Just realized that websites can see your IP address and you can search an IP address and literally see exactly where someone lives. It lists the apartment name lmao.
Why didn't anyone ever tell me that? Is it safe to be online anymore?
Just realized that websites can see your IP address and you can search an IP address and literally see exactly where someone lives. It lists the apartment name lmao.
Why didn't anyone ever tell me that? Is it safe to be online anymore?
Other urls found in this thread:
not to worry goy it's all very safe
I am surprised at the lack of internet privacy and security threads on /pol, maybe another board?
don't use the internet
It's fine. Everything is out in the open now.
The age of innocence is long gone.
Time to face and admit who you really are proudly
im in usa and using an aussie ip
Nobody ever told you because they assumed you weren't retarded. You're producing a lot more information than where you live. You can try a VPN or tor.
>Is it safe to be online anymore?
Not if you don't say what the state wants to hear.
Like what else? I shouldn't be a racist online anymore guys...this is highly disturbing. I find my IP address, enter it into google and you can see my city, state, and apartment complex name. This is shocking to say the least.
Been here since '08. I'm in too deep. I don't care anymore.
Like I give a fuck.
Can't a guy just LARP in peace anymore? I don't want someone to think my posts on a Peruvian puff pepper harvesting image board are all made with sincerity.
is how it goes. not been here long but no doubt shit puts you on lists
Be on VPN in Sweden when actually in the US
What's the best VPN? Won't they spy on me as well?
/thread.. OP is a fag
>IP address and you can search an IP address and literally see exactly where someone lives. It lists the apartment name lmao.
this isn't true you just get a rough geographical area
It's literally true I just looked mine up
Disconnect your pc from internet
The only safe way is to use a burner laptop on public wi-fi and don't log into anything. But don't worry user, you're pissing into an ocean of piss.
VPNs sell your data. even expensive ones. the best thing to do is create your own botnet and use it for proxies.
I feel like this is a big open secret that we all just live with because we're not sure what else to do.
'03 here. Same.
321AD here
Prove it faggot
>It lists the apartment name lmao
No it fucking doesn't. It's pretty obvious where this wave of "wah people found out I go on pol and now I'm afraid" threads are coming from.
It's all so tiresome.
Spam useless bullshit information all over the internet. Do things like using incorrect and different information to sign up to everything.
>Can't a guy just LARP in peace anymore?
idk, I've been hypervigilant since I was 12. So I've never really had "peace of mind".
>mfw here forever
My nigga Constantine! What up!
No one is private on the internet the US gov can find anyone they want and Any IP the I’m behind prOxies gag works against weebs in the basement getting your IP not the gov kek
also the provider keeps logs on everything now by law
a vpn can get around that
really it just depends on who you want privacy from
but i would imagine somewhere exists a detailed digital dossier on everyone based on browsing habits for at least the last 15 years or so
I tried this and only got the address to my ISP, which is in the same city tho.
>for at least the last 15 years or so
Nah, wasn't really bitchin coverage till about 6-7 years ago.
Context will NOT be considered in the coming liberal genocide of whites.
Whonix on virtual machine.
Also I run a router with DNScrypt+ad-block+skynet firewall from a USB stick on ASUS router. Can run VPN right from the router.
Don't use chrome, use ungoogled chromium, iridium, epic privacy browser or opera.
I'm looking at it right now. No, I'm not posting mine for obvious reasons. Some IP addresses don't seem to list this much, I'll try it when I'm at my parents house and see what happens but for whatever reason when I search my IP address it gives a range of addresses and it lists the apartment complex name, the city, state, and country. I don't know why I never knew this before, I feel like a retard.
Its simple. Just police everything you ever say or look up online. Want to understand the usage of sodium nitrate? Look it up on your "friend's" computer
Alternatively you could just realize that youre an insignificant cog in the capitalist machine and that no agency would ever bother to spend the resources required to find out what kind of porn you look at
Why would you want anonymity Michael? Do you have something to hide?
Lol you dont.
The jew thrives with the lie and dies with the truth.
a truly unique fingerprint
Just use a VPN
Do you like Phil Collins?
>How to maintain privacy and anonymity online?
If you're not extensively trained in computer science and things of that nature, the one surefire technique I have to maintain privacy and such online is suicide. According to my humble knowledge, the United States Government cannot monitor and spy on you if you're living in Heaven (as far as I currently know.)
Get a life you nigger
I’m really in Nigeria
Who cares to be honest?
You probably make yourself a bigger target by seeking to protect your privacy which is almost impossible in 2018.
My IP address claims that I am in Melbourne, which is incorrect. I live near echuca, so it's a fair way away.
Use that and see how accurate it is???
>Go in public
>People can see your license plates and know your city/state
>Can see your face
>Go in public internet
>People can see your IP address and know your city/state
>Can see your digital footprint
always, if they are not selling you something, they are selling (you)
Well I remember, I remember dont worry.
I just switch to my neighbors wi-fi whenever I want to shitpost or visit the darkweb.
Some geolocation databases are out of date and poorly maintained.
and your mac address is on that router
hmm. i dont know if i believe that.
Not when you spoof it!
You can change your mac address on stock windows or linux without any additional software. kek.
I wonder if there's a board dedicated to technology...
I've been here since it was only two boards. I've seen Jow Forums "die" and then come back. I am ancientfag, hue newfag.
so you disconnect from all devices, wan0 down, macchanger -r wan0 up, and connect, then the same process to disconnect switch mac back to hardware mac then connect to your own portal
Your mac address doesn't leave your local network. NAT translates all traffic to your traffic to your routers MAC.
You could just spoof it and leave it spoofed.
The only group worth hiding from is the only one you can't hide from. Don't worry about it user
You can hide though. You just can't run from them.
That only changes the Mac addy on each adapter, or your router doesn’t it?
*not your router
I often find my IP address lists a location over 3000km away
Is it true an Gmail recipient can see your exact location in the code of the emails you send? Also heard a person can your location when you open a Gmail?
It is alarming how little pol talks about online privacy since we are all thought crime multi offenders. G has some good stuff but not quite enough. Maybe we all speak of how to improve online anonymity and how to mask your online identity and cover tracks more often
Same. And that’s without using any of the fresh proxy lists that come out every day
connecting to neighbors wifi remember? so could surf dark web. thats what poster said. just pointing out some obvious problems
If you are wirelessly connecting to a neighbors wifi the only way anyone could track it back to you is if your hardware mac address was logged.
If you spoof your mac, they can log a spoofed mac and you can claim it was someone else.
Router MAC doesn't matter because ISP already knows who you are. You could spoof it if your ISP is a cunt and won't let your run your own hardware but that hardly ever happens anymore.
what problem?
That's why you have roommates. Plausible deniability.
I can change hardware Mac addy easily in command line.
The Tor browser is really good for keeping you safe. Also always use a VPN.
It's easy bro. No social media accounts. Even if someone does google your name nothing comes up.
VPNs are useful for questionable activities, but keep your nose clean and your IP address is lost in the noise regardless.
I was just going through my gmail account I made so I could post racist things on youtube, and if you go to your account settings and then security checkup it shows you all of the devices you've used and the names of them. I'm naive so I just named my iphone "My first name's iphone", same with my macbook.
Google can't do anything with that, right?
I unironically think this is how the (((deep state))) keeps people in line. They have for on everyone and everything and I bet even paranoid conspiracy theorists don't even know the half of it. Remember when they blackmailed Ross Perot by threatening to release a tape of his daughter dyking out on spring break or whatever on her wedding day? That was almost 30 years ago
Even if you use tails, post everything on tor, use disposable email addresses, and use public IPs you are not anonymous whatsoever.
The internet must be avoided if you want privacy. It is only a myth within.
I like his daughter
Even if I did this, my name is all over online from school related activities.
5/10 tops
Of course they can.
yeah I know nothing beats the traps from Brazil
this x 5000
Anyone else use iridium browser and qwant search engine?
Yes, it's all run through companies in Israel like Infosys, c/o Technion Univ. This is how the US has skirted by any remnants of Constitutional protection. Israel is compiling portfolios on any American deemed a risk for their future plans, like Facebook, which provides data to ADL and SPLC which gives it to Israel. We're fuckd.
>Even if I did this, my name is all over online from school related activities.
Thankfully I finished school in 99, and the Aus government were technical retards back then, so they didn't post a bunch of useless crap online for the pedos to come through
just joining the thread to mention everything i've said on here is ironic and satirical. i, in no way, have meant the things i've posted about god's chosen people.
Use only free and open software or be cucked.
Why do I need a VPN if I use tor browser? Also, I'm permanently banned from wikipedia because of Jew reasons. How do I avoid being detected on wikipedia? It doesn't accept proxy accounts.
Just use free terminals at public libraries for everything during regular working hours, then lead a normal life in the evenings. Since there's no login for this site, problem solved. Just use gloves or hand sanitizer, user
How the fuck do you get banned from Wikipedia?
All you had to do was keep your mouth shut goy