The majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)

>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)
and here I am in trade school like a fucking retard. should i just kill myself? i'll always been known as "that guy who didn't go to college".

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What? Youre the poster child of pol. Pol hates universities because theyre Left wing

Then just go back to school retard. Community college is cheap as fuck

Except the majority of Jow Forums users are trade workers, retail workers or NEETs.

>Community College

Yes good goy

Most poltards are neets or work minimum wage jobs

>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals
No the majority of Jow Forums are disenfranchised liberal arts students.

Jow Forums is a broad church you stupid data mining faggot.
Easily the most diverse board here

Dude im a fucking truck driver pulling 150k a year the key word is independence. Nobody gives a fuck about you if you have a boss it just means your a bitch go nagg elsewhere and learn to be a fucking man.

I got laid last week after spending 5 fucking years in total loneliness and paying off all my debt i went to fucking homeschool my dude...i did 1 year of high school and dropped i know more about the stock market and business then your average college students

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Tradies are just as important as professionals, at least you are going to a school and seem to have a plan in life. Many people wouldn't even bother with trade school and will just go on welfare. You are better than them at least.

stay with the trades user
they pay great

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make pol great again
we need to purge boomers and virgins.

believing anything other than this is absolutely retarded.

College is for literal autists. Unless you're going for Law, Medicine or Engineering.

I'm in my senior year right now as a Computer Science major.


Wipe your tears with all the money your gonna make because of a valuable skill instead of a phd in vaginal art therapy

Fed here. Just stopping by to say hi.

>No the majority of Jow Forums are disenfranchised liberal arts students.

Fuck, just like our lord and Führer Hitler.

>>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)

fucking lol. Jow Forums has a median income of "My parents are paying for my college" or maybe "I work at subway and hate niggers"

Theres an army of lawyers looking for clie nts every year they get fresh college students wanting to become lawyers

I say go trade learn to be a man nobody is going to fix the world but you soy fucks

>Pol hates universities because theyre Left wing

Nah we just hate certain pseudo academic departments that are pushing their fucked up narratives hard on the rest of us. Don't worry though real academics are talking louder and louder about how social sciences are not real academic fields and should be removed from universities and colleges.
T. Masters student going PhD route

No you'll be fine.

Why would you go to college? I'm a 6-foot 4 sous chef at Wendy's. I have an 8 inch cock and I make 115 Grand per year

Military, not white collar

How the fuck do you handle DOT's stupid rules though?

>Jow Forums
>white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)
>would spend their time arguing with weebs and momneets on this shithole

at least you aren't a NEET

>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals


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I work in HR and Jow Forums has unironically given meaning to my life. I'm on a crusade to put introverts into work because extrovert chads get nothing done. Most robot types I have to let go at the interview stage though because my dyke boss thinks confidence is the only quality in a human being that matters.

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Or become a poorly motivated SWAT cop.

Attached: mvd_assault_pepe5.jpg (700x440, 119K) says chefs at Wendy's only make $17-18K per year.

>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals
what? when did this happen? this site is half shareblue and half russian bots. so its just whores and toasters

White collar professions ought to be for the exceptionally smart, and not merely smart, but smart in the specific ways those professions need. Not many people are like that. Would you feel bad if you weren't a professional athlete? No, because only a select number of people can be. Go be a hard-working employee, and a caring family man, and you will have outdone probably 85% of all of the men on earth.

This and checked

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Dont be a nigger its very simple.

wtf how is getting a trade degree or STEM associates degree from a community college, and thus being 50k less in jew debt, being a good goy?

>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)
hahahaha fucking no
Do you think people who have lives can sit on an anime image board and fantasize about shooting the next black guy their daughter brings home

Nah, if you live in one of the big cities and are willing to slam your head against the keyboard for long hours, any lawyer can pull 6 figures. The real jobs (with job security and benefits) are becoming less easy to come by, though.

>yessss go to the 4 year so we can drain your wallet like vampires
>a high school diploma will get you by

Or he can learn a useful trade skill and actually use it to improve himself instead of being a welfare nigger.

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>pressured into going to college by friends and family
>didnt want to, just wanted to work
>finish college 60k in debt
>could have gone to another year long program but didnt, just want to work
>4 years of college gets me jobs at whopping 16/hour
>save up money to go to that year long program to make more money cuz 16/hour aint cutting it
>currently halfway through will probably make up to $20/hour after
>cant find any jobs for some reason
>just want to pay off my debts and pay my parents back what they've helped with
>only thing keeping me from killing myself is wanting to take the burden of debt out
>just wanted to work after high school, this is misery

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>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, lawyers, CEOs, engineers)

Good meme friend

>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)
Yeah with 8.5 in dicks, 150+ IQs and a 10/10 Aryan GF. Holy shit lel

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If you fuck up when you're young you can't erase your school history. Community college doesn't mean shit unless you have straight As in all of your courses, which isn't possible if you work.
A 4 credit hour course w/ a lab takes like 8 hours in class weekly and 8-20 hours outside of class to study for, depending on the difficulty of the course. 3-5 of these courses is easily a full time job, plus overtime.
If you have to work then you're pretty much screwed if you go to community college because you aren't going to get the grades needed to get into a decent school.

If you have a job, don't go to community college unless you can comfortably quit it. Blacks are the exception because the standards for getting into a decent program are virtually non-existent.

Oh and not to mention
>good friend didn't go to college
>started going to trade school that his job helps pay for
>started off at $15/hour now up to $23/hour
>already has a house and everything he wants
I wouldn't regret college so much but all the events from it led to a lifelong injury that's causing tons of pain and I really wish I would have just worked after hs instead of owing the kikes all this money.

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White collar faggot here. Trade bros are bro-tier btw I'm totally not a trade bro but sikhs are based. Truth of the matter is that having a physical skill that you can live off is worthy of praise and respect. Your life isn't meaningless and you can find pride in your work. Don't buy into jewish class narratives.



I always put in my best and didn't slack when I did physical jobs, but I'm a clumsy fuck who's really good with books and academics. But my best friends typically came from the other side of the tracks and were mechanically skilled and/or knew a trade when I was in college

Stale pasta.

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>the majority of Jow Forums users are white neckbeards collecting neetbux who larp as having six figure careers.


Self-employed trade jobs (which are always needed), are great.

Oh look, this thread again.

I feel like some wise gook said something about not underestimating your enemies. Who knows though.

National Socialism or death. ;^)

dude 90% of them are larping neets

The majority of Jow Forums posters are NEETs or work shitty jobs. If you were a white collar professional you would have a job where the internet has filters on it and Jow Forums would most assuredly be blocked.

Everyone on Jow Forums is a chad, has an 8" dick, ect.

>Inb4 a flood of personal anecdotes and (You)'s
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Go be a faggot elsewhere you dont reflect on us all and you dont have a saying about any of us.

Lmao clearly you've never had an office job. They don't block any sites but they can check what ones you've been on anyways. Why the fuck would you even want to go on Jow Forums at work anyways? I probably would if I was a manager and had nothing to do but managers in my career usually have a fuckload to do.

I’m the head chef. I also have the corner office with two windows

I phonepost while at work. I'm not a richfag yet but I have a cushy job and work in the heart of the capitol of my state. You should stop underestimating and boxing us.

Or keep doing it, I don't actually care. kekekeke

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>>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)
Citation absolutely required. it's far more likely that pol is full of immature neets.

Garbage copypasta from a Canadian.

I’m a financial advisor and I work in the high net worth segment ( minimum of 3mm in assets to be able to work with us). We have some great clients that work in trades. They are all business owners though and have built and expanded successful business around their trades. So wealth is not unattainable from a trade, but you do need to have some business savvy.

Why don't you go to school for something you want then?

I'm a convicted felon with a GED and i make 70k as a millwright. It ain't that bad. I got 2 kids, a house, 4 cars and a boat. Bills are all paid and no student debt.

Everyone i work with is red pilled as fuck too. I made a trail of pennies into a big oven fucking with this jew Jersey faggot and everyone thought it was hilarious

Just for gods sake stay out of the humanities, or when you have to, you fucking redpill that class.

Exact same thread from a few days ago. SAGE

I only wish it was

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No faggot. Do something with your life.

Nobody here has a job. 15 year olds aren't allowed to work yet.

>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals
more like traps, faggots, weebs, neets, ponyfuckers, and combinations therein

Learning a trade is excellent. You have the potential to earn six figures in the right field and you don’t have to spend the next 20 years paying off (((student loans))) Also, you get +10 repair and the Full Maintenance Perk

Gonna steal this meme so hard you fucking larp EU marxist jew.

could be worse. im 37 with no degree, a tattered job history, bald, alcoholic. not all of us are winners.

Trades are dope. College is a fucking meme. I work CNC and love what I do

What's up my friend. I'm in my mid 30's and I'm 5 weeks short of my gunsmithing certificate. It's almost all in vain now since my school ended in 2008.

Don't be jealous. Neet here, going bald, but I still like myself. I'm a really good person.

Trade school is fine.

t. Architectural engineer

Unironically this

>architect thinking hes an engineer

Life sucks if you don’t have money case closed

t. a doctor

I literally am too
Dropped social sciences after college. Was supposed to become a teacher in philosophy but then I thought of it all and looked at the plebs around me and decided to not go in debt for this. Sometime I regret. Sometime I dont know

Pasta is a good barometer for how many newfriends are lingering from the recent shillstorms.


Could be worse you could be a degenerate faggot on Jow Forums being maniplated by a fag called Reiko to become a trap

Grow a beard, master your trade, make good money and enjoy your life. Chad up.

>i'll always been known as "that guy who didn't go to college".
I went to 'college'... I work like two days a week as a cleaner.
Don't be a little bitch. If you wanna be smart, get smart.
Read a book, don't kill yourself

I am onion.

it's too bad CC required i take basic algebra. aced every class until BASIC algebra. i think i have a learning disorder.
i should probably unironically blow my brains out and die. im at least trying to contribute, i guess

I fucking wasted trips on that. I hate myself. I’m sorry guys.

Except 90% of Jow Forums are neets

it's okay user. Kek giveth and kek taketh away. At least you don't have a meme flag like OP

Thanks user.

>>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)
I need sauce on that statement.

Get a life you fucking faggot.

pic related

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>the majority of Jow Forums users are white collar professionals (doctors, layers, CEOs, engineers)

I stopped there
according to who lmao??

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Yep. I love talking shop with blue collars and learning all sorts of stuff.

Trades are fine. Just control your revenue stream.

I just erased like 20 minutes of what I realized was pretty smug bragging. But yeah, you can do well at any trade, ANY trade if you learn how to price your work out, and find your own contracts.
Bosses are to learn from when you are new. Your goal is not to work for a boss, but to work for customers.

Wrong. Multiple business owner here. I browse pol an hour a day to keep up with current events.

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Better than being on welfare.
As well keep in mind what the people that call you that did major and how much debt do they have.


>1 post by this ID

You retards fell for the bait again. This exact thread was here last Tuesday.