Baked vs Metokur

Baked vs Metokur

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Kill nigger jews

KILL NIGGERS, KILL JEWS - Baked Alaska 2018

Baked really confuses me. He insults someone one second, says he speaks well of them the next, says they are trying to destroy his career the next, and then in the end?
>A-Are you my friend?

He knows his e-celeb status is fucked and is trying to do damage control

Baked's manager is feeding him lines lmao

He has a new manager now, the girl in the background.

Is there a particular reason this guy is popular? Like it or not, with most e-celebs it's pretty clear why they have such a following, I haven't seen anything about this guy other than he is apparently an epic magapede

I'll admit she's doing a good job, but it's annoying to see Baked alaska's eyes dart to his other monitor for talking points every other second. Jim's right, he's all smoke and mirrors. Zero original thought, but endless duplicity, he's spineless. Fuck this guy desu

Anyone who watches this shit is a weak faggot and should be treated with the appropriate measures.

>baked keeps taking it and agreeing

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Jow Forums is officially dead

I think he might be too stupid to be two faced. Low IQ, low T, and now he got fucking fat since he started living in LA

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Why are people just figuring out he was cancerous now? The way he treated he the Red Elephants kid who used to be his friend was awful.

I genuinely believe Jim used to like baked, judging from the fact that Jim let himself get so worked up at the end he damn near had a stroke. Never really see Jim get this mad.

how are negative views possible?

Delete videos, the views get subtracted

I don't know, as much as Baked Alaska is an opportunist, Metokur is an opportunist as well, albeit a much better one who has wit.

Jim never gave a shit about Baked. he liked Baked as a potential platform for hilarious content after the Tariq Nasheed stream.

“Like, omg, Jim you have friends!”

baked goes to rallies to make a lot of his content. and then says basically nothing
Metokur is a meta content creator. for better or worse. But he can destroy any person which makes him a giant in the eceleb world.

>tsundere jim

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Brittany is too smart for these dweebs.

it's impossible to keep up with all of this bullshit. what happened?

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that's for his inactive channel that has a strike that he can't stream on. i mean, i agree that baked is fucking up and jim is right, but pull up the right stats dummy.

Real beauty is mixed beauty

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Baked IRL activism shit isn't what's fucked him.

Baked was a former Buzzfeed writer who IIRC was fired when they found out that he was conservative.

He's since become something of a gadfly, moving from movement to movement on the right trying to make a buck while his former friends on the left are desperately trying to silence them, since having let him in the door in the first place at a place like Buzzfeed (one of the chief fortresses of SJW crap online) means that they could be excommunicated from the church of social justice for the sin of not properly vetting Baked in the first place

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That's a big brown blob of nothing.

nice meltdown

What happened to baked?
Last I really heard about him was his streams during HWNDU

this shits retarded.
fuck all these people.

if you think Jow Forums was always super cereal and never had drama threads, you're a newfag


who the fuck are these shit heads to tell this guy how to run his channel?
am i missing something?

Well, Whitie is nuked.

RIP couch potato e-celeb.

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