CONT'd: Fluffy Post - Toronto Dungeon

The previous post has been archived, but this is a huge detail so it gets its own thread.

The physical address that the fluffy post was made at (75 Mowat Ave) I wasn't surprised to see it be this corner of Toronto. Look on streetview, it is the creepiest corner of the city. Old, abandoned-looking factories, low-populated, boarded up brick buildings.

100 meters/400 feet from 75 Mowat (7 Fraser Ave), is located the darkest thing I have ever seen in this city. It is a dominatrix dungeon called SubSpace. I met a girl who said she was into that stuff and I mirrored her because she was hot. Found myself at this wacko place, watching people getting put on hooks and doing "syringe-play". I left pretty quick. Anyway it has strict hours open to the public, and I imagine it also gets rented out for private stuff. I am not at all surprised someone is posting this fluffy shit right next door.

I always wondered where this pizza stuff might go down in my own city, but it was staring me right in the face.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i wonder if the faggot ass serial killer they busted a few moths ago was part of that scene

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I would hazard a yes. Seemingly sporadic and isolated communities end up being connected in several ways. is one of the major gateways, no doubt.

I remember when fluffys were first started to be drawn. If I recall it was satirical like peepeepoopoo People were drawing them on Jow Forums and /b/ there was tons of OC from Jow Forums drawing these things, they were always shitting their pants or helplessly dying in cruel ways. It was to make normies fuck off. I think a weird community got a hold of this shit. and mutated it over the years.

I've never heard of this fluffy shit in my life gimme a quick rundown senpai

Fuckoff memeflag fag

It just became a big thing tonight, some creepy user's image linked to nowhere but had some hard-to-view writing that led to some extremely fucked up comics, that looked like serial killers working through their trauma by describing it with ponies instead of children. Someone traced the poster origin to Toronto.

I see.. that video in the op explained some of what is wrong with America. I hope we sink into the sea.

Jesus christ, I had an apartment in liberty village like 2 years ago. I lived less than a kilometer away from the locations in the OP. i fucking hate this city

>It just became a big thing tonight
No that's not true. MLP was shit posting everywhere all over /b/ and Jow Forums people started making these comics to make fun of MLP 1 and to to act as Chemo. I first hand saw hundreds of OC comics being created here on Jow Forums. There wasn't the pedophile slant, they all talked like children, but only to outline how helpless and stupid they were. The pedo shit I'm seeing in the newer comics is different.

Honestly the stuff I saw tonight.. I was only able to skim over. It was really really bad, and in the comments was a whole community of psychos getting off on it.

It was a shock to everyone here.

Having spoke to some people serious in the kink lifestyle, "subspace" is an affect that these people experience when their pleasure from pain brings them to a kind of high where they feel they are literally with god (the devil).

All kinksters are satanists.

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yeah it was a little surreal that nobody had seen these before, I feel like an oldfag.

I've heard this too, and that it is also a really frigging powerful high. As you can imagine, the "Doms" also get a high from being in control.

Links to the previous thread, the weirdo shit, and the comments of people who got off on it?

It was somewhere on this FluffyBooru site. This link was part of it. I'll see if I can find more
. Didnt think I'd need to keep track of it myself.

Thanks, user!

I really shit the bed by losing the info. Things were kinda hectic and I'm relatively new to thread creation. It was all in a podesta thread that had some bright green around podesta face in pic.. it got archived around midnight. Apologies.
Start digging.
Okay I found it by searching one of the 'artists': PYROxSYCO. It was the other one that had the massive following and the frankly traumatizing storyboards. Viewer beware.
My bad it's late I'm tired. Goodnight.

This is way more intriguing than the HRC vid everyone is shitting their pants over.

What HRC vid? I can't find it!

My HRC-Video thread (200+ replies) just got 404d and I got a temporary ban.

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nothing a little fire won't cure