Leftists are eating themselves

And its beautiful

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Absolutely Based

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The problem is they don't eat themselves fast enough, and when they do they don't do so in a way that actually dismantles them. They just purge the weaker, less radical-minded in favor of the more insane. And all the while, the Leftist mindset teaches the lessers (the moderates) to cow to the superiors (the radicals) and follow them silently.
Is there anything we can do to make sure that when the Left eats itself it is ACTUALLY consuming its support? That when it goes after itself it is ACTUALLY chewing its own legs out from under it?

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This. Exactly this.

Jow Forums could stir the pot by LARPing as the "April" types in that image.

(even though I know from personal experience that US Starbucks does insist you buy something to use the bathroom)

>take up seats in business without ordering anything
>"please leave"
>"please order something or leave"
>"please leave or we'll call the cops"
>cop: "please leave or we will arrest you for trespassing"
>[gets arrested]

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looks like his jimmies were rustled

Couldn’t happen to a more virtue signaling company.There’s no safe space from the SJWs.


Free coffee for niggers. Only in America.

Attached: toppest qek.jpg (345x336, 214K)

Meme magic. Tough to keep it up when "heroes" like John McCain would rather fight the Meme Wizard In Chief than fight leftists trying to destroy the USA

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Whatever post this is best post

Albino Dravidians is one of those delusional things leftists believe

>whites have no right to exist
Diversity is our strength!

Like "Palestinians" and "Aryans," it's a make believe race that they invented to justify genocide against the "deplorables" (untermensch, Israelis, The Zim Zam, etc.)

We are fucked

It's funny when Africans try to LARP as Nazis who think their race is superior... It's a known fact they've never made a civilization or done anything of note in their whole life, while Europeans have over 2,000 years of recorded history and civilization, we even made the modern World...

This African guys only insult towards white people is a religion his people did not make. O_o

As good a reason as any to find a better coffee shop in your area.

> lives in East Jesus, USA
> only one Starbucks
> no other dedicated coffee shops
> drinking McDonalds coffee instead now
> hoping every negro in the tri-state area descends on the local Starbucks and burns it down when they run out of free coffee

To be honest, Christianity is the weakest link in the western world right now.

it took me til "radical-minded" before I realized you weren't critiquing the way niggers eat

>To be honest, Christianity is the weakest link in the western world right now.
You misspelled atheism

That too

as if i needed a reason to hate niggers more
show flag your pussy nigger
> drinking McDonalds coffee instead now
>buying coffee
of course you would, you meme flaggot.
you niggers are cancer

Attached: nogviolence.png (616x5370, 1.47M)

Which is it then Cuck?
Mother fucking republicans
Can't make up their god damned mind

Those důbs don't lie. Atheism is a fanatical religion for autists that believe they are above religion, and the source of nearly all Cultural Marxism.


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> implying K-cups are any cheaper

that nigger is just taking advantage of Starbucks' virtue signaling and is aware of it, pretty smart and based desu.

nigga nows you trollin

Attached: williamFrank.jpg (250x318, 21K)

hes showing how weak and retarded liberals are. and being a nigger. nothing more

And he reaches a lot of people on Twitter. What have you done today to prove the liberals being retarded?

Whats with the starbucks hubbub lately? Can i get a tldr rundown?

he reaches a bunch of niggers
i guess its a good thing.
keep pushing whitey