

Alternatively, you can acknowledge what they obviously experience to be the case and show them how to earn love in the future.
“You are loved” only condescends.

I'm 100% convinced that you are a female at this point.

new zealand trying and failing to be australia as always

Porn at eight I guess. Fucked me up to what I am now (20). When I finally managed to reject my degenerate fantasies without permanent damage done (except fucking one ebony hooker) I couldnt cope with a girl in bed (for 1-1.5 years now); still maybe can't but making some progress for my current gf -- a real princess, I hope I'll be fine

So far I've given you advice that you're too proud to follow, and you've called me all kinds of names. I WONDER WHY YOU'RE UNHAPPY BRO.

Please may i have the link to your mother's pics sucking cock

user, your life is just pic related.

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>Several of my highschool bullies committed suicide or have horrible lives now.
this. the football players that got all the pussy in highschool and married the slut cheerleader that pulled trains with the team are now working the counter at Ace Hardware to support their now 240 lb slut wives and bucktoothed retard kids

Stay strong bro.

> Keep fags away from kids

>Impoverished father who had something to prove
>He started making $250k/year, became alcoholic/Vicodin addict
>would cry in my bed at night and beg me to call him a good father
>cousin asked me to have sex with her, said no, she told family I raped her.
>Dad tried to kill himself numerous times, had to perform CPR on him six months ago
>Mom has to control everything, including my gf, who lives with us
>Mom passive aggressively breaks me down, tells me “you’re not ready to finish school”
>Mom threatened to tell my gf that I slept with a few prostitutes during periods of major depression
I want to leave, but I need to finish my senior year of college before I feel confident enough looking for a career
This is probably why I’ve suffered from depression and panic disorder

Yeah it 'condescends' because you're in such a dark place that if you tell yourself you're loved, you don't even believe it. The reason for positive self-talk, again, is to stop negative self-talk. If you're negative in your head, you're destroying yourself, and the sad thing is it's 100 percent in your control (unless you have some kind of psychological disorder.)

You are trying to make your self feel better by talking down to people who came here for the purpose of venting. If you didn't have a fucked up childhood, then the only reason you are here is to be a vampire. You are more negative than every single person here, because what you are doing is low, and psychopathic. You are a very nasty person, and everyone here can see that.

Also, you aren't saying anything that people here haven't already heard thousands of times. If you seriously think what you are saying is inspiring, then you can't possibly have triple digit IQ.

Is your name Danny?

steve - put a sock in it you are gay

No I am NOT trying to make myself feel better. You are trying to make me feel worse, and you're getting mad that it's not working.

Flag checks out.

I had a fucked up childhood and I don't even want to share it here. I feel like I died many years ago and lived mostly out of spite, but I'm not very angry anymore, just calm and working towards pursuing academic goals. I would like to contribute to society and I don't live for much else nowadays. I can't even form attachments with people, the world feels so alien, which is probably why I am obsessed with mathematics.

Everyone else here is having a positive discussion. You are the only reason the discussion has become negative. Everyone here can see that very clearly.

>and i have a mild form of ptsd where I flinch whenever something surprises me.
No, you just have regular PTSD.

You're thinking of me. Hi Bob. How's Cass and the kids?

>living with your parents
Trash tier move

I have no expectation of inspiring you when you're so hardened that you respond to encouragement with insults. What am I going to tell you if all those great philosophers couldn't get through? You want people to admit you have special problems, you're a special victim with a special story, and the ways that normal people help themselves don't work on you.

However much one tells himself he's loved, the more it hurts whenever he's reminded that he's not.
This shit is why I started resenting couples. Seeing them all lovey and gooey makes me jealous, and I don't want that. Just want a cuddle, a kiss and good memories, for that's all we'll have when we're dying. Memories.
Positive thinking has positive consequences, as well as negative.


>My father used to beat me on a yearly basis
Sorry had to post this

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>if I open the door and someone is on the other side I jump back and spasm
Not user but is this PTSD? Even if it is I don't want to claim I have PTSD because I feel like that's reserved for military people who have actually sacrificed and not just been traumatized.

>I think being tall IS being confident, and being physically attractive IS being confident lol.
I think you're right. I'm tall and attractive and confident. I think it's super offensive for me to assume other people can just be like me if they tried harder.

God made me the way I am. I didn't do anything to bring it about. I make choices, but not to be tall and attractive.

But you have to face the fact that you're not loved! How do you expect to change, if you avoid it?? If you feel so bad about yourself that love HURTS, that's a sign to keep pushing forward.

this is why you should vote for democrats who have compassion for people and realize why they are the way they are

It may just be related to post-traumatic stress. It's only a disorder if it causes serious problems in your life.

My PTSD caused me to fail out of med school. Thanks med school for giving me PTSD.

It was the only way I could finish school. We live 15 minutes away from my university. It’s a pretty expensive place; a studio apartment is almost 2k per month, plus utilities.
My parents didn’t get this bad until my dad lost his job

Have you ever actually dealt with any sort of psychological issue?
If you are lying alone in a room having not spoken to anyone in weeks and hating yourself, doing the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and saying “I can’t hear you I can’t hear you la lala la la la” will at best not do anything.
Giving yourself a new reason to have positive self-talk, though, will cause it to emerge naturally. The exact amount needed will differ for everyone but the idea holds.
>source: myself and multiple friends

Sucky upbringing... better yourself with hard work and a responsible life.. you’ll be okay. If you have kids, do the opposite of what your parents did.

pic is painted by Francis Bacon for any artfags here interested

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For the military gentlemen I stick with the OC: shell shock.
PTSD as a term has been watered down and obfuscated so much, it's worthless as far as honour goes imo, so it's okay to use.

I don’t believe PTSD is restricted to the military, you’re just more likely to get the T while in the military.

He's not really trying to help anyone user, he wants to get his kicks by fucking with people.

My dad used to try and quarter me with my brothers by tying my limbs to bicycles and trying to tear me apart. I got a snowglobe with literal shit in it for Christmas, I still have no idea how my dad managed that. Also my older brother was a dick and when I asked him to teach me to fight when I was about 7 years old when these local toughs were messing with me, he told me to lie on my back and kick air while growling. I got a concussion from those kids jumping on my head as I did that. It wouldn't be that bad if my brother was some nerd, but my dad put him in judo when he was young so he definitely knew how to fight. My cousin used to shoot cans off the top of my head with a bb gun, I have a bunch of scars left around my head from when he missed. I'm lucky I'm not blind because he told me to just squint and dodge bbs if they get close to my eyes. I don't know I mean it's not *that* bad.

Grew up in a small ass town bullied by everyone because that was just the custom since the day care. If you wanted to be part of the gang you had to pick on me. I'll skip some details but I do understand what its like to consider shooting your school. It didnt stop until I learned how to fight and dominated the faggots back. The only time I was at peace when I developed the moto the only thing that scares a fuck up is an even bigger fuck up. Now I cant socialize for shit. I feel like I am on LSD whenever I have to interact on a personal level with someone. Too foreign.

>dad was alcoholic meth addict
>beat the shit out of me daily for reminding me of him
>treated my younger brother like a prince
>eventually told me the only reason he never murdered me was because he didnt want to go jail
>eventually get old enough to fight back
>fuck him up
>10 years later
>we hangout all the time and get drunk at local bars whenever we see each other
>best of friends

Just stop being a faggot

That's not abuse. It's weird but not abuse you fucking fag

You are a very weak person and it's showing user. You are treating leaf user so badly because you think he made himself "emotionally vulnerable" to you by giving you advice. Instead of considering his advice or just politely declining, you try to tear him down. He is not a psychopath, you are exhibiting psychopathic behavior. You have been wronged by people no doubt, but it has turned you into a malicious person yourself. It's not your fault but it is your responsibility to change user.

Yes, I spend a lot of time alone, I work alone, and I'm struggling with my job because of physical problems, which are costing me a lot of money, and I'm in debt, I haven't had sex in a long time, etc etc. I have lots of problems.