Fuck you, Jow Forums

You know what? Fuck you, Jow Forums. It was because of you that we have Donald Trump in office, and not this wonderful woman. It was because of you that we live in a world of constant uncertainty and unease. This woman should have been our president.

Fuck you and your "soyboy" culture. There is nothing wrong with having soy in your diet, or using it as a perfectly valid substitute in meals. You're toxic to people who are trying to improve themselves, and who are doing the best they can to socialize with other people. Fuck you and your open-mouth soyboy memes. There's nothing wrong with having a good time, you shit fucks.

Your board can't even have a discussion without everyone calling eachother "shills" when a disagreement happens. Just because you hold an anti-mainstream opinion doesn't mean that someone is shilling for a larger operation when they disagree with your shitty opinion. Of course, over half of the people here are shitty russian troll parrots anyway, so good luck finding any authenticity in opinion. You people are so fucking easily persuaded.

All of this could have been easily avoided if you just held your nose and voted for Hillary like every other decent human being on this earth. So fuck you, Jow Forums. You could have been a fantastic bastion of free speech, but your shit actions have ruined your shit board forever.

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Waahhh wahhhhh wahhhh go cry somewhere else you fucking weak faggot . Sega'd

Wow, good counterargument. No justification whatsoever. Truly Jow Forums levels of discourse.

Yeah, I agree. Jow Forums is ruined, awful site m8

Delete this blog post thread

Fuck you America you peices of shit

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Death to America

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Trump the only thing standing in the way of war.

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Someone out there is sitting on a video of this absolute piece of shit and Huma Abedin torturing, literally de-facing a child ALIVE. Come forward, lest Justice reach you as well when the time comes for enabling this nightmare to continue.

Americans and mexicans deserve death.

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And zero fucks were given

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As bad as Trump fucked us i can forever take solace in the fact at least i didnt vote for a wahman

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I'd sooner have my skin turned inside out and sprayed over my whole body with Dendrocnide Moroides ("Gympie Gympie") extract than share a fucking room with anyone who even CONSIDERED voting for this hag.

Trump is jewish shill.

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user did you write this??? Sounds like you

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Woah, did I miss new pasta?

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What the fuck is this thread? It's like the paid shills got some time off and decided to make a shitpost thread.

>wonderful woman
>Hillary Clinton

pick one

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You're talking to yourself aren't you? What a delusional faggot. With Hillary we would've had a civil war and a world war simultaneously. Trump's the lesser of two evils.

> Wonderful Woman
Yeah sure
>Your "soyboys"
Soyboys aren't ours
> Nothing wrong with having soy
Lowers Testosterone
>Toxic people
All people are toxic people
> Calling each other "Shills"
Oh no namecalling that's new
> easily persuaded
Then do that instead of this weak ass attempt
>Voted for hillary like every other decent human being
Again, yeah sure
>Ruined your shit board
Then fuck off

We deserve better shills.

You'd be speaking Chinese if we weren't around

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This is what happens when special teachers allow their special students to go on the internet. Thank you board of education.

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Eat a bag of dicks mod shill nigger.

>she fucking won
The thread!

We are literally owned by china so thanks for nothing.

Well they been at it for a long time and the shekels are getting tight so the cut the good ones that make too much and get cheap ones.

>id s0Y
Can't make this shit up.

gtfo you know nothing of freedom faggot

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breddy gud b8 m8

> shareblue-hillaryclinton-07.jpg
> shareblue-hillaryclinton-07.jpg
> shareblue-hillaryclinton-07.jpg
> shareblue-hillaryclinton-07.jpg
> shareblue-hillaryclinton-07.jpg

weak bait is stinky

She uses kid fucking to blackmail her way to the top.


Can't stop you from selling your own nation. Cry harder.

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perfect example. Uses the "Don't tread on me" flag while having zero intelligence as to what it actually stands for.

Preaching freedom and actually having that flag. Wow. Such fantastic logic.

No. I did not write that. But I do sympathize with the man who wrote it.


Here's your sign, Skippy.......

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Zionist whore.

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Trump was HORRIBLE but Shillary sucked as well. We really needed Sanders to win.

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> Wonderful Woman
>Yeah sure
Great discourse. She's a modern wonder woman, not that some Jow Forumsgin like you would ever understand.
>Your "soyboys"
>Soyboys aren't ours
You started picking on innocent people who are trying to do their best. That's what it's your culture. It's disgusting.
> Nothing wrong with having soy
>Lowers Testosterone
Right, the year 2018 and you're defending masculinity? Another weak fragile beta male ego.
>Toxic people
>All people are toxic people
Wrong again. You think people are toxic because you surround yourself in toxicity, enabling you to think your behavior is okay.
> Calling each other "Shills"
Oh no namecalling that's new
> easily persuaded
>Then do that instead of this weak ass attempt
Clearly it worked.
>Voted for hillary like every other decent human being
>Again, yeah sure
More great discourse. You could have been a decent person and chose not to.
>Ruined your shit board
>Then fuck off
No, *you* fuck off. Shithead.

This tastes like fresh pasta. I like it.

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10/10 OP

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at the time we considered donald trump to be the lesser evil, as of this moment it's clear that the outcome is the SAME even though "our" candidate won. we still bombed syria. still getting into a war on the other side of the world. i believe in peace

nice bait OP, your supervisor might even reward you with an extra shekel or two.

go back to /news/

In the Berenstein-Clinton timeline, we got into war a year after the election.

Even this strike was measured and more about playing chicken with Russia. They blinked. We showed that we'll enforce a "red line" or whatever, and they showed they're not entirely willing to start a direct conflict with the US

There's plenty of people who know that the gas attack was probably BS and most likely a false flag by the rebels. But I have a feeling someone or some people are twisting his arm into not being total isolationist. The generals are probably convincing him to not be a nativist. But I don't think we're going to war.


Digits confirm satire.

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i don't see it either....hopefully trump sees that syria is not that important to us. we're located in north america not the middle east

>Great discourse
almost as good as declaring her a "modern wonder woman" and acting like you've won the argument. She was an establishment candidate, who would have said anything to get into office, like every American Politician since Reagan. She had no vision for the future, and a bad vision is better than no vision in my opinion.
>You started picking on innocent people who are trying to do their best
Do their best at what?
>Right, the year 2018 and you're defending masculinity?
Yup pretty much.
> Wrong again. You think people are toxic because you surround yourself in toxicity, enabling you to think your behavior is okay.
No, all people are toxic, given the right perspective on them and their environment. If by toxic you mean filled with hate, then how would you describe your behaviour here?
>Clearly it worked.
Howso? I've not been convinced
> More great discourse
Again, your point is no more substantial than mine
> No, *you* fuck off. Shithead
Stoop to my level, that establishes your lack of toxicity and thorough discourse

this was only a US vote, the earth had nothing to do with it. just wanted to make that clear. also go kill yourself

Way to reply to yourself you autistic faggot

The Deep State wants a pipeline so we can have a huge advantage selling gas to Europe. If we had a western planned regime we could arrange for Russia to not be allowed to build theirs.

It makes sense, but flipping a country is too far. If it could be done diplomatically, maybe.

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almost got me there OP

their plays always make sense...the people really pulling string are no fools. there will be no real conflict involving us tho. russia showed fear and "they" love it

Go to hell. Your what's wrong with Jow Forums.

Did you just assume someone's gender, shitlord???

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Is that you Hillary?

It sure is nice in this nice warm chair in the oval office.

The american people are truly great they really are. I love the american people because they know what they want.

America is great because its made itself great again. America is the light of the world and it should be that way because of how great its people are.

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This "wonderful woman" literally kills and eats children you fucking shill faggot kike.

That may be, but at least she never slept with lumbergh.

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>shilling for free

Posts like this make me even more confident that I made the right decision in voting for trump. I will be in 2020 too, and so will millions of others. Just accept that your antiwhite democrat party is the 21st century Whigs.

This is terrible bait, I hope you idiots saged this 2/10 troll before posting your stupid replies

nicely done

Did you ever think about how no one else in the world but us like donald trump?