How old is too old?

This thread made me wonder am I too old to have children (28)? I need to get my life on track and by the time I am I'll probably be in my early 30's. Is this too old to have children, would I even be able to find a woman that's worth having kids with by then? Guide me anons.

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Thanks for the bump user.


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It's not how old you are. It's how old she is.

Max age to bother with women is 25. Past that, she is a cock-worn slut. Past 30 she is worthless.

Each year you age, you must add more "career" and "wealth" to keep your own SMV high. Thus, each year you wait, it won't necessarily be the end, but you'll need more money to attract increasingly younger women from your age.

Makes sense. Though I feel like by the time I'm in a stable situation financially etc all I'll be attracting are women hitting the wall at 90mph. I don't want a dried up roastie.

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Well men age like wine. As long as you smell good; aren't fat; exercise enough and groom, you'll be a catch right up until 45...but maybe even after that.

Women want stability; stature; money; resources and wealth. Your looks come after that.

You have to think like a male bird. Go out, buy some land. Build a gorgeous cabin on it. Build walkways; gardens; fountains; etc. Then go out and do a dance for a young female. Bring her home to see the nest. Tell her you want a family. You could get a woman at least 15 years younger with this ploy.

Women are all about resources. If you want a woman you must build a nest.

If you're like me and don't give a shit, then spend the money on yourself. Most women aren't really worth it.

Appreciate the advice user. I'm gonna go build me a nest then and see where I'm at in 5-10 years, wish me luck.

checking that. good post user

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>I'm gonna go build me a nest
crypto wont help you make it

>be like me
>too ugly to get women
>buy them instead
>still don't have woman

Quality advice Jow Forums

Do Mexican laborers accept BTC yet?

It's all about SMV curves. If you are an average person, you have the best chance of getting a female at age 30 when she is 30....but that is the issue at hand. Any user will tell you that by the time they are 30, they are a cock-worn slut.

That is what I did and found out 9 years later I was married to a feminist mental case.

Your range is 23-36 in the SMV curve. So if you can increase your financial value by age 36, you may have just enough sway to bring in a 23-year old. That is IDEAL. Have land, a house and a modest income to support kids by that age.

If I had it all to do over again, I simply would not consider any woman for wife material past age 25. There is way too much damage done after that.

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I'm working in construction right now, going to branch off into something else I think, become and electrician maybe.

>>buy them instead

It really depends on the stage of a woman's life. It's all about SMV. From 18-25 they are under peak SMV and all they can think about is Chad Dick. They are not thinking about any future.

After 25, you can absolutely "buy" them as they are absolutely For Sale. A woman instinctively knows her SMV will Crash & Burn at age 30 and she has to be bought by then. She needs a Beta Provider really bad at that point. The alternative is a life of constant wearing work and cats.

35 is the limit, you have time for 2 if you start today.
Nobody remembers their life until after 5 so you don't have to get your life in order before having a kid.
People are stupid and try buying a house before having a kid, stop waiting.

>If I had it all to do over again, I simply would not consider any woman for wife material past age 25. There is way too much damage done after that.
I feel exactly the same honestly, if the woman is past 25 I feel like you are dramatically increasing your risk of getting with a lunatic, the likelihood of all the bullshit cementing in their mind is tenfold. I was with a 30 year old for the past 2-3 years but she had so much emotional baggage from previous relationships that I had to cut it loose in the end, it was always an uphill struggle, constant shit testing and bitchy attitude.. I couldn't do that again, it's not fucking worth it.

>People are stupid and try buying a house before having a kid

Not at all. I would have bought a house on my own so that none of the paperwork was in her name. That would make it more difficult for her to steal it in divorce. She still could take it of course, but it would be more difficult.

It's important to make her understand she is a guest and this is (Your) house.

One of the reasons it took so long for me to divorce was that the house was in both our name. I had to foreclose.

Never put the cunt's name on any paperwork. That is also part of the psychological war. Never give her an idea she can leave you and steal all your shit. Make it very difficult for her. She must be dependant on you, otherwise her hypergamous nature will take over and she'll fuck you for your wealth and resources.

>this is who you're competing against

no wonder it's so easy

>le aging like wine meme
>believing that shit
lmao user, sorry to tell you that but women love youth and virility
what you're doing is called coping. In reality you're aging and every day you're losing your sexual value to women

>b-but muh financial security
yeah well ofc you can buy pussy, but you can't buy attraction

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Saw the average age for people to have their first kid here in Norway was 31.
Surprised me a bit, because I always thought people started having kids in their early 20's.

I don't date men over 25 because they're worthless. Young guys are inexperienced and do what they're told, often they're so fucked in the head by younger women they appreciate us over 25s.
Got my own money, car, house and all I need is a manservant who looks good.

>likelihood of all the bullshit cementing in their mind is tenfold

Yeah, a lot of damage takes place once a woman slides off the SMV curve.

Tons of mental issues. Look up how many women are on antidepressant drugs. More than half of Western women I think.

She's feeling really shitty and mental about losing her looks so yes, she'll be shit-testing you daily.

Then you have the loyalty issue/angle. Every year she goes single longer, she's been hit with more Chad cock. That means more betrayal; more feelings of being used.

It also puts more pressure on you to be Mr. Perfect. As you'll have to embody the good characteristics of every man she's been with combined. She'll pick up each good trait set from each man and expect you to have all of them. All the while expecting you to ignore all her faults.

When you get them younger, they are more likely to be bonded to you like a father figure. They don't have time to create the Mr. Perfect Romance Novel fantasy.

Finally, each year they are single is another year they are indoctrinated with Leftist Ideology. So that is more poison you'll have to draw out of them. When you marry a woman, your first job is to turn her conservative. You have to beat the Leftist out of her. Each year she's single makes your job harder.

this is how you get autism

I was tempted to reply in depth to you but you're simply not worth it. You're clueless.

>Got my own money, car, house

Got all my shit from robbing other men using The State.

as long as you can ejaculate lad,we need to breed and fuck if the kid winds up on welfare to a single mum,cause mohammed will do it and so will tyrone

>It also puts more pressure on you to be Mr. Perfect. As you'll have to embody the good characteristics of every man she's been with combined. She'll pick up each good trait set from each man and expect you to have all of them. All the while expecting you to ignore all her faults.
Too accurate. Also she was on anti-depressants herself, she had way too many issues, I regret wasting so much time on that relationship honestly, oh well what is done is done.

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Don't be salty.

Women control everything now. I'm in charge of a bunch of guys at work who worship me because all I need to do is inflate their egos. Men are weak. Old men (like you) are weak and cillusional. There's a reason you all end up divorced crying on pol when some under 25 rinses you for everything.

So vent more, I'll still be shagging good looking 22 year olds while you're at the gym on a treadmill working out the best way to hide your balding head

And how many of these young bucks are niggers?

Men hit the peak sexual market value in early 30s. perfect time to get 23 yr old to marry

>being financially stable is a bad thing

You people

Yeah I guess, but what's the point in having kids if they're raised by a single mother on welfare? They'll just be white niggers instead of actual niggers, besides if I knock up some whore then I'll probably be on the hook for child support, doubt welfare would come into the equation if I have a job (Which I do, unfortunately).

Zilch. I only like white, alpha males.

Man, men easily have kids at 40 with women that are 10+ years younger so I don't know what the hell you're worried about.

I dunno, I started panicking a bit I guess after the topic came up.

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You need to work harder on your baiting technique. This is too harsh; too pushy. It's see-through. Not really attractive enough to jump at. Even if I had a couple of beers. You know? Work in some artistry. Some weaving. It takes some push and pull.

Work on it.

Sure, sure, and young white Chads enjoy fucking gross old cat ladies when they can fuck any hot young girl they want.

Women don't give a shit about the age difference and young women appreciate mature men. Just stop worrying. I have a relative who got married at 42 and had 2 kids.

>oh well what is done is done.

Eh, you live you learn. It's only been recently with online mens' groups that we've gotten up to date on Gynocentrism and Female Nature.

A lot of men are looking back now at all their mistakes with the rise of information. Young men today can go into the game armed with a lot more knowledge on Jewish Tricks and the mind games that women play.

Even with all that said, some guys simply won't believe what you tell them until they get burnt HARD by a woman. Then suddenly they are all ears.

/b/tard here I'm 36 and on my second going to have four and become biologically immortal.

>Even with all that said, some guys simply won't believe what you tell them until they get burnt HARD by a woman. Then suddenly they are all ears.
That's true. I think it most if not all men need to experience that shit for themselves to truly appreciate a good thing. Thanks for all your replies user.
Isn't there a higher risk of them being a sperg, or is that solely dependent on the woman?

To be fair I'd probably fuck her if she was attractive enough
MILFs uber alles

His daughters are highly intelligent and completely normal. My mom had me and my sibling at 30 and 32 too.

>A Jow Forumstard becoming a parent.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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You're hindering on the argument that is ever want a pair of dried up nuts in my mouth, Grandpa.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but old men are a running joke amongst women of all ages. You're only good for what's in your wallet and those over the age of 25 don't need it. What's unattractive is how needy y'all are And how hard you try to make yourselves feel 'worthy' by projecting onto women. You're what we call an OIL. Old, ugly & loaded.

No it's never too late my neighbor just announced him and his 3rd roastie are having a child.
He's 57
As long as the boys are swimming, it can and will happen.

I'm so hot you'd empty your bank account and nuts if I clicked my fingers.

Nope, still not compelling enough to bite.

You're really disappointing me here. Where is the artistry in bait?

>He's 57

>am I too old to have children (28)?

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Isn't that OUL?

Fuck off shill..its good advice..even if you dont end up getting pussy, you still have a big ass house to come home to and jerk off

You're implying I'm trying to bait you when in fact I'm giving you a free lesson. You're doomed to end up broke and even more bitter. Take heed. You're worthless and should probably try your best to find a much older lady who just wants some companionship so will accept anything.

My bad, my nails are getting done and I'm typing left handed.

You're probably a rotten person on the inside. I bet you have a massive N count.

It's not that I am 28, it's that by the time I'd find someone and shit I'd probably be in my early 30's, but yeah point taken.

>Isn't there a higher risk of them being a sperg, or is that solely dependent on the woman?

There is a higher risk the kid will be a Tard once a woman nears 40. I wouldn't wait that long. Her womb gets all fucked up and cobwebbed. Plus many woman eat like shit their whole lives, poisoning the chamber.

But more to the point, she'll be out of energy at that age to put time in to a child. Women by age 40, get pretty whiny and selfish. It's like they don't want to try anymore. Kids grow up with a higher quality of life when the parents are closer to them in generation. You can identify more with what society is like for your child. If you're too old, you become disconnected and disillusioned with the world your child will be living in. It helps a great deal if you have common ground by a smaller age bracket.

Women are basically children with tits. They have childlike minds most of their lives. But when they are younger, it's like a playful, excited child mind. When they are older, it's like a pouting, selfish child mind.

That is why women are so geared towards raising kids for the first years. They are also children in mind. Then when children pass puberty, the father takes over and begins to prepare them for society.

after you turn 30 and you hit the wall, all that goes away. >:D

All i have to do, is sit here and wait. :D

Every single successful marriage I've seen was with a 10-15 year gap between the man and the woman, and the man would marry at 30-35. All of these men have beautiful and obedient wives and good children. They are all knowledgeable in many things, and in general have their lives sorted out. They are really the most mature people I have met, and any help and advice I need I always go to them. Most aren't attractive objectively, but their confidence and the stuff I mentioned above definitely make them look more attractive subjectively. And every single one of them told me not to get married before 30. Trust me Pyccбpo, it's not a meme.

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Knew a guy who did that and he was miserable. Couldn't do anything with the kid once he hit his 60s and the kid hated him for it.

Like I give a fuck what the standards are in a dystopia amongst Trotskys White Niggers.

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No, it's not too old. Women would have babies right up until they went through menopause in years past.

But each year it gets harder and harder. If you're 28 and you don't even have a steady boyfriend then you should be worried.

It's better quality. You're getting there. Keep your head up. I have faith in you.

I am 34 and my girlfriend is 37 years old and 5 weeks pregnant (decided to get a child and after the first try she's pregnant).

I'm 44 and got one in the oven with a 22 year old I dumped a bucket of cum in 3 months ago, as long as the seed works make white kids, that's all.

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This is a decent post. However, it's strictly contingent upon your ability to collect and retain wealth. So, you'll attract shallow women looking for a free ride rather than women of high character and morals that will stay with you through thick and thin, good times and bad, rich or poor.

>Well men age like wine. As long as you smell good; aren't fat; exercise enough and groom, you'll be a catch right up until 45...but maybe even after that.
This is false statement and it's purely anti-white if you keep spreading it. Your sperm will not "age like wine".

White men these days think they're still "young" when they're 27. No you're not, you're an adult, so start living like an adult.

Im 32 and my first will be born this year. I was a bluepilled nokids faggot like you until a few years ago. Now a large white family is all i want. Just fucking have white babies until you cant anymore, bitch.

waste of a good get, KYS

>There is a higher risk the kid will be a Tard once a woman nears 40.
What about men though, will I be shooting autism bullets if I wait until my late thirties?

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Just try making babies until somewhere something isn't happening anymore. If you think 30 is too old you're very stupid but so is the rest of society so don't worry about it.

Genociding jews is now officially not considered "inhumane" or morally wrong in any way.

You're the sort of guy who cries while he dumps into hookers, Amirite?

According to the teenage NAZIs on Jow Forums if you are over the age of 18 and don't have kids you are doomed, despite the majority of 30 year olds being unmarried. Just ignore them.

The quality of your sperm will reduce after you turn 35. Women under 30 have 76% chance of getting pregnant if the male is 30-35 years old, but the chance starts dropping from 46% if the male is 35+ years old.

So rude.
Damn boi, good going.

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>So, you'll attract shallow women looking for a free ride

Yes, true. You'll attract Gold Diggers. You'll have to weed those types out. And Female Knowledge is out there to help you understand clues those types give off.

There are subtleties. It doesn't have to be an extravagant property/house. Just enough to show you are stable. Women really need that stability. Their lives are a mess. They long for the family they grew up in.

Of course, they will not tell you this because Feminism has them afraid to admit that female empowerment is just a meme.

Another user once said, "Don't tell her what you make. Just say 'It's enough to support a family.'"

It's not about flashing around money and wealth but portraying stability; resources and ambition. Plenty of women marry modest men for those reasons. Women need "society" and "stature". They want to be a part of community. They want to belong. When you have a house and a place in a community, that is very attractive to them.

>tfw 26
>still act the same as I did when I was 16
>couldn't be happier
Not today, Jew boy

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> Women in their 30s are holding out for a male who thinks like this. ^^^

Worse quality. You're going backwards.

Supposedly men can reproduce up into their 80's; though your chances of birth defects start to increase around your 40's. It all depends on what age you think you'll be sick of taking care of a kid. You don't want to have one late and then be too tired to take care of them for the next 18 years.

Be quiet nigger.

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That's true, point worth considering. Some days I can't even be bothered to take care of myself, that's something I'll have to change though.

You could always go the welfare route. You can make a lot more than NPCs if you hover 6-7 kids under 18.

Almost as poor quality as your ageing worthless genes that will undoubtedly produce retarded offspring.

This is something people don't consider before they actually feel the effects of aging.

When you've been sitting on your ass and watching anime all your life, don't think you'll be an energetic and virile father in your 40s.

You're groveling now. It's kind of pathetic to watch.

>What about men though, will I be shooting autism bullets if I wait until my late thirties?

Some commentary on your question. The answer is probably Yes.

Bro I'm 30 and I'm hot. Wasn't in HS, wasn't in college. I did what you probably do and just stayed in my room from 25-29, mostly just trying to understand the world and playing vidya. Read the classics, got into Euclidean geometry as a hobby, and now I install pretty flower of life tile patterns in rich hippies' houses. I make fucking bank. Best part? My ex-wife left me for being a neet (with a salary), she stole our baby, and I don't declare 20% of what I make. I live in a trailer house and drive an average truck. No one knows I'm sitting on close to 1/4 of a mil. I'm going to save up a couple million, and go live like a king in some SA country. I have a girl I'm eyeing who I know would say yes if I asked her to go with me. Met her at church even though I have problems with faith. I'm going to be the most badass of badasses and keep sending my daughter video updates of the shenanigans I get up to. My ex-wife is a lame unthinking stick in the mud. Gonna take back my daughter by being obviously cooler than my ex/offering my daughter a better life, and my wife is already getting old and ugly at 28, while I just seem to get hotter and hotter.

Fucking take back your life. Find something you love, and turn it into a product for rich fucks. Gather up fuck you money. Tell people fuck you. Feel your power and want more. Repeat until rich and badass. Also learn an impressive skill. I chose guitar because I have the look and am actually pretty decent at shitting out solid melodies. Doesn't matter what you choose, but choose something, then become the best around. Women will want your dick in a primal way, just because you're better-than.


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You seem to be projecting your worthlessness onto me. I'm not the one who has to buy sex/relationships. That's pretty desperate if you ask me.

Shit, Mick Jagger had a kid at 75

The general consensus is that your sperm has more mutations the older you get. It's risky but...not too risky...but it's risky. You'll never know. With a kid, you want it to be perfect. Nobody wants a Tard. I would put one in the oven before 30 if possible.

That might be why we see more Tards now. So many couples wait too long to have kids due to society pressures. Once the Fucker Boomers destroyed a young couple's chance of getting a house early, it really messed things up.

BrOP, you're not going to make it by following a prescribed path. Fuck climbing ladders, fuck corporate bullshit, fuck making money for some other fuck just because he promises you 40 hours a week.

What do you love? Seriously, dig deep. What do you really, really love?

men are really never old for children, you can be 80 and still have them if your dick functions

Nope. This is something only women can do, and it destroys their souls and produces little retards. US custody courts are fucking atrocious. If you want to have kids you need hidden money so that you can fight your ex in court, because she *will* leave you if you're just an average guy getting by and trying to be a good dad.

23 year-old turning 24 soon college dropping out NEET who has never ever worked at all here

i can't see the future at all at this point
i unironically am considering suicide all the fucking day
every night in bed before falling to asleep i always wish that i were just an 12 year-old elementary school boy having adventures with my friends all day and every morning i wake up in a fucking indescribable despair and saddness
i'm wondering which option should i take, killing myself with a helium mask or live
i have to decide by the next birthday which is coming day by day

life is nothing but pain, misery and suffering

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Nobody gives a fuck about your beat up dusty leather puss.

nip, i was in your situation.
first thing you have to do is go to the doctor to check your hormones.
depression may come from legit chemical inbalance