What Do These Faggots Do?

Besides worshipping the devil, I mean.

I know there are some surprising people in their ranks like

>Jesse Jackson
>Dave Thomas
>Mayer De Rothschild
>Henry Ford

Are they a legit devil-worshipping cult or just a bunch of faggots? Any freemasons on here that can chime in?

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Other urls found in this thread:


one man square dance on marble floors

wear aprons like sissies

super secret squirrel lodge meetings just to jerk each other off

srs tho they offer false enlightenment from bottom to top and it seems really innocent at the bottom, almost altruistic and charitable as an organization.

It's a social club OP. The most nefarious thing they do is buy kids bikes and fund scholarships.

LARP really hard

They practice Talmudic Judaism mixed with ancient kabbala. See Genesis 3:5

Attached: GWCornerstone.jpg (538x417, 38K)

Not much these days. Novus ordo seclorum meant changing monarchy to democracy.

The most outwardly charitable people are usually the worst. Read the Franklin Cover-up, the people that made a pretense of giving a lot to charity were actually abusing little kids.

Go on.


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>Tight jerkwads are the best people
Sure thing OP

most are unaware faggot that have been unwittingly been building up the Antichrist kingdom for the kikes

Don't they drive those little clown cars in the parades?

Study science and philosophy.

That's Shrine. It's the super charitable side degree in America.


what actyally is kaballa?


this, and i should know as i am a mason.

They are legit devil worshippers, but only the ones who are 33rd degree Freemasons.



Has a long history, not going to effort post, read some books. Used to be a social club that you had to be a part of to get ahead in society, particularly if you sought to be a hidden hand. You learn about Hiram Abiff and Solomon, try to be like them, build you temple etc.. Other appendant lodges do anything from funding children's hospitals to fucking the children from said children's hospitals. It's got a lot of history, you get out of it what you bring to it, whether you're into BBQ fundraisers, Solomonic magic or Lolita Express.

It's quite literally a gay club for in-the-closet gay men to suck each others cocks without destroying their families with their sodomy.

It used to be a group for people who practiced Judaism for Gentiles. They studied Qabbalah, Hermeticism, Rosicrucianism, Gnosticism - Trinisophia.

If you want basic rundown on things they practiced I would recommend either reading P Manly Hall, Aleister Crowleys works or HP Blavatsky.

Don't join this shit thinking anybody but a rare few lodges still practices all this kike magic though, it's a good way to get a dick in your mouth. Hardcore LARP, should be mocked at all costs.

Duh. Memento Mori is a major symbol. We're not allowed to get real skeletons any more due to some laws about human remains (even being donated), so it'd be cool if they had a real one.
Doesn't really work that way.

yes i suppose i am a low tier mason.

so all i can say is that in 8 years i have seen nothing more than a mens dining club.

so do the hells angles.....

With how many freemasons post here you'd think Australia would be less cucked than it is. Oh well, don't make em' like they used to, huh?

it's a satanic sex cult.

time travelers.


Pretty much. Our politicians are pretty dedicated to fucking the place over.


babylonian mysteries

>srs tho they offer false enlightenment from bottom to top
Also, highlight these words.
Freemasonry is a lot like scientology in that they extort fees from you offering "enlightenment." Read this shit and tell me it isn't the most gay LARP faggot bullshit you've ever heard.
>32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret. This degree describes the victory of the spiritual over the human in man and the conquest of appetites and passions by moral sense and reason. The exemplar represents every Freemason eager to serve humanity but caught between self-interest and the call of duty. Duty often requires sacrifice, sometimes the supreme sacrifice.

Like, everything these stupid gay old faggots can teach you is in a book you could buy or download on PDF and read for way cheaper.
Low level Mason defender is back. This fag is in every thread about Masonry in denial about his kike LARPing.

They were influential in the past but they have fulfilled their purpose in secularizing and liberalizing europe and latinoamerica and are just a remnant club.

i am not 33rd degree just a MM. there is no online handshake.

>Low level
Not me, bro.
>This fag is in every thread
Does that mean you're in every thread too to shill?
>they extort fees from you offering "enlightenment."
Nope. And you should turn 360 degrees and walk away from any lodge trying to scam you like that.
>tell me it isn't the most gay LARP faggot bullshit you've ever heard
Sad that you think that. Says a lot about your (((character))).

I live close to this should I go brake in and put the rumors to rest
2480 Youngfield St, Lakewood, CO 80215

>Does that mean you're in every thread too to shill?
What am I shilling? If people are interested in Masonry I'm simply giving them the reading materials without the need to sell their soul.

You're shilling a cult, fag.
>Sad that you think that. Says a lot about your (((character))).
That's ((ironic)) coming from a literal kike LARPer.

Jew Masons.

Attached: Sat Free Mason Jews1494714521246 (2).jpg (622x586, 281K)

No because all of their books are known and in the open. Check out,
>If you want basic rundown on things they practiced I would recommend either reading P Manly Hall, Aleister Crowleys works or HP Blavatsky.

just join it you pussy. its not hard.

I live near masons that I speculate know less than I do. I like this guys perspective. The oddfellows pocketbook and ministry is something I picked up at a thrift shop on the coast of florida. I cant remember where it dates but I do know its near-over 200 years old. Joining the Masons is like joining a smaller version of the IRS in my understanding.

>We're not allowed to get real skeletons any more due to some laws about human remains (even being donated)
Damn, Oz is cucked as shit, you can't even keep human remains in your secret societies? wtf...

Also how do I join? Is it all just ancestry/good friends?

>brake[sic] in
You could just take a tour coloradofreemasons.org/lodges/facilities.shtml

>What am I shilling?
>I'm simply giving them the reading materials
Out of context snippets don't really offer much.
>You're shilling a cult
Nope. Not a cult, and not shilling. Just pointing out flaws in (((anti-Masonry))).
> coming from a literal kike LARPer.

>Oz is cucked as shit,
Pretty much. But to be fair, i think ours were purchased from medical schools and taken from coons, and that was a bit of a legal grey area.
>Also how do I join?
You just ask. Call or email your nearest lodge/state grand lodge.

You know, if you believe in a higher power, and know someone in their ranks, you can ask to join.

And if you succeed come back and tell us whats it all about

I've heard Joseph Smith was a freemason, lots of similarities in the two systems as well.

Nuh uh that would be breaking the oath...

I live near masons that I speculate know less than I do. I like this guys perspective. The oddfellows pocketbook and ministry is something I picked up at a thrift shop on the coast of florida. I cant remember where it dates but I do know its near-over 200 years old. Joining the Masons is like joining a smaller version of the IRS in my understanding.
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as Fuck. Although I'm sure its a good outlet to empower the brilliantly evil. I fucking hate seeing their logos in nicer parts of upper michigan. They are very serious Larpers they do kill people they don't give a fuck. The first stage states a bunch of bullshit about kindship under god as well as the fact that that ideal only applies to other masons. They Clearly state there that anybody outside of their faction is a money-nut-cunt-fuck and is worth no regard outside what can be easily depicted as fiscal interest. Welcome to the earliest studies and divisions of the cash cow system. These cucks thought they could stop evolution.

I have an assortment of books from 1700s and early 1800s from Masons but nearly all of them are worthless for understanding Masonry. Aleister Crowley did all of the Mason stuff in a manner that was more honest than any of the Mason lodges will make readily apparent so I think he's a good primer.
As well as anti-semitism, oy vey kike LARPer.
>Out of context snippets don't really offer much.
WHAT? They are simply authors.
Read them or don't.
>Nope. Not a cult, and not shilling. Just pointing out flaws in (((anti-Masonry))).
There are absolutely 0 flaws to anti Masonry.
Anybody can get interested in the same things the original Masons(and not outdated LARPers like you today) did without joining a cult for it.

Anybody here is capable of possessing the same "secrets" without wasting their time and energy like you have, and do.

Larp Larp Larp Larp

jewish magic
they killed Ariel Sharon with it, for example

>waste 30 years of your life to play D&D
Nearly all Freemason lodges today are defunct LARP groups. Even if they did function as they originally had, there is NO reason to join one.

Freemason lodges are built around selling secrecy and deceiving its members. They give its members "substituted secrets" and expected them to figure everything out on their own(which is why I recommended Crowley instead of a lodge).

If you have to figure it out on your own anyway then you might as well do it without having to suck old dude dick along the way.

They infiltrate organisations and take them over,
the banking sect have consistently ruined businesses and then sold them off to their buddies, they then galvanise these like businesses into monopolys..
They also bankroll incomers to make sure they succeed, they want us to fail so they can change society into mindless slaves of money, and who better to do that to than those whose countrys they have devastated ,whilst simultaneously pointing the finger at the people in countrys who host the incomers.

In Scotland the government want to start our own bank, they know the score.

Only the passwords and salutes. Nothing else is secret.
>As well as anti-semitism
And that would be fine.
>They are simply authors.
I meant the A&AR 32nd blurb. But you could at least say why you recommend certain authors.
>There are absolutely 0 flaws to anti Masonry.
For JIDF, sure. Plenty of reasons for kikes to attack Masonry (and other Western traditions), as i'm sure you're aware.
>Anybody can get interested in the same things the original Masons(
Yea, but they never seem to. And the ones who are interested do join and contribute with like-minded men. Funny how that works.
>Anybody here is capable of possessing the same "secrets"
Duh. Here's a list of all the secrets stichtingargus.nl/vrijmetselarij/ritualen_en.html
They don't really matter.

redpill me on gay masonry

They are a cult.

Completely agree with all of that. There is an endless amount of things you can do to align your chakras and empower your third eye. Science shows 20 years of yoga will make the pineal crystal huge. Good luck, Spiritualism is a gauge on your fucking forehead next to physical capabilities emotional control and mental succession. This is a bunch of outdated larping white glove black red cape wearing ass cucks who think they know what you discover. Manipulating free enterprise. Yes they wear red and black capes and one white glove at their meetings


They use locals to achieve their goals, from the lowest criminal type to the businessmen.
Have in my time seen drunken losers aquire new cars and an easy life through just being part of a lodge...One actually told me that in the lodge everyone is treated as an equal, but thats just smoke and mirrors, the truth is its handy for them to have criminals capable of all sorts onside, if they need to 'get things done'

I've been thinking about attending and trying to join. Anyone that's gone to their dinners want to chime in on common dress code and what to expect? Do I just show up or do I have to rsvp or what?

blackmail ring

Give them a call so they know to expect you. Smart casual is all you'll need. In the north-east they were black or white tie, but that's only for members.

>They give its members "substituted secrets" and expected them to figure everything out on their own
Duh. You're not told where X marks the spot. You're just given a shovel and a compass (actually works as a pun, i guess) and told to find it yourself, because something given has no value.

Attached: stock-photo-fire-letter-l-82443436.jpg (418x470, 36K)

Pic related. This is what joining Freemason lodges today is like.
>Only the passwords and salutes. Nothing else is secret.
You are clearly not to be trusted on the matter since you don't know much about the history of Freemasons or its practices.
>I meant the A&AR 32nd blurb. But you could at least say why you recommend certain authors.
1. Aleister Crowley built his entire school out of Freemasonry, he was top degree in AASR and also incorporated Misraim into his practices. He didn't identify his school directly as Freemasonry, because in a sense it wasn't, it was open and honest unlike Freemasons and got right into the shit that people were interested in.
>Plenty of reasons for kikes to attack Masonry (and other Western traditions), as i'm sure you're aware.
The KIKE loves Freemasonry.
The Church banned Freemasons for hundreds of years because it's heretical kikery.
>And the ones who are interested do join and contribute with like-minded men. F
Go to a gay bar, fag.
Like I said earlier, I have a collection of all the silly bullshit fluff incorporated into Freemasonry.
These are substitute secrets.
Anybody can look what these are up to learn more about Masonry and its deceitful practice.

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If a person is interested in advancing their career / becoming successful financially, could joining a lodge help with that?

Magicians and occultists but you have to understand that a human by themself cannot do magic. They need a demon to be able to do it. In fact in many old textbooks magic is defined as relationship with a human and a demon. You cannot do magic without demons unless it’s illusion trickery “magic”. But real magic like trying to harm another person (than just hiding a bottle cap) is done through many rituals where a human must self-sacrifice and humiliate themself until the demon is satisfied enough to help. They especially love it when you mock God.

But demon doesn’t sound nice does it? So a lot of these initiates when they first start are told it’s for fun or that it’s not demon but an angle/spirit/alien. They especially love to say it’s about exploring your spirituality because it’s sounds so nice and romantic...

Then once these poor souls are too far down the rabbit hole they without a doubt have to know it’s demons they are speaking with but it’s too late to get out now and not because of the human influences.

What the shit happened here user?

If you want to sell your body for financial success there are less degrading ways of doing so. They call them Rent Boys.

Why do old masons all look 20 years younger than they actually are? Is it all the child sacrifice?



They just follow the religion that started it all which is basically Luciferianism, or Judaism. The symbols and math are responsible for the reality. It's God's code, like caballism. Manipulating matter with magic. The people at the top hide it to keep power.

Most Mason lodges dropped esoteric practices as an agreement with the church so they'd stop getting publicly outed as wicked sodomites.

This is partially why Freemasonry isn't an excommunicable offense any longer. They kept the gay blowjobs, ditched the Qabbalah. There are very few authentic lodges today.

Yea, so? That's just the title of the degree in the SJ.
>You are clearly not to be trusted on the matter since you don't know much about the history of Freemasons or its practices.
How ironic.
> he was top degree in AASR
I mean, he bought a fake Mexican degree, if you want to count that.
>, it was open and honest unlike Freemasons
It's based on a fake religion and being a hedonist wanker. And it was hardly as open as Freemasonry, which has always been honest.
>and got right into the shit
Hah, well phrased.
>The KIKE loves Freemasonry.
Then why do they attack it? Pretty sure they dislike it for traditionally barring them from joining, and the rituals shittalking them.
>The Church banned Freemasons for hundreds of years because it's heretical kikery.
Nope, the Vatican said not to join it because they did no investigation and thought it might be a rival. Seriously, read the Bullum.
>Go to a gay bar
No thanks, closet case. Homos aren't allowed to join Masonry.
>These are substitute secrets.
In the 3rd degree, you mean? You technically get the real ones in the HRA. But personally i think there never were any real ones when you look at the wording.
Misinterpretations like yours are why people should go through them in order, instead of skipping to the end so they can pretend they know what they're talking about.

No. You'd be kicked out and blacklisted for trying.

Yup. Gotta shower in virgin goat blood at least once a week. But the real secret is to lather, rinse, and repeat. Always repeat.

I can't tell you here, but think like this:
What are vampires?
What do they drink?
What does the legend say about WHY?
So what do masons drink?
What do they do to the people of whom they drink the blood of?
What does this increase in the blood? (actually research this, it's multiple answers).
What is ageing?
How could you circumvent it?
what do all actions in the universe require?
What does this special blood give you?

Do it yourself
Read up on the three brothers and hermeticism

That's the Crowley brand

You will find out in time

>Yea, so? That's just the title of the degree in the SJ.
Please don't try to pretend like Masons don't try to present its gay-mens-club as a path to enlightenment.
>How ironic.
Not really.
>I mean, he bought a fake Mexican degree, if you want to count that.
If you don't want to count it then you can count the fact that all of OTO founders were also Masons.
>It's based on a fake religion and being a hedonist wanker.
Masonry is also built around fake religions.
What's the point?
>which has always been honest.
He really thinks this.
>Then why do they attack it? Pretty sure they dislike it for traditionally barring them from joining, and the rituals shittalking them.
If you aren't LARPing as kikes then why is the structure of the lodge built around the Qabbalah.
Also, nice Jewish tricks, Chaim, Jews have always been a big part of Freemasonry. Hell, Freemasonry and Jewish influence in England practically run parallel. Many old lodges were as much as 4/5ths Jewish.
>Nope, the Vatican said not to join it because they did no investigation and thought it might be a rival. Seriously, read the Bullum.
""to join these associations is precisely synonymous with incurring the taint of evil and infamy, for if they were not involved in evil doing, they would never be so very averse to the light [of publicity]." "The rumor [of these doings] has so grown that" several governments have suppressed them "as being opposed to the welfare of the kingdom."[13] Clement XII wrote, that these kinds of associations are "not consistent with the provisions of either civil or canon law" since they harm both "the peace of the civil state" and "the spiritual salvation of souls." "
>No thanks, closet case. Homos aren't allowed to join Masonry.
Then why are you one
>i think there never were any real ones
Funny how if you get into books like The Mass and It's Mysteries Compared to Ancient Mysteries or the Keys of Solomon they all tie to A.Crowley.

Attached: whyyouwrong.jpg (976x1189, 275K)

Crowley's brand is directly derivative from Masonry.

Worship kike cock.

>Please don't try to pretend like Masons don't try to present
I'm sure some do. But that has no bearing on what the organisation is.
>Not really.
It is, because you seem to be so ignorant of it's history and practices.
>If you don't want to count it then you can count the fact that all of OTO founders were also Masons.
Indeed that is more concrete. But that doesn't make the OTO any more related to Masonry.
>Masonry is also built around fake religions.
Nope. It's built around philosophy, and being a handmaid to religion (but really just Christianity).
Oh, no proof otherwise?
> why is the structure of the lodge built around the Qabbalah.
It isn't. It's built around the Collegia now. And was originally just built around pub tables.
>Jews have always been a big part of Freemasonry
Nope. They couldn't even join until 1813, and have never been especially prominent in it. Hell, even in Israel, they're only 50% with Palestinians.
>Many old lodges were as much as 4/5ths Jewish
>Clement XII wrote
Yea, rumours and incorrect assertions.
>Then why are you one
Ohh, burn.
>they all tie to A.Crowley
Who cares about recent revisionism when you can look at older records?

lol imagine actually joining a free masonry lodge and then believing they're innocent after you get drunk and do charity work with decrepit old fucks in the community

fucking dipshits, the masons in this thread should actually kill themselves

Attached: Herzel_Masonry.jpg (284x177, 11K)

>I'm sure some do. But that has no bearing on what the organisation is.
>It is, because you seem to be so ignorant of it's history and practices.
Projection. You're just a brainwashed cult member.
>Indeed that is more concrete. But that doesn't make the OTO any more related to Masonry.
>Who cares about recent revisionism when you can look at older records?
It absolutely does. I had to batch these things together since those books translated by Crowley or remarked upon by him were written BY HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL MASONS YOU RETARDED CUNT.

Ho-ly shit.
Do you even into JM Ragon you kike?

didn't realise it was possible to become this brainwashed in this day and age, although shouldn't really expect anything else from inbred drunk convicts

>worshipping the devil
idk where you get your information, but I've met a few. It seems most are decent enough people.
Believing in God is a requirement too btw, so not much devil worship.

No? There's only the Landmarks.
Nope. Academic. Which is why you're going for ad hom instead of trying to prove me wrong.
>It absolutely does
Yea? Why?
> those books translated by Crowley or remarked upon by him were written BY HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL MASONS
Which ones, and that doesn't mean his interpretations are correct.
>Do you even into JM Ragon
Nah, not in a Masonic sense. He was a GOdF nigger, and a Misraim-ist, which is cool, but spurious, as you should have known. The Rectified rites are better than his work.

And man, you need to take a chill pill. I'm sure your handlers won't mind if you're not using caps-lock like a child all the time.

In what way?

O yeah ask a mason how they feel about Christ, follow that by asking who ((jahbulon)) is and keep in mind the blood oath to decieve ((they)) take, read body language.

But I thought Henry Ford hating the devil worshiping merchants? Are you sure they aren't just trying to slander his name so they don't look bad when he called them out?


Attached: Hum.png (2052x1631, 1.91M)

>ask a mason how they feel about Christ
Like 90% of members are Christian, so the answer would be pretty positive.
> follow that by asking who ((jahbulon)) is
Only Royal Arch companions would understand it, and "jahbulon" isn't a who, it's a title, used to precede the Christian name of God. It's purpose is to make one think about lexiology.
>and keep in mind the blood oath to decieve ((they)) take
Source? That would be contrary to our actual obligations, and a blood oath would be both unhygienic, and potentially imposing on the religious duties of members.

>No? There's only the Landmarks.
No. There are different rites with different focuses on cultures, as I mentioned, but between them all exist that secrecy of ascending the ladder to illusory enlightenment.
>Nope. Academic. Which is why you're going for ad hom instead of trying to prove me wrong.
Saying somebody who actually lists off influential Mason authors YOU'RE UNAWARE OF is ignorant of its history isn't just ironic, it's futile.
>Yea? Why?
Same organization structure, same rituals, same literature, same people. Deeply seeped in Rosicrucianism and the Kabbalah. Only variance is that Thelema is not part of Freemasonry.


Anybody trying to proclaim no relation between Golden Dawn/OTO and Freemasonry is full of shit. Then again, you LARP as a Jew. Perhaps even are one.
>Which ones, and that doesn't mean his interpretations are correct.
Anybody can feel free to look up any of these books and see how they tie into Freemasonry. I particularly recommend the Goetia. Pretty much pure kikery.

If anyone doubts this, I recommend them to print that list of books and see how much related material they can find in any available Masonic library.
>Misraim-ist, which is cool, but spurious
No more spurious than the mystical Judaism of the Scottish rite. Misraim only became less popular because it required more work by having over 90 degrees and being based in Egyptians. Misraim Masons are generally regarded as the more scholastic branch.

It's far more authentic than modern Masonry, and everyone knows it. One prominent member of this branch was

Recommend people to see how all the things I've previously mentioned in regards to Blavatsky and other mystical aspects of Masonry are repeatedly mentioned

In the 1990s you could not be promoted to a high level within the National Australia Bank.

Also in the 90s there was a Royal Commission of Inquiry into corruption in the New South Wales police. This was brought on by the Commissioner and three deputies lying under oath in Parliament.
20% of the police force was dismissed or resigned, 2.5% were jailed for felonies including rape and child porn. No senior cop could be trusted and a new commissioner was imported from England.

The crooked police commissioner, Tony Lauer, was allowed to resign instead of testify before the Royal Commission.
Evidence from other cops showed that he knew of divving up of drug money stolen from crooks and the armed hold up squad would arrange robberies of armoured cars delivering cash for a percentage.

While commissioner he refused to renew any firearms licenses, making a quarter of a million citizens instant felons when their license expired. The law had to be changed to remove his veto.

With that background one would consider him a social paria for the rest of his life. Last year he was made the leader of the Masons in NSW.

Masons seem go be heavily involved in law enforcement and banking around the world. These are the two secular means of societal control.

Make of this what you will.

Surely it's just a ((coincidence))

Attached: PCNZm4M.jpg (1826x2879, 818K)

>but between them all exist that secrecy of ascending the ladder to illusory enlightenment.
Not so much. There are set landmarks (things like the Hiramic myth, must believe in God, men only, etc) as the universal accord.
>lists off influential Mason authors YOU'RE UNAWARE OF
Not unaware of them. Just don't hold the Lomas or Knight tier ones in much esteem. If you weren't ignorant of the history, you would understand why.
Just because someone wrote a book doesn't make them an expert.
>Same organization structure, same rituals, same literature, same people.
Yes to structure (at least it was), rituals are obviously different (otherwise what would be the point?). And some of the people were the same, but that has little bearing.
>no relation between Golden Dawn/OTO and Freemasonry
Not "no relation", since GD/OTO were somewhat inspired by it. But there's nothing beyond that.
>you LARP as a Jew. Perhaps even are one.
No and no.
>Anybody can feel free to look up any of these books and see how they tie into Freemasonry.
As they should, wherein one might realise that they don't (obviously helps to read other things first so you don't fall for his lies).
> print that list of books and see how much related material they can find in any available Masonic library
Odds are it'd be slim pickings. Been trying to get copies for my own lodge library, and they're just stupid expensive.
>No more spurious
M8, have a read of them. They're based off Cagliostro's work, which the actual organisation was good, but his rituals were lame.
>than the mystical Judaism of the Scottish rite
>Misraim only became less popular because it required more work
Nope. Because they tried to say they could make Masons. That was a no-no, even if the rituals were regular. If they stayed appendant, they would have been fine. It's a damn shame. Now they're owned by the GOdF, and they let it die.

Drat. Couldn't be promoted in NAB unless a Mason.

Also the push to ban guns in Australia started in 1977 with a policy statement of the NSW Police Association.
I don't believe in coincidences. I do believe in cohencidences. One is random fate, the other is a scale that has been tampered with. Of course, tampering with weights and measures is cultural and must be accepted in a diverse society.

>by having over 90 degrees
But only like twenty real degrees. The rest were conferred. I think someone went through and did another forty or so, but that was later. You can get copies from the Grand College of Rites.
>and being based in Egyptians.
Ie. The main selling point?
>Misraim Masons are generally regarded as the more scholastic branch.
They're not regarded at all, since they don't really exist. Continental and Northern Rites are considered more scholarly.
>It's far more authentic than modern Masonry
Nah, never was. It was like the original A&AR, where they tried to sell it on big numbers instead of content.

Man, nothing good comes out of the south.

>If you weren't ignorant of the history, you would understand why.
>Just because someone wrote a book doesn't make them an expert.
The ((irony))
You're the only one of your kind not holding them in esteem. It must sting a little that being such a good shabbos goy that you are you'll never be immortalized by your little gayboy club like these figures have.
> rituals are obviously different
No they fucking aren't. They derived their rituals FROM Masonry you fucking
>somewhat inspired by it.
Not somewhat, IS.
>No and no.
>As they should, wherein one might realise that they don't (obviously helps to read other things first so you don't fall for his lies).
Except they do.
>Odds are it'd be slim pickings. Been trying to get copies for my own lodge library, and they're just stupid expensive.
Nice try Chaim, any Lodge of value has a library of its own.
>M8, have a read of them. They're based off Cagliostro's work, which the actual organisation was good, but his rituals were lame.
Both sides are lame, but what's more lame is being a Freemason in a Lodge that simply LARPs ritual-lite.
>If they stayed appendant,
Everyone observe how this fucking KIKE repeatedly says the rituals and structure are not universal, they only need believe in (("God")), but then simultaneously says that another rite had to abide to this tradition.

You're a faggot liar, and a Jew.

>You're the only one of your kind not holding them in esteem.
Source on that? Because that doesn't sound very academic.
>are you'll never be immortalized
By your metric i just have to write a few hundred pages of uncited faff to get that dubious honour.
>They derived their rituals FROM Masonry
Ergo, they're different. Derived =/= photocopied.
>Not somewhat
Yea, somewhat. They had to draw on other inspiration, otherwise they'd just be doing the same thing over and over. GD adopted the structure, but they also took on a lot more alchemical and magickal stuff which isn't found in Masonry, because that's what those guys were interested in.
My foreskin says you're terrible at this, and are more interested in attacking me than proving any point.
>Except they do
One should hope.
>any Lodge of value has a library of its own
Not as many as you'd think. Grand Lodges often do, but daughter lodges typically don't have the space for it, or the resources. Had to make mine by hand. Even went to a research lodge in America where the librarian kept it all in the boot of his car, and would drag it along every meeting.
>what's more lame is being a Freemason in a Lodge that simply LARPs ritual-lite
Yes, ouch. Well done.
Feel free to prove it. And since you don't know much about Masonry or the A&AR, i'll advise you have a look at the SJs 23rd and 24th. But of course, you'll have to check out the ones around them, too.
>says the rituals and structure are not universal
That's correct.
> but then simultaneously says that another rite had to abide to this tradition
Learn to read, bro. I mentioned the importance of landmarks. ETJ is quite a major one (and very contentious in Russia/Georgia/Ukraine at the moment). It means that no one can infringe on already recognised territory, which is what M:.M:. would have been doing if they didn't abandon their first three degrees like the Scottish Rite did.
An exception we can see there is Louisiana, with their A&AR.



he's a pretty hip(hop) mason

If they are black, they aren't masons.

>Source on that? Because that doesn't sound very academic.
See pic.
>By your metric i just have to write a few hundred pages of uncited faff to get that dubious honour.
Its hilarious that you think books that are joined by thousands of lodges across the globe in the shelves of their libraries is "faff" to you. Surely you aren't just the LARPer that I'd accused you of being. Low level pleb. Cultist jew.
>Ergo, they're different. Derived =/= photocopied.
Not really. They quite literally read the same exact books. Stop being a kike for like 2 seconds.
>otherwise they'd just be doing the same thing over and over. GD adopted the structure, but they also took on a lot more alchemical and magickal stuff which isn't found in Masonry
The esoteric side of Masonry is no secret, stop fucking lying. The mystical shit in Masonry is out in the open and spoken on well throughout history. Just because your lodge is a gay mens spa doesn't mean thats how they've traditionally been. You know this.
>My foreskin
>Had to make mine by hand.
>Yes, ouch. Well done.
Your lodge is shit, bro.
Accept it. You just LARP.
>since you don't know much about Masonry or the A&AR
Funny coming from the admitted sad-knockoff LARPer. One doesn't even need a library when the books are widely available online.
>Feel free to prove it.
Gas yourself, kike.

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All that really matters.

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inb4 you invoked these strayan masons that always shitpost and never say anything concrete, theres a brit one too, perhaps they belong to a masonic version of the jidf.