What makes Reddit so cucked and left leaning?


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100% the user base

It was kinda nice when they had fat people hate because i missed them on /b/

Jews and bots

Californians jumped on the internet train first and infested reddit.


The bots push both sides of the spectrum and the mods at reddit only censor the right, it drives everything left.

Censorship. That's what it does.

upvote fishing and leftist mods

Censorship. Places are only Left when censorship is involved, but when people are free to do what they want they always turn Right.

Leftism thrives in very controlled, censored, circlejerky safe spaces.

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The other side, not a POS liberal, should go retake Digg over.

Karma is like your good boy points for validation that you're like the other ribbitors.
Combine that with their progressive leftist mods and you get reddit.

Not posting anonymously.

This is the most influential single reason.

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It genuinely hurts to read comment sections discussing politics or current events on reddit. The vapid, naïve, blue-pilled, PC, and/or 'drumpf'-tier comments are typically up-voted to the extreme while comments with opposing/non-PC arguments are often met with ridicule, slander, belligerence, or the harrowing negative score that illustrates just how deep the user base lies within the matrix.

It seems to me that the website is cucked because the blue-pilled white masochists usually outnumber the rational minds in a given thread. This is further compounded by the fact that virtue signaling/parroting the narrative is rewarded with up-votes while dissenting is punished conversely. It is effectively a self-regulating echo chamber, and mod involvement only solidifies the PC walls.

There are some respectable communities however, r/TheRedPill in particular.

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^ These guys have it. It's all censorship and age skewing.

I'e been using Reddit since around 2006, and back then there was a very strong libertarian and right win presence. And Jow Forumspolitics only slightly leaned left.

As the site became more popular, and especially after Digg shit the bed and drove their userbase over there, the censorship started and Reddit went "mainstream" with high school aged kids.

What few conservative corners exist on the site are now marginalized and rendered virtually undiscoverable for a layman user, and the most popular subreddit routinely delete/shadow ban links and users that don't fit their narrative, while letting their 19 year old poly sci freshman userbase downvote and marginalize dissenting opinion in comments.

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They hate conflict.

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it's a psuedononymous forum for the majority of people and it turns out the majority of people aren't worthless NEETs with edgelord opinions

just a guess tho

Unironically censorship. The_Donald is literally its most active subreddit but the CEO suppresses numbers and statistics.

Why hide their names?

the freedom running through my blood is hot with anger, im gonna go shoot my gun today. fucking limp wristed faggots like this is why we need WW3 honestly

I don't know op but i feel kinda proud knowing I've never been a reddit faggot. been browsing Jow Forums since 2010, it's what I use the internet for mostly

A simple to use platform attracts the dumbest people in society so liberals flock to reddit. It's also top down liberal minded censorship and all censored spaces inevitably become leftist.

>be pebbit
>don't understand what freespeach is
>ban shit that isn't left leaning

saddly even here is NZ its just like that.
being conservative here is hell.

Karma points and censors.

This anything that goes against the narrative, is down voted, pure normie shithole, and its full of bots, fucking cancer.

That is a subtle satire, right?

Any democratic system will inevitably lead to catering to the lowest common denominator. Its so bland and shallow due to it being a popularity contest.

>What makes Reddit so cucked and left leaning?
vocal minorities, like always

>meanwhile at reddit
>roars of laughter break all the windows

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Censorship + Lefties infiltrating mod teams

Poe's Law in action.

>>human rights
There's your problem bud.

Those with more education and a higher IQ naturally gravitate the the progressive side of politics. Those without the intellectual capacity to adapt to change want everything to stay the same (conservatards).

It's the upvote effect that ensures only the least offensive stuff get visibility, then it's a loop of posite feedback and "natural selection" of the most politically correct ideas

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>everything to stay the same (conservatards).
Being a progressive subhuman is now the status quo, in case you hadn't noticed.

i dont know what part you are living in but where i live all the whites hate the coconuts and chinks and are very open and vocal about it

The upvote system means that the most politically acceptable normie shit gets to the top which makes all the other normies think: “this is how I should think/behave” perpetuating it all

Votes for totally unqualified candidate because memes. President cuts tax for the 1% dramatically, everyone else's taxes drop marginally then go up after ten years. All gop is done with him; in the trash it goes. Who got cucked?

You can say anything on Reddit and make it sound intelligent and it will be upvoted, no matter how retarded it is.

I'm not sure, I didn't take the screenshot.

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It wasn't always so bad. In the early days the two big suba were computer science and porn. Then the fems and cucks showed up and downvoted everything to shit. It is also a hive of recently informed amateurs. Hence "Reddit-tier"

Certainly, given that it is politically correct and presented in a witty xD enough manner.

It's a perfect model of democracy, albeit accelerated significantly. It's really rather fascinating seeing these worms interact in their little sub-society. We can learn a lot about how ideas can form in that context by observing the site's history and their atrocious memes.

It's a dunning-kruger tier misinterpretation. Yet another neckbeard virtue signalling so he gets upvotes thus he can forget how much of a loser he is rotting in a cubicle in front of a screen while being single and broke too.

shills buying users and moderator spots

The dingo brings bait.

>Places are only Left when censorship is involved
T_D is being cencored just as much as other political boards.

It's very easy to get upvotes and to troll them into oblivion without getting banned if you got a brain, matter of fact I get banned her more often than on reddit.


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>Lists a ton of laws heavily restricting what you can say/express and not
>Our freedom isn't limited in the least, we're just guided to use it for good
Imagine being this delusional. The fucking faggot not only doesn't understand what free speech and censorship is but he also claims that we Europeans understand human rights and dignity. Not realizing that if we really "did" the way he thinks then we wouldn't need laws telling us how to think and what not to say.
Fuck people like this honestly, i'm fucking glad we've had minimal laws like this in Sweden, but now it's getting worse, but people are also getting more upset with freedom of expression restrictions

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I enjoy causing infighting between feminist/lgbt/poc factions. I believe this is an important thing to do.

haha tacos xD

Wait they got rid of fat hate? Awww that was great, why the fuck that?

The upvote system does create a conformist environment. But so do facebook/Twitter likes and yet you see much more varied opinions in those platforms. The conformist effect of upvotes would just cause a site to swing harder once a number of users had been converted to the alternative point of view.

You don't notice this in reddit. They just use more censorship to suppress the alternative opinion even at the cost of their own revenue/users. The (((site owners))) are the ones responsible for it. Even when alternative subbreddits managed to gain a following and have more users than the defaults, such as Jow Forumseuropean, they were simply kicked off the platform.

>Come for the cats, stay for the empathy
What a weak, effeminate, emasculating concept.
I baulk every time I see it, it's so pathetic.

The whole karma system does.

Point system along with fagmods

Cucknadians have the same mindset.

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Jow Forums has new /fph/-threads almost daily

a lot of left-leaning cucks use the site
>wow mystery solved

Hard to make your case against the paid shillbots of Cuck the record/ShariaBlue. Not to mention the left have successfully invaded the management of the company so their minions can have a free run, which they do. Plebbit was center left and pro fee speech before but went complete psycho left after Trump. Voat hasn't been good alternative unfortunately.

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>Vote system
Of you think diffrently(right) you get downvoted and with that told to fuck off
>Over restricting Moss
I couldn't post my take on "whataboutism" on a text post on r/politics because it needs to be An article so i gave up

I visit r/Serbia or r/EU4 for news and pics once or twice a week

The problem with voat and gab is that they are ugly ass fuck, unappealing knockoffs, not viable alternatives.

>It's true. You do have freedom of speech in Canada
>But within reason (Racist insults, "hate"-speech based on sexual orientation, race or nationality can get you jailed)
Progressives are living oxymorons

This is the most important function of the league of shadows. It is one we've performed for centuries.

Reddit must be destroyed

To a degree, yes. But, can you name any popular boards w/o censorship that skew as left as the majority of the subs on reddit? If you can even name one it would w/o doubt be the exception.

The leaf's ass detonates in the face of facts

lol I do this too
>"Why do I need to be femsplained about queer culture?"

just look at this

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Young people tend to lean Left until they work for their money.

Giving a fuck about an internet name. It happens absolutely every time. The second people pause before typing because they are suddenly worried about"what everyone will think if they express themselves this way" the forum has already shifted six steps to the Far Left.

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Why can't Redditors accept well established science?

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the average age is 13.


This sounds entertaining.

I just typed that with sincerity....I need to find a new social circle after cutting myself off from my entire group of friends to stop with the opioids and now trolling the scum clinging to the grate at the bottom of the sewer known as life "sounds entertaining to me"...Oh man... I need help Lord!

Karma system encourages people to be overtly nice which causes people to either fish for upboats with ebin funny comments or simply say whatever conforms to the majority opinion on the subreddit.

Heavy handed moderation further scares people into submission. Users with inflammatory opinions are typically scared away from the subreddit or continue browsing but keep their mouths shut.

Your post history can be viewed. If you made any bad-think in the past it can be scrounged up and used as grounds to get you booted from a particular subreddit. Some mods have even set up scripts that literally auto-ban users if they've posted on certain subreddits such as The Donald or Kotaku in Action.

Anonymous posting on Jow Forums pretty much forces you to deal with seeing all manner of opinions. Most comments are retarded but every now and then you'll see a particularly well thought out comment that'll actually get those almonds activated. Most pictures are just there for giggles but every now and then you'll see something fascinating, and it might not even be related to the topical board.

Once you've come across a different, well-thought out opinion it won't just go away. You'll have to make it fit into your current world view or you'll have to make some uncomfortable changes. That, or you can just ignore it and go back to your echo chamber subreddit until you forgot what made you so uncomfortable.

tl;dr Anonymous posting > Account posting

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I misread reddit as Canada for some reason

Just remember that this is the avarage reddit fag


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usernames,upvoting/downvoting,memestealing culture,hivemind

>Europe has more resources than Africa meme
How do people believe this nonsense? Most of Africa has a near year-round growing season, it's so teeming with life that many Africans live solely off of edible weeds growing in the ground, not to mention the huge amount of rare-earth minerals there. There's a reason Europeans fought so hard to colonize Africa and the Americas.

That guy's posts are ironic/trolling if you through his comment history, and they're actually really funny.

I don’t have reddit because they’re left leaning and annoying I hate them because they like to sniff their own farts
However, as any person who sniffs their own farts is often liberal is no coincidence
Here’s an example of how they think, that pissed me off because it involves something I like

I have the reddit app for mobile, Don’t have an account and really just browse r/all because there is some interesting things on there from time to time

So The Show us Horse Fuckers base our selves around, will put gags and references in the back ground dressed as ponies, they don’t interfere with the story or interact with the characters at all, notable ones we’ve seen are Men In Black, Doctor Who, Harry Potter Etc, this is nothing new

Well Last Saturday’s episode Had some background ponies dressed as Rick and Morty, purely as a pop culture reference, nothing more.

I’m browsing r/all one day and see there’s a screen grab of it with around 12,000 upboats mocking us, it doesn’t bother me people mock us, Its been happening for 8 years now, what pisses me off is 12,000 of these Smug Pretentious fucks will point and laugh at us for including a 5 second grab of it, when their entire website started the pickle rick autism, Not only that but it’s coming from the same people who will actively censor news and freak out if they smell even a hint of Trump

Sorry for the list and reddit spacing, I needed to vent somewhere, I hate these fuckers so god damn much

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>free speech but with limitations
Anything i said that was confusing?

Africa also has the Nile, which is the sole source of sustenance for many many people

Profiles and karma. Having a running scoreboard means that the user base controls the acceptable narrative. Opposing views are downvotes to oblivion and then future input is derided and discarded. On Jow Forums, your reputation never proceeds you.

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I can't tell if you're actually rarted or just pretending

Oh cool, Double Trips

Right Reddit is full of skeptics?

Reddit are liberal new atheists.

Mention Israel and they all bend over.

Hypernormalisation, echo-chambers and AI algorithmes.

True 100% but I would say the same for Reddit the donald

The same guy who created r/The donald also created Reddit conspiratard it's a troll

What reddit and other soyboy leftist like to call "science" is actually anything but. Theirs is a virtue signaling religion. And they will deny everything that doesn't confirm to their worldview. Much like other fundamentalists.

Bulk of users were formed before mass censorship.

Reddit was ok at first they just increasingly totalitarian over time. It’s batshit insane at this point. Just quoting the founding fathers on theirs views of guns is enough to get you banned from most big subreddits.

This only reinforces my point though, you're talking abour north of the Sahara though, countries north of the Sarhara have been historically successful despite the minimal rainfall, and it's because these areas are populated by arabs and not niggers, arabs have much higher IQ's than niggers.

There's large amounts of freshwater in areas of Africa south of the Sahara, as well as high average rainfall, and niggers still die of thirst because
1. Too stupid to distribute water
2. Too stupid to dig wells to tap into underground water
3. Too stupid to dig reservoirs
Just to be clear, South Africa has lower rainfall than areas north of it, and it's one of the most successful areas because whites colonized it.

Same. I don't browse reddit but I know what you mean and hate them as well.

Shut it snow hoe

Lack of anonymity