Is bleaching niggers redpilled?

Is it redpilled? What if all blacks were only half Black other half white? Think about it...

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thats gross

On the one hand, you're spreading huwite genes.
On the other, you're creating non-white mutts.
Worth a discussion imo.

Bestiality is a sin, user.
But that baboon has some fine cheeks.

black women with big butts often have dried feces stuck between the cheeks. Its extremely common, and it turns into a yeast infection.
The yeast infection makes it so that (idk the name for it) anal-juices. (basically water-like shit), sift through, feeding the yeast infection.
its a never ending circle. This is also common with fat white women, but black have this problem even with skinny with with big butts.

It would be a huge improvement for them. Virtually all of the meager improvement that has happened with blacks during their time in this country has been used to white genes entering the pool


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yes for black women. Your superior white Y will live on through the men and the nigruh X's will come out in the wash.

Very Jeffersonian. Excellent thread Jow Forums.

A drop of champagne in a barrel of sewage is still sewage.

A drop of sewage in a barrel of champagne is also sewage.

that's my girl

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Black bitches will have to pay for my white sperm.

O-only betas date non white girls!

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>Destroy your genetics by willingly racemixing with a numerically superior but genetically inferior race

Based Kekistani Breeding Program.

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Of course it is. Black women WANT to be impregnated by white men.

Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.
>Racemixers will be burned at the stake during RAHOWA.

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NO, leave our women alone.

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fortunately that day will never come, you chubby nerd.

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mfw your niglet children will never pass the 5th grade

You can post your interracial shit, no one cares, but i need this tonight.
Not gonna fap to ebony, i will save this load for an ebony goddess tomorrow

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We need to improve race relations

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