Tfw he betrayed us

>tfw he betrayed us
Hold me, friends.

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b-b-but the kikes over in /ptg/ told me it's all part of the plan!

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This is terrifying

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No need to be concerned, everything is totally fine. *Sweats

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Jew in chief

Fuck off retard

Redpill us brother, does everything look fucking rosy from your end?

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Checked. Trump hasn't only failed us but he has failed God.
Repent your sins anons, end times are coming.

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I hope all of you fucks freeze to death in nuclear winter.

If he leaves it at this one last attack and allows Assad to take back control of his country, he's still okay by me.

He's compromised following the raid on his lawyers office, and if he doesn't play the game (((they))) will ruin him, his family name, and everything he has built in his life. It sucks but I'm pretty sure he'll just limp along for the next two years doing a half assed job of doing (((their))) bidding until he loses the 2020 election, which is probably a certain outcome because they'll force him to go back on all he said. Like Syria.

>>He's compromised following the raid on his lawyers office,
Quick rundown? I haven't been in the loop on this.

Thanks senpai, you too!

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>Trump hasn't only failed us but he has failed God.
It's not that bad. The gasover strikes and Cloud Act were bullshit, but it could've been worse. I just hope he isn't junta'd/leveraged out, and it kinda seems that way.

America for over a century has been a puppet to the Jews. Don’t know why youse trusted him.

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"It's such a quiet thing to fall, far more terrible is to admit it."

I still believe he had good intentions, but it's clear not going full-fash day 1 was a mistake.


>I wasn't here during the Campaign.
Trump wasn't our last hope, just a warning shot.

>not going full-fash day 1 was a mistake.
That's the thing though, he never could with the investigation hanging over his head. It has been able to keep in a box, knowing if he threatened to move beyond it he would be impeached within a week when some bullshit charges were brought down.

Trump always looks like a loser before he wins in a big way. Wake up.

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Shill shilling.

Sage the thread, hide it.

Inb4 agneugneu nu/pol go back to the_donald

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>Trump always looks like a loser before he wins in a big way. Wake up.

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Oh fuck.
I really hope there's something to this.

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trump bombing syria is all just part of a shariablue plot to turn us against him.

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>don't worry bros, Trump won't start a war like Hillary! he wants to focus on real issues
lies lies lies

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What war has he started exactly?

We all do, but it's not looking good for mr "Comeback king". Chances are he'll just look great to normies who don't give a shit if America continues it's slow decline as endless blood and treasure is spent strangling what few freedoms you have left.

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>literally poking russia over some irrelevant sandnigger shithole

Unless he does something miraculas Im voting rand paul

That's your definition of starting a war? You have to be 18+ to post here.

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Nice proving my point shill.

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Jesus Christ, he blew up like 3 buildings that were known to be related to chemical weapons and completely avoided casualties. Would you shills calm down already?

Between the far-left Hillshills and the 3rd world country shitposts, the level of discourse has somehow degraded below the norm.

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dumb frogposter


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Fuck off asshole, no one died and only a few buildings got hit

Now he wants all his supporters to be ready to die to save his life. TABFT

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Nice argument,

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>Redditors being retarded
Water is wet.

If r/t_d killed themselves, the collective world median IQ would rise by at least 10 points

To anyone pushing the #NoWarInSyria narrative, do you offer any solutions to stop Assad gassing innocent children? Or are you ok with that, it’s just the West you don’t want to do what’s morally right?

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he was our last roll of the dice

democracy is dead

the solution is to kill yourself, MIGAPEDO

Why is only Assad being held accountable? Since when did America First, become World Police and Garbagemen? What about muh evil rocketman?

Stop fighting wars for kikes, and MAGA

based Randlet!

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shilling so hard they are actually forced to blame jews to get anyone's attention

what would your masters think of this?

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>"Trump bombed a mostly empty hangar just like he did last year!"
>"WTF?! He betrayed us fellow Trump supporters I am not a shill!"
>"What a kike amiright fellow neo-nazis? Fuck those Redditors my fellow Jow Forums friends!"

Your response will be:
>"You're a Redditor from T_D!"
>"You're a shill!"
>"You're a jew!"

It's always the same stuff.

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I love how you made this graphic saying: "POST FAKE PHOTOS FROM INFILTRATED GROUPS!" knowing eventually you'd get busted and leaked.

This image is fake as all hell.

>Not noticing the obvious satire.
It's an argument presented in a creative way. Calm down and take your autism meds.

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Any proof that Assad did it because right now most countries that aren't ZOGd doupt that they happened? Why the fuck is it Americas buisness you fag?

Why the surprise.. he fucked you over when it suited him. That is his creed.. don't be surprised that he upsets you when his interests don't directly align with yours.

Its because both sudes tekk the truth. Kikes be hewing Kikes. Just sit back and enjoy.

It's not his actions, it's his motive. He's either willingly towing the line and following Israeli manipulation, or hes being forced to. Either way he's compromised.

Ivanka and his sons are chained to jews... just use those dusty neurons in your skull.