>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)
and here I am in trade school like a fucking retard. should i just kill myself? i'll always been known as "that guy who didn't go to college".
The majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)
What? Youre the poster child of pol. Pol hates universities because theyre Left wing
Then just go back to school retard. Community college is cheap as fuck
Except the majority of Jow Forums users are trade workers, retail workers or NEETs.
>Community College
Yes good goy
Most poltards are neets or work minimum wage jobs
>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals
No the majority of Jow Forums are disenfranchised liberal arts students.
Jow Forums is a broad church you stupid data mining faggot.
Easily the most diverse board here
Dude im a fucking truck driver pulling 150k a year the key word is independence. Nobody gives a fuck about you if you have a boss it just means your a bitch go nagg elsewhere and learn to be a fucking man.
I got laid last week after spending 5 fucking years in total loneliness and paying off all my debt i went to fucking homeschool my dude...i did 1 year of high school and dropped i know more about the stock market and business then your average college students
Tradies are just as important as professionals, at least you are going to a school and seem to have a plan in life. Many people wouldn't even bother with trade school and will just go on welfare. You are better than them at least.