Numbers are In: Canadians Now Hate Immigrants

They are scared to even talk about it since people are currently so pissed:

>The federal government has been warned to take a cautious approach to publicly debating immigration over fears of reaching a “tipping point” that could undermine public support for welcoming immigrants.

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Other urls found in this thread:,_long_live_the_king!

>a public debate could permanently turn Canadians against immigration

Nice ID Joe.
I say let the immigrants come here for jobs, not like our money can buy anything anyways.

thats a bad attitude

What incentive is there to work 40 hours a week just to afford bills and food. At least the immigrants would appreciate the new environment. We should let them all in.

how do you feel about the capital fleeing south?

>strongly worded letter

that'll show them

What do you mean. Mexico?


how do you feel about the investment capital fleeing canada?

Notice the drive of the truck in the humboldt accident was never identified?
Notice the owner of the company was a sikh?
The driver will turn out to be a fucking indian here on a tfw-style visa, driving a tandem trailer on Saskatchewan roads in winter with a grand total of 4 weeks training.
Immigrants are no longer a hypothetical threat - these fuckers just killed 16 people with their shithole 3rd world country way.

If you mean corporations leaving our high taxation rates and fucking our workers over, it's annoying. I wouldn't even know what Country to move to in hopes of a future.

Yussssss Canada I saw a few days ago something saying how we might take a bounch of refugees I Rember about 3 yeare ago the comments would be 50/50 now they're 99% saying fuck off we don't want you.

Any proof of these allegations?
For research purposes.

>Joe sux

Voting Andrew Scheer

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None yet - they're incredibly mum on the name of the driver involved. The owner of Adesh Deol Trucking Ltd - Sukhmander Singh - is a sikh, and is the only other employee of the company. Given the propensity of sikh's to prefer in-group selection, I'd bet my house the 'unidentified driver' is also a sikh, and recently imported from pooland.

i registered that.

thing is, it's too late. Even if they started being totaly honest, the ship has sailed. They tried to ignore and cover-up the issue so long that it is now unmanageable and they have no credibility left with which to handle the things to come.

this is the fate they chose.

16 white chads, you mean

all of the Joe I know are solid guys

15 chads, iirc, and one stacy

immigration is a good thing. The top 10 economies all have 20+ million people. White Canadians are aging and white people don't produce enough children by nature.

back in the oven, you.

>"By nature".
Nice joke. Women are being cunts and not having kids, there is plenty of sex happening every day. FUCK WHITE WOMEN.

Unlike the browns who come in, white people have a tendency to avoid reproduction when the economy sucks.
And it's sucked for a long time.

Did that one leaf ever get his memes back?

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Too many whites are junkies and useless in this country. Canada would be fucked without it's Asian immigrants.

>by nature

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Go back home, chong. You're a pestilence, not a cure.

we are less welcoming than the americans

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Also in the News:


Canada's Liberal party considers decriminalization of all illicit drugs

>guaranteeing himself the cokehead and painkiller addict votes

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Its a disaster. literally dredging the slums of asia africa arabia and dumping them on Environment, schools, hospitals, roads, housing stock, labor force/wages.

Dude having lived about half my life in Canada and the US, I can tell you this is total bullshit: white Canadians literally cannot afford to have families. I'm 29 and I would say every one of my US friends of worth has at least gotten married with kids, with the majority of the other half at least working solid careers and with the person they will likely start a family in a few years. I know a grand total of 4 Canadians of the same age with kids, with the overwhelming majority still living at home with parents (even one who's a fucking lawier)

lol you'd only be hurting your country and your government would just beg me to come back

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Why are you such a pussy? Whites aren't producing kids, so let's import third world people with no skills to replace them? How fucking stupid are you?

The government might.
The people won't.
You're a pestilence - fuck off.

Immigrants are more skilled than Canadians you idiot

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I don't buy the "too poor for kids" line. There are plenty of jobless single mothers with multiple kids that afford it. Not everyone can afford a house in the suburbs, and lazy bitches use the "too poor" excuse way too often.


Canada might already be fucked senpai. whites could very well be under that 50% mark, something tells me census papers aren't always filled.

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>be super-duper skilled, so much moreso than those fucking leafs
>leave your shithole country and come to Canada.
Yeah, if you leeches actually had ability, you'd turn your own country into something, rather than coming to mine and fucking it up.
The only ones who believe immigrants are skilled are fools and morons - it's a lie propagated by business to get cheap labour.
The only thing you're good for is a munitions mule while building a railway.

fuck off. we're full

The majority of immigrants are inbred Pakis, afghans, somalis, etc. I'm not talking about the chinks and Indians who raise their kids to be engineers and doctors. The vast majority is welfare trash. You're completely fuckin retarded.

Because of gibs, from high taxes, which make men "too poor for kids"

The top 10 countries with the highest standard of living have less than 20+ million people.

there's lots of skilled immigrants in Canada and more want to come here but your retarded government turns them away so they go to America instead.

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Feel free to join them.
You're not needed, welcome, nor wanted.

I’m so sick of Canada and it’s immigration, we are not getting the cream of the crop, the people are so incompetent and vote liberal because of the free hand outs, we are so fucked, wish Sask could just build a wall around it.

You complete retard, single mothers afford it because she's getting 1000 for odsp, 500 a kid and a subsidized apartment. No shit she can afford it when her rent is $200. White liberals are so fuckin stupid and literally know nothing.

I can't even find anything on the trucking company.
so white people get fucked over just as bad as us when it comes to shit like this.

Fuck you

I'd suggest you turn back and go to wherever you came from. People might get angry, I just want what's best for you senpai.

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The government did not turn them away, so most of this skilled immigrants end up driving taxi or uber in Canadian cities.

Indeed they are, i mean, so skilled their countries go to shit, EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY, their cooperation is great, their choice of leaders are remarkable and the statistics show that immigrants are absolutely more skilled at following the law. Immigrants also recycle & care about the environtment, i mean compare 3 countries in Scandinavia to 3 countries in Africa, its obv Africans are superior

>>autocorrect making me look like a weeb 2x in a row. ffs

JUST a friendly reminder Canada was 96% White in 1971, 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White in 2019

Attached: le 53% wiki.png (510x580, 80K)

So how do we resolve this issue then, go back to viking days and start raping bitches for our Sons?
There has to be something we can do.

This is Soviet tier from it's worst period.

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if you're too poor to have kids, you can still have them, but they will grow up poor too
do you want to be poor and have a daughter grow up in some poor immigrant/native neighborhood?

I'm certain it's past that point already.

>immigration is a good thing.

Globalists make me sick.

By 2100 Canada will have 100-120M shitskins and 5-10M Whites.

Here is the Soros NGO that has convinced Trudeau to aim for this

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and don't forget all the shitalians fucking your women. that kissing prank dude...

The fastest peacetime Genocide in history

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The raw #s

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too late leaf, you're already brown

The Genocide in full technicolour

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I wouldn't say it's high taxes, it's a combination of
>student debt for jobs that don't pay enough to pay off the loan
>housing prices in cities mean a lot of couples have trouble with even a 1 bedroom
>most women wait until they're in their 30s to start having kids

I agree with you on the cover up shit. That is SOP for liberals. If immigration is so great you shouldn't have to put people in jail who disagree. It actually useful that they are their own worse enemy that if they were a bit honest their plan to make people more accepting might have worked. Of course they really have no option but to lie because they know what a crap plan it is.

yup. usually it takes a mongol hoard or a stalin to shift a region's demographics this much.

Dude. I literally learned about this last week when I noticed a massive spike of browns in my small town. I am fucking furious.

the uk is 90% white even though we had a global empire for 100s of years

america is 56% white european,NZ is 76% canada is hitting 50 odd % but i dont know the aussies stats

canada is fucked,and they threw it away for promises of legal weed that never came

american demographics are bad BUT!!! there is 360 million people in america so there are are well over 150 million whites there which is ALOT

canadas population is a fraction of that

Trudeau stood no chance against Soros. Trudea is a weak-willed effiminate modern numale who never had to work for a single thing his entire life.
Playing him like a marionette would be child's play.
The Canada I knew and grew up in is dead - what's left is a raped, reanimated husk being used to push society-destroying agendas.
Le roi est mort, vive le roi!

Trudeau is importing voters.
That's it I said it.

Start having strong white men with high-T be represented in "pop-culture" is one way. People are so predictable it's ridiculous. They see weak whites in pop-culture they literally believe it and will act upon it, our minds can't distinguish the difference well enough to realize it's not true. Whites see it and mimic it, it'd be fucking hilarious if I wasn't white. Monkey see monkey do is too true.

That's a known. Immigrants will vote for him...for now. Expect a hard-right islamic sharia-based party to rise in the next decade.

if these immigrants are so skilled then why is their country of origin usually a shithole?
you need to go back.

there he is, I was waiting for your stats to show up, keep em coming proxy bro

If single mothers get all that, how can people say kids are too expensive. Why is it only non-whites are taking the baby bribe money, while white women stay on the pill and don't give us kids??

i dont speak arabic what does that mean mean?

the ??? ist dead? long the ????

Shouldn’t you be more mad at the government that’s causing companies to take their business elsewhere?

I'll code up a computer model today to accurately project the number of shitskins and the demographics going forwards

The globalists want to import a minimum of 1.3% a year, although currently non-Whites are increasing at approximately 2.1% due to immigration and net births

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Must be clearly Fake News.

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its only genocide if the original population is worth something. canadiens are an embarrassment.

The only way to survive this will be a massive infrastructure failure that causes these fucking people to have to deal with a ruthless winter. I spend a lot of time in the wilderness in the winter, so I'd survive, but we need 80-95% of the population of soy and brown to freeze to death.

it's your ((((retarded)))) government too you stupid paki

it's french, not arabic...but, I may as well be given the state of france these days.,_long_live_the_king!

most of the time they are not,they are low skilled labour that the left imports for votes and the right turns a blind eye cause companies need cheap labour and more tax mules

problem is they have 10 kids each and push them to become MPs and mayors and before you know it you have them in govt demanding you apologize for shit from 100s of years ago.

what the fuck happened in 1981?

right....they simply create failed corrupt societies in their homelands. Conditions they rapidly recreate in the west when present in sufficient numbers. # mass immigration

Wow, you racist bigot. All people have dignity. We will replace you and there's nothing you can do about it!

t. mehmet

i immigrated here from the states back in the oil boom. literally half of the people i meet (even the white ones) were not born here. canadians, specifically the white ones, are an endangered species in their own country.
the other day i was talking to a new guy on the job and as it turned out he was also an american.
what in the hell happened to canada? it's fucking unnerving desu.

>hu-hoh they'll all stay in trono!
>Enjoy living with pajeets lol, I'll be in my comfy small town
>Dude what the fuck where did all these brown people come from?

What am I today? Botswanian? Uruguyan?

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You have no dignity. You need to die.

Nice larp. "You racist bigot" - only white people give a shit about such words.
The darkies you love don't love you the same way. And they won't extend the same tolerance back once they have power.

NZ is 76%

lol no

there's already a Sikh leading the NDP in Alberta I think.
For all the shit we get for being on the east coast, at least we never elected an immigrant to head a party. Fuck mainlanders, everything east of Quebec needs to be nuked.

I'm in Alberta. 4 years ago it was 95% white in my town. now it's roughly 40% brown