Do we support trump or assad?
The dust has settled
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impeach don the neocon
Trump is far better than Hillary, and there is no third option.
Assad did not use chemical weapons. That's a lie. We always lie to start wars. Last time we didn't lie was the War of 1812. From the USS Maine and the Spanish American War on it's all been lies.
Drumpf is getting BTFO right now
In a perfect timeline, Trump would make Assad an ally to the USA
Look man, i am a pakistani and i used to love trump for his anti jewish rhetoric. If he pulls out of syria i will vote for him in 2020. If not, i'm writing in based mummy tulsi
>and there is no third option.
There is no first option you mean.
>love trump for his anti jewish rhetoric
Did you miss the fact his kids are little hooked noosed kikes?
You can support a sand nigger all you want. I'm not.
Well he pissed off jews and i liked that.
Has Tulsi showed any interest in running? I’d vote for her in a heartbeat
>Trump is far better than Hillary, and there is no third option.
Trump bombed a bunch of abandoned rocks
If we had Hillary we would be at war, until assad was dead.
I wish. Based hindu mummy gf
Pay me first.
It may very well be that Trump is working against deep state in favour of a good resolution to this conflict.
So trump and assad are not mutually exclusive.
In any case Assad is in the right here and the US should obviously leave
Im convinced Trump was forced by the kikes. Even though he didnt kill anyone.
And US troops will stay in Syria forever
And US relations with Russia are at the worst they have ever been since at least 1918 Russian intervention.
How about non of them? Choosing between supporting kikes or sandniggers is like chosing between cancer and aids.
What leverage could they have against him?
Assad is whiter than Drumpf
In this world you need allies. In WWII based germans teamed up with us indo aryans and arabs to fight the zog
mission accomplished
we will be out in a few months as long as they dont false flag again
Could be something worse than some Stormy Daniels fodder.
Have we seen Ivanka or Baron lately?
Sandniggers will never be my ally. They are currently invading my country, so I will certainly not ally with them.
I say fuck them both.
Assad obviously. There's 0 proof he committed the attacks & the U.S. has killed tens of thousands of civilians in the past 2 decades. Now all of a sudden we're the good guys & go after someone for supposedly killing 40 civilians, who were in fact- working for the jihadists to begin with.
While there are jihadists using actual gas attacks, with picture proof.
I'm with Trump, the UK and France. Fuck Assad and fuck the Russians and fuck Iran.
Can you imagine being part of the sad minority that supports neocon drumpf?
Yeah. Neither can I.
I though Krauts were supposed to be somewhat intelligent. Oh wait
>lost ww1
>lost ww2
Relax that means nothing goy :)
White helmets faking a rescue
believing a propaganda site
If the west fucks the sandniggers, only more of them will flood to europe. You are only shooting yourself in the foot
Seriously this. I hope he does something to rebuke the traitorous cunts in your congress. The depper he digs that hole, the less chances he'll have of implementing his campaign promises. They know they've got him by the balls.
It's even less than few days ago.
You mad Mohammed?
>78% of Jow Forums supports assad
You’re the kind of cucks who need to be gassed
Not to mention Syria is the last county in the Middle East that isn't run by Muslims. Other than of course, Israel.
fucking hell, whats wrong with you niggers. Trump is our boi.
Check this BBC link out. Your great reliable source using video game footage as proof.
I wish Trump had named her SOS. There were rumours.
Found the boomer
Jew loving kike faggot
Whatever you say, Ivan. All of that shit made it painfully obvious how many Russian paid shills are here
May isn't taking in hoards of refugees like that is a solution though, that is Merkel. Assad has to go.
You should join the official server on Discord:
He literally sold his family for kikes you idiot
>all those benefits for libyans
oh shit, libya was pretty good under kadafi, no wonder jews hated him so much
Assad hates trump and trump hares assad. You can only show loyalty to 1
How's brexit going for you?
Drumpfstein is finished
I don't give a shit if you are christian or muslim. They are both retarded in my eyes. I just don't want subuumans coming to my country.
Yea i know, this was during the 2016 election.
>implying its even a question
I'm not defending one side or the other, but I think I can clarify the moral justification aspect for you.
In the case of using a gas attack, which hasn't been satisfactorily attributed to any side or that it even happened, it is "indiscriminate".
When the US does a CDE of a target and chooses to strike in the event that civilians will undoubtedly be harmed, that decision is not "indiscriminate". They assessed the situation and sentenced (likely) those civilians to their deaths.
they're mainly Shareblue /leftypol/ and /sg/ faggots
Assad did nothing wrong.
I posted this is another thread for an idiot on Brexit.
In other words, very well, thank you.
Why is our manufacturing at its highest in 10 years?
And how did we end up with record foreign investment the year of the vote?
It seems to me that we are making things again, and we also have the trust of foreign investors.
What have you got to say our economy is failing, or we are going to crumble after we aren't in a single trading union with Europe?
we in the 100's now
>supporting a shitskin over based Don
Holy fucking shit, the shills are in full force.
Found the shitskin
London is basically already a muslim country. Sooner or later they will also come to britain.
The only people you don't let in are conservatives.
Assad all the way fuck good goy trump
Trump, I hope we keep lobbing Tomahawks because watching Russia piss itself and mumble "N-n-next time we'll s-stop you!!" is the greatest of comedy.
Trump being toppest goy of all time doesn’t sit right with me
>m-muh Shareblue
based the_Donald tourist
This is the only legit reason to support Tump.
>The absolute state of ptg the_donald shills
>hurrr if you don't support drumpf for staging chemical attacks as an excuse to bomb Syria & funding jihadists along with Obama as an excuse to invade then you're a shitskin
These pictures could have been taken anywhere, those canisters could contain any substance.
Where is the proof that these people are rebels? Where its the proof that these are chemical weapons and not just the mocked up shit-non weapons they appear to be.
>not supporting a neocohen warmonger means you're a shill
fuck off trumptard
Why the auqafresh?
>he doesnt remember the doomsday clock
relations between Russia and the US are exactly what you would expect them to be so long as you ignore the media (((opinions))).
He still thinks Russia is an enemy
Death to all kikes and their slaves
Hello shareblue
Not really. It's just funny to see a nation being as autistic as I am.
It could be personal or it could be more general.
Remember they own the money, they own the propaganda and they write the laws.
Kikes aren't easy to beat here. They're our racial mortal enemy, and they won't stop.
They'll still stay in their bubble and pretend that the entire rest of the board is the longest-running CTR shill raid in history.
I know the mods will never ban that cancer because people have been demanding it for over a year now with no success, but goddamn I wish they all got the banhammer
Is that poll being rigged? Assad is the leader of Syria, he has nothing to with the future of any white nation, so he's irrelevant to the future of humanity.
Meanwhile, 99% of what President Trump has done benefits American citizens, and the other 1% doesn't change that. The only better president than Trump would be a white nationalist, and there isn't any white nationalist candidate on the horizon anytime soon, see for yourself. If you want the quality of life of American citizens to improve, you keep supporting Trump, and others like him for Congress, until actual white nationalist candidates come along, because until that day, like it or not, Trump is the best we're going to get, and 99% good isn't worth throwing away because of the other 1%.
>They're our racial mortal enemy
You mean humanity's mortal enemy.They are not even human.
>foreign investments
I guess you're becoming China's new China. Good for you.
Just verbal vomit. Shut your cunt up you German nonce.
Yes, Trump is the one who staged the chemical attacks, just so he could fire a few missiles at empty buildings with 0 deaths after giving the inhabitants advance warning to leave first. That makes a lot more sense than the actual reality of the CIA or Mossad staging the attacks without Trump's approval, trying to goad Trump into invading Syria, and him resisting their efforts by only firing a few missiles at empty buildings instead of invading or hitting targets that would actually kill people. If you aren't a shill, then please use some common sense.
Better than having near 25% unemployment for under 25's.
>he has nothing to with the future of any white nation, so he's irrelevant to the future of humanity.
China isn't white either and will fuck your ass.
Better than being 25% Asian or African.
Most shills here are Israeli and they support Trump and his actions in Syria.
Assad is the savior of the arab/white/indo-aryan races. He is fighting the jews head on
Fuck off back to r*ddit. Assad is the force holding Syria together. The longer this war goes on for and if he gets toppled, all that means is more strife. And you know what that means? Oh right, more fucking "refugees" flooding into Europe, along with decreased chances of being able to send the millions currently already there back home.
That's why it matters to us, you dumb fuck
I support Assad because he is whiter than 99% of the Sharts.
86% percent white apparently.
And you have 89.9% of Spanish ethnicity.
So good for you on those 3%. Still doesn't stop people not being to get a job because your economy is completely fucked.
Why do they never make the poll
because those are the two sides here.