Does my gf look Jewish or German?

Does my gf look Jewish or German?

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She looks ugly

thats a man

your gf is a dude

its looks like a man.


Can you post a pic of your guyfriend right side up? I can't see it sideways.


with those red lips she looks more like popov the clown... and no not jewish at all.

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Yeah, about that

She looks like a jewish tranny living in germany

gf is a trap, therefor OP is gay


She looks like a Jewish man.

>Jewish or German
What is the difference? They both have German last names and autistically try to destroy Europe.

like a truck driver on his freedays.

looks like a crossdresser

Well, if he’s dick is missing the tip then you will know.


Attached: Whoa shit.jpg (991x839, 183K)

Hawt...Can I rent him by the hour?

Looks like a tranny

Lol. Literally not one nice comment here

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Implying its not (you) being a faggot with lipstick

Clown lookin ass tranny bitch

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she looks like a faggot

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He’s ugly

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thats a man baby

she looks like a fuckin' he

A tranny kike

Kinda looks like that suicidal tranny speedrunning faggot.

looks like a dude, senpai


umm user... your gf is a jewish man.

She looks like a man

Top kek tranny PIGSHIT!

She looks like a dude check yourself OP

looks like a F R E A K

>thread reaches 500 replies and is top of the catalog for its multi day life


That's a dude.


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Dude looks a lady, you bug chasin' faggot.

Thats a guy

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Uh,,, user?
Perchance you didn't find any equal length scars outboard of the labia majors?

i'm sorry but that's gotta be a fucking dude, dude.

Looks like a dude, dude

looks like shit.

your sisters going to be pissed when she finds out youve been fucking with her makeup


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Is this a joke hans? Obviously Druish

How long have you been queer

>Giant hooked nose

>No, Goyim she isn't one of the chosen, everything is normal. By all means breed with her so your children totally won't be Jewish and have the genetic degradation from millennia of inbreeding slightly corrected by your white genes.

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Ever since the fag sperm donor dad and the egg donor dyke's product met in the pitre dish.

r e k t

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your bf is a jew

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Looks like a creepy guy wearing lipstick

Jdif helped conduct 9/11
>israel did 9/11

Bellagio Sampler's newest video about the strike in Syria and what it means for the SPIRITUAL WAR we are all a part of. ...
>the divide between good and evil is widening
The "middle class" of good vs evil is disappearing and people are choosing either GOOD OR EVIL
>and not between
The leaks are coming, WE all know THEIR evil deeds and GOD has chosen YOU to deliver this message to fellow mankind
>the message is I AM is coming to destroy the VILE PEOPLE!!! make sure you are not one of them!!!!
>clean your room!!!
Clean your minds and join The King who is returning for his creation!!!!!

We need a king