Hunting Thread

Why haven't you started hunting yet, Jow Forums? Literally one of the healthiest, red-pilled, things you can do.

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Stage 1: Anger
>spends all his time on Jow Forums
>hates blacks and trannies
>lonely and resentful
>hates life and finds meaning by connecting to racial identity

Stage 2: Shame
>alienation drives Jow Forumsack deeper into isolation and porn addiction
>taboos become attractive
>blacked spam starts having an effect
>begin jacking off to sissy hypno and BBC
>shame from anti-white perversions drive Jow Forumsack deeper into politics and isolation

Stage 3: Giving In
>in loneliness, horniness, and sheer boredom alt-right sissy hooks up with a black guy
>though shy and nervous, the moment black dick enters his mouth the Jow Forumsack is hooked
>months or years of porn and fetishism aligns to make everything- the black man's musk, his heavy, chocolate dick, the sissy's soft white hand on dark skin- reaffirm the sissy's fetishes and send so much pleasure into his faggot brain that there is no going back

Stage 4: Dedication:
>sissy white boi begins having gay hook ups at increasing frequency
>gradually loses interest in politics
>more body conscious, begins squatting and running for a better butt
>starts practicing a campy gay voice because it turns him on
>gets into cross dressing and make up, derives submissive thrill from looking slutty and ridiculous

Stage 5: Obsession
>completely broken by black cock
>flaming sissy faggot
>is a devout leftist because white extinction makes his penis twitch, votes for whoever increases immigration
>mannerisms so excessively campy they make his family uncomfortable
>no longer alienated, now extroverted and sassy
>has circle of faghag friends who he gossips with and makes BBC jokes around
>loves going to gay clubs and twerking his white booty for black men
>shameless size queen slut who fucks several strangers a week
>views alt-righters with mixture of pity and bemusement, uses Jow Forums only to post interracial and ERP
>thanks black cock daily for changing him from an angry, resentful loner into somebody with a full spectrum of human emotion


My dad taught me how to hunt birds with a slingshot, but i prefer store bought food

I get anxious in July wanting summer over so hunting season can start. Best part of living in the west

I love hunting for food.

Them Turkeys are awesome!

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The by-laws, municipal laws, provincial laws are utterly retarded in Ontario when it comes to hunting. If the ministry wants to charge you with something, they can find something to.

t. firearm owner

Step one of mental illness.

> post walls of text

But I have, i remember hunting Elk with my father, uncle and 2 cousins. I look forward to bringing my sons to go hunting one day.

Also wild game meat is just generally healthier and teaching your son to hunt will ensure he doesn't become a soyboy faggot.

I live in a first world country so I can just go drive somewhere for food that's ready to eat

Really, it all tastes like crap, I think. It has a smell that you start to notice after you've started to hunt and butcher your own game.

Ontario is a special slice of hell. Nobody out west feels sorry for you guys. You made your know the rest

its a cuck spammer that is mentally ill and does nothing every day all day all year with the odd break or two but spam BBC cuck spam

may or may not be a tranny that is fixated on masculinity due to their own inability

Elk is the tastiest red meat on this God forsaken planet

My uncle got fucked by that shit. He had like 20 birds in his freezer and they got him.

Duck hunter here, went down to Texas last time I went huntung and got 30 ducks in 47 minutes (with my Uncle and 3 cousins as well). The family ate well that night!


I just want to get my first moose this October.

Thanks man.

How did they come and inspect the freezer without warrant?

I heard of people getting stopped for having a 5-tube magazine pump instead of the mandated 3 limit or something stupid like this.

I can harvest 6 ruffies per day. And I can possess 15. Snow geese I can possess as many as i want. My dogs basically eat only homemade dog food consisting of wild birds for most of the year

My dad taught me when I was younger. Really helps.

Loved hunting until I got tinnitus.

Got a moose last year. First one I got by myself. Got it just at dusk. God damn it was a lot of work. Well worth it. Elk is where it is at though.

It fucking blows. I have to drive 17 fucking hours to get into moose country.

I am hunting OP, surprised you didn't know that yet especially since my hunt consist of your mom otherwise known as the landwhale

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You know they can do an image search from your hairline and ears right

That sounds great! The most we've gotten was like 20 snow geese up near Quebec.


That happens. But I have no problem with that. I follow all rules and regulations. In fact if I am hunting ditch chickens I dont even carry loaded. And i only load one shell per shot. Give the stupid chickens a fighting chance. I get inspected every year. And like I said I am cool with that. A lot of idiots out there giving us ethical hunters a bad name.

They'd been investigating them for a while, apparently.

Ear plugs are not an option

Youve clearly gon through this before

nothing much you can do about the gamey taste, but thats all good nutrients not some eating mutated bird, i say that knowing it makes me a hypocrite as i have a box of fried chicken beside me.

Rip, I guess.

I drove 60 mins from my house for my moose

>First world country

...that's step two, step one is getting penis mutilated and sucked by old degenerate pedo as an infant.

Who inspects and what do they do? Never been inspected here, but always wary of them

Cute. Post boipucci

Haha first world country. Street shitter. Funny shit pajeet

I feel you. I try not to do that shit.

those are some good birds. shot a turkey earlier but the fuckers probably half that size. they seem to be few in numbers where I'm from tho

>Hunting Snow Geese
I'm truly jealous, that seems like a lot of fun. Are they tasty?

Lucky. I fucking hate it here. At least Ford might change some shit.


They've reintroduced them out here. They used to be extinct, now they're all pretty good size.

Wardens or conservation officers. Basically just stop and talk to you. Check your licenses. Check your weapons. Ask if you have any harvest. For the record hunters pay for almost all of these guys. Usually come by our camp and hang out. Cool with the after dark beers and the occasional hippie smoke. I don't fear these guys as I am compliant all the time like any self respecting white male

Haha not really. My dogs like em

5 times better than Canada geese. Great burger meat.

>All I want to do year round is hunt and fish.
>Born and raised in Jew York

Fuck this state. Especially fuck deer ticks.


Come out west. Oilsands picking up again

Been considering it.

wild turkeys are some fine eating too...we kill a lot of squirrels down here..hunting our food is honoring our ancestors

I would if I were you. I went from making 29 a hour in a city of a million. To 51 a hour on 14 on 14 off doing same job. Pension rocks and benefits are kick ass. Only sacrifice is being up north for 14 days a month

You like squirrel? I tried cooling them once when I was little, but I put them in with their fur and insides still on. Thought that shit would burn off, and now I have a negative perception of their meat.

This exact fucking feel. I hate this shithole city so fucking much.

You guys aren't allowed to hunt

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I mean, after I finish school, I'll hopefully find some work up there.

yeah they're good. used to make an oven in the ground and cook them that way in the woods. maybe some seasoning but that's all they need

Where is that? I want to go. Get me out of this concrete jungle user.

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This is at least the third time I've seen this image.

I shoot turtles in my pond with my 243

The guy who lived here before me killed all the deer tho because my dogs keep bringing me bones

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I don't know where to go or how to do it. I grew up in Fresno, CA so there has never really been an opportunity to do it. I moved to Coos County OR and bought myself a Mossberg .308 and now I'm stuck with not knowing the next step. Nobody in my family other than my grandpa knows how to hunt, and he has heart blockages from eating a shit diet his whole life so he can't show me. My girlfriend's brothers hunt Elk often but I'm not sure I want to go out into the wilderness with 3 men who hate my guts for fucking their baby sister. What do Jow Forums?

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>mfw I live in New Jersey
It is an anti-gun commie zone here. I would love to move and gully experess my right to bear arms to the fullest extent.

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I picked up a tortoise once on a mountain hike and it pissed in me.

Start a apprenticeship there. And then come up after you have 2 years under your belt. Almost any trade. Heavy equipment techs do fuck all and make almost 60 a hour at my company.

Go with them and show them you're better then them. Also, Oregon is great for Elk, or so I've heard.

Practice and read up on hunting laws nigger faggot

Bear hunting is good out there. If you go, go early in the season. That's when they eat blueberries and their meat is fucking amazing.

Elk meat is fucking delicious. Better than beef

Can't hear you over cries of 40 hockey players

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I'm not better than them though, I'm am 18 year old fatty in recovery with no job at the moment and the eldest brother is 30 years, strong, has a stable job, and like 6'3". I do want to be better than them though.
I have a .22 with no optics on it and live on 6 acres of land about 5 miles down a slough. Are squirrels good to practice hunting? I doubt the DFW will come onto my family's land over a couple of squirrels

That you, user? Nice shots if so.

Be better. I mean, you have a girlfriend. And you're 18. Treat her right, and you will be good with them.

>Bear hunting is good out there
Are you sure? I have never heard that before, I'll have to look into it.
As far as the blueberries go, the city of Hammonton grows the best in the world. They truly are a delight.

I already read up on the basic laws I only need to get my license+tags and I'm legally in the clear. I don't have any experience though. Where the fuck would I even go to find elk? Public land? Forestry land? BLM land? Is BLM land considered public land that is available to hunt on?

We're full
Oh well.

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>killing for sport
>killing in mass amounts

wow you’re either a nigger or a psychopath

I've heard it's pretty good.

Hunting is awful in the UP where I’m going to school, unless you own land. I’ll be done next spring though.

> that first one
> head clean off


>not being disgusted by the prospect of skinning and processing a living being like some kind of butcher

>hunting to feed yourself and have fun is now sport
>two birds is now mass amounts

Best place for Elk is logged areas. When the trees are still fairly young after growing, the big ones will come up and rub on them. At that point, its up to you to get him.

>He doesn't hunt his meal
Thats a shame. You're missing out. Dinner truly tastes better when you prepare it yourself.

As if someone doing it for you is something to be proud of.

>you have to skin the animal while its alive
Wow, you're a brainlet AND a hippie. Must be a woman.

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easier to kill squirrels with a shotgun. be hard as hell to hit them with a little 22 bullet

> I live in a first world country so I can suck dick
> I live in a first world country so I can be morbidly obese and make others pay for it
> I live in a first world country so I can be a beer and not contribute
> I live in a first world country so I can cut off my genitals and pretend to be another gender
If you don't want to do it then say that, just don't hide behind society. Pretty weak.


I never said alive, I said living creature. It’s gross even if it’s dead

Thank you user, I'll look into that. Do you have any tips on deer? There's a doe that comes and steals our blackberries and apples from our property that walks like 70 yards from the front porch. Would it be unethical to kill her to protect my apples? She also has a baby following her around, but at the end of last year she was bloody and limping. Would it be merciful?

we have 2 old break-action 12ga and a double barreled 12ga all inoperable that need new bolts, butts, etc. Would it cost more to repair them or should I just save and buy a $99 break action at wallyworld?

I would leave the does. For one, it's hard to get a tag, and two, you kinda look like a pussy for killing a doe. Especially one with a fawn.

Inside the mind of an American