Éire/pol/ - New Week Same Shite Edition

Thread Theme | Téama Snáithe: youtu.be/RQBW6UQa8Fc
National Party │ Páirtí Náisiúnta: nationalparty.ie/nationalparty.ie/ga/baile/
Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise.
Téigh leis an bpáirtí agus scaip an scéala / na méimeanna le do chairde ar líne nó eile.

Learn Irish │ Foghlaim Gaeilge:

Jewtube channels of note │ Cainéil Jewtube Chéimiúla:

Twitter Accounts to Follow/Shill │ Cuntais Twitter le leanúint:

Headlines │ Ceannlínte:
>Minister highlights 'potential' of Chinese beef market

>LÉ Samuel Beckett taking part in EU mission

>Politicians call for end to abuse on Twitter

>'The international community has to be strong on chemical attack' - Coveney on Syria

>Abortion a 'right' for those with intellectual disability

>Ireland's strategy to increase birth rate revealed

>Call to rename "IRA Man" playground fails

>Two charged with brothel keeping after police operation targeting INLA

>RHI inquiry: A matter of 'deep regret' - Arlene

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Soros caught giving money to Pro Abortion groups.


>Repeal spreading lies to push abortion.

>Account censoring information on abortion via block lists.

>Main account 'fundraiser' has €500,000 to spend on brainwashing the masses.


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greetings my fellow celts! top o de mornin to ya

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Why haven't you taken the Tandypill yet, éire/pol/?

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Post your gun of choice.

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posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic

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discord gg/P5eCRF

discord lads

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"The truth is old , and it has been handed down to us by our fathers. It is not a new thing, devised to meet the exigencies of a situation. "
"Irish nationality is an ancient spiritual tradition, one of the oldest and most august traditions in the world."
"A nation's fundamental idea of freedom is not affected by the accidents of time and circumstance. It does not vary with the centuries, or with the comings and goings of men or of empires. The substance of truth does not change, nor does the substance of freedom. Yesterday's definition of both the one and the other is today's definition and will be tomorrow's."
"They have conceived of nationality as a material thing, whereas it is a spiritual thing."

- P H Pearse

(read the coming revolution and reject foreign ideology like white nationalism)


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James napper Tandy? Was he based?


/ARG/ - Operations

Get started lads. Posting from another gaff. Got banned till Tuesday.

Operation Truth Serum-
Plan of action: Expose Repeal campaign lies and show the reality of abortion. Hijack Repeal tags on social media.
Tags: #RepealThe8th #Together4Yes
Target: twitter.com/Together4yes

Operation Trojan Horse-
Plan of Action: Infiltrate Repeal groups and maximize toxic elements.
Target: Facebook and Twitter pages supporting Repeal.

Operation Zyklon-
Plan of Action: Spread awareness of globalist connections to Repeal groups. Make people aware George Soros was caught funding them.
Article: independent.ie/irish-news/billionaire-soros-funding-groups-fighting-to-repeal-irish-abortion-ban-34980624.html
Target: Repeal groups on Social Media, News pages on Social Media, comment sections of news sites.

Time sensitive:
Operation Bunker Buster-
Plan of Action: Raid the Repeal group behind the censoring of abortion information. Post graphic pics of abortion procedures and red pills on abortion in a rapid coordinated attack.
Target: mobile.twitter.com/repeal_shield

Operation Drunken Monkey-
Plan of action: Disrupt college students ability to vote by creating multiple nights out corresponding to the night before the vote.
Tags: #Sesh4Repeal #8sesh
Targets: Dublin and Galway students supporting Repeal.

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*banned till Saturday.

How do you say we get in?

Fuck outta my country yiz Nazi cunts.

>Plan of action: Disrupt college students ability to vote by creating multiple nights out corresponding to the night before the vote.
>Tags: #Sesh4Repeal #8sesh

Please don't do this, it will just make it a big deal to people who otherwise wouldn't vote.

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not bad, but old school weaponry was always better to me

There are a good few anonymous profiles supporting repeal so you can LARP as one.

>30% jewish

Twitter is a waste of time imho, the majority of the country isn't on it

But pretty much all the collage lefties are.

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I've been thinking about this and I think we're being too clever for our own good. It would probably end up being good for repeal.

I know these people from college, they're fags they're not going to be getting pissed drunk.

Same tactics can be done on Facebook.

Facebook -

that fist is so fucking cancerous

Greetings from Canada.

It's not something that we have to do. Just an option.

A better option would be falseflagging memes on facebook with the wrong date for the referendum

become tandypilled

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Groups connected to Repeal.

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There is some spots in pic and I fixed them

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>Murder, riot, rape and dismembered children

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evening lads

Talk to people who are in favour of repeal about two weeks before, and mildly agree with them, but then say that you are too lazy or tired to vote. "What's the point, we're going to win anyway." "I feel sleepy etc." repeat the message two days before voting. It is a typical leftist's tactic. If it works for them, it could work for us.

Fine Gael supporter here. Ask me anything.

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are you pro life or pro choice


Staunchly pro-life

Why aren't you supporting the national party?

Good on ya!

Should I gas myself lads? thought I was a 100% pure Gaelic Irishman got this result from an ancestry dna test.

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Can you make this one look a little better user?

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Because while I agree with their stances on immigration, I can't support their protectionist or pro-death penalty ideas. I also don't like Barrett's previous speak of having a party ruled by 'one man'. He sounds like he's promoting authoritarianism.

I'm also not a huge fan of the party's identity politics usage. It's fine to be wary of Islam and wanting to preserve Irish culture, but when you say your party is only for straight people of exclusively Irish descent then it's the same shit as the radical Left, just reversed

Sorry lad.
I can excuse a bit wee bit of Scot or Frenchie, but.... sorry user.

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Jewish lies. Did you get it done by a British company if so there is an obvious Ancestry agenda campaign being done and they are lying contract or not via government support to make white people less ''racist'' by throwing in untrue ancestral origins. Many Brits and Irish are getting Romanian gypsy in their ancestry tests. It's all propaganda.

For fuck sake lads, this is publicising repeal to people who wouldn't really give a shit about things like this

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Sorry lad. Wish I could.

Feels good to be in the North right now desu. No commie water and basically no shitskins. I may enjoy it while it lasts.

>Muh horseshoe
Fuck off you fence sitting queer. I bet the fence post is right up your hole too.

What's wrong with killing rapists and murderers?
Should we just leave them alive so they can hurt someone else after their suspended sentence.
The justice system is a joke and it needs to change.

Is the referendum definitely May 25th lads? Should I have gotten my polling card by now (first time voting)?

/Arg/ brother you've been busy. Maith an buachaill! I didn't get to post the thread today like I was waffling about last night, tá brón orm. Anyone have a quick rundown/basic gestalt on setting up a sock twitter a/c for the uninitiated who might be lurking? Let's roast these roasties.

*Sage from shite thread 2 mins ago.

Because the death penalty is unjustified. It's not okay for the State to have that much control over the fate of the individual in a Republic.

And you also run the risk of killing an innocent person. If even one innocent dies, then the whole system is a failure because now the blood is on the hands of everyone who gave the State that power. You can't bang on about wanting to save the Eighth, but then make the argument that murder is okay when it suits your feelings

Maybe. I can see how it could possibly back fire. We should discuss a better alternative or to tweak this one.

Nice argument, faggot

God bless the San Patricios

Said I was against abortion and gave my decent reasons why. None of the women in my work will speak to me anymore.

>Nothing of value was lost.

I do agree with you on capital punishment.

Is forced multiculturalism not "authoritarian"?

If you are willing to leave an evil person live to hurt more people you are a coward.

If it's targeted specifically at college societies such as the feminist society or social justice courses. It's also on a Thursday which is a student night and not many normies would be attracted to the thought of drinking on a Thursday night for repeal. Sure nothing is done yet anyway just made a few posters for a potential psychological operation
A lot of people know what the story is with the water. Unfortunately to many drink buckets of it using their body's as a filter for industrial waste

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Who said anything about forced multiculturalism? I'm against that, especially if it's very incompatible cultures like Islam versus Western ideals. They're largely incompatible. And I think the government has been doing a good job of controlling immigration compared to mainland Europe and the UK. Detention centres are still in wide usage, which is good, and we accept the fewest refugees in Western Europe

And what if you kill an innocent? What then?

On top of that, the government recently tried to introduce legislation to ban asylum seekers from working jobs worth less than €30,000, but it was shot down by the Supreme Court

>your party is only for straight people of exclusively Irish descent then it's the same shit as the radical Left, just reversed
Sorry to break it to you lad but our nation is built on being an IRISH nation for IRISH people. "Not merely free but Gaelic as well, not merely Gaelic but free as well". So if you're going to use the brainlet argument of "le identarism is bad" then you are disavowing the sacrifices the men of our nation made. Barrett is simply going down the path of our previous heroes like Pearse and Collins. Also there's nothing wrong with having a death penalty for certain crimes.

You execute repeat offenders to avoid killing innocents.


Need help with what is being said here in this lads. I cannae Gaeilge. Am slav.

Fuck nationalism. Individualism is for the strong.

So, you would say someone like Ted Bundy deserved to be killed? Throw him in prison and throw away the key, but murdering him makes you just as bad as him

How dare you. How dare you sit your fat arses at home thinking you know women, thinking you know what is best for a woman. Dictating what Irish women can and can't do with their own body. If I as an irishwoman want to sleep with a hot guy and get pregnant then it is MY choice if I want to terminate the pregnancy. I don't give two fucks what anyone thinks and I don't give a fuck about the ''life'' of a bunch of cells and guess what even If I was in late pregnancy and wanted to terminate I would, because it is my body, my temple, my choice and it's horrifying to think a bunch of acne covered virgins on this site are contributing against a vote and are attacking the potential freedom Irishwomen have long deserved to have to decide what they want to do with their own bloody fucking bodies. You should all be ashamed, each and every one of you.

My name is Shauna Fitzpatrick and fuck you.

>if you kill your enemies they win
You are the reason why Ireland has become weak. You should be ashamed of your self.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep the Irish people a majority in Ireland, or trying to keep Irish culture alive, but that doesn't mean we have to be hateful against others. Immigration should be based on merit.

>Thinking Cuckdeau line of logic applies here
Brainlet detected

But you are a fagit.
> I'm also not a huge fan of the party's identity politics usage. It's fine to be wary of Islam and wanting to preserve Irish culture, but when you say your party is only for straight people of exclusively Irish descent then it's the same shit as the radical Left, just reversed
user, do you want faggots to be the norm?
Do you want a party that is against turning our nation into a multi-racial society?
If so, then you need to stop being a weak moral pandering faggot.
>Just as bad as them
You either support or be passive to these lefty cancer and let them get their way OR you oppose it. This "just as bad" thing is rather silly.

Good luck lonesome man.

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Tits or GTFO

You need to learn the difference between murder and killing.
Murder= killing an innocent being.

Killing murderers = beneficial to society and the innocent

There's a significant difference.
One leads to a worse society, the other to a better one.

I know its bait, but still I need to pill:
Non virgin = worse offspring that isnt even fully genetically yours.

Lads has anyone noticed how horny late 30's to 50's Irishwomen are? i'm 23 and have been hit on by aggressive horny Irishwomen like mad, whilst receiving no attention from women my own age or younger. One woman who is 40 and looks like Emily blunt asked for my number and I stupidly declined cause i'm worried what my mam would think.

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Or you defeat them through having superior policies and debating. There's a reason Solidarity can't even get five seats in the Dáil, and it's because Fine Gael routinely expose the idiocy of their policies and shoot down their legislation.

There's a healthy way to defeat the radical Left, and it's not through violence or viciousness. It's through debate and public support. Nobody supports the radical Left in Ireland except for retarded Sociology students

Why are you so against having a baby?

I'm an American of Irish descent ("Mc" is the start of my last name). Is Ireland fucked like the rest of Europe and UK? Do they let migrants in by the fucking boatload?

>There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep the Irish people a majority in Ireland, or trying to keep Irish culture alive
What better way to do this than to stop foreigners from getting a stronghold here. You know Polish is the second most spoken language here atm, right? Already 20% of our population are foreigners. If we keep up this suicidal thing importing a bunch of braindead Slavs and Mudshits then Ireland dies.
>but that doesn't mean we have to be hateful against others.
We have every right to be hateful against foreigners.
You're the one using Trudeau logic you smoothbrain.

No, despite what Stormniggers on here will tell you. We have the highest birth rates in Europe among the native population, and the fewest migrant acceptance rate of most of Europe, except for the Eastern Bloc

>Controlling immigration
Where's Mohammed Morei from?
>Detention centres
Yeah mate I'm sorry having a barracks of detained illegals waiting to be unleashed into the "workforce" in practically every decent size town in the country isn't an appealing prospect to me for some reason.
Dear Shauna, I am physically fit. Also, people don't have to agree with your "freedom" to have their taxes pay for your mistakes and disease spreading lifestyle choices. Murdering unborn children because they inconvenience your degenerate lifestyle is not freedom or a right, it is disgusting and you should strongly consider killing yourself.
Signed /eirepol/

How dare you think that you have a right to voice your opinion ya terrorist

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your only argument is "YUR A VIRGIN XDDD". You know none of us. the stereotype of 4chaners being autistic virgins was made up by people with no other argument (like yourself) because we ran circles around ye. And also "I don't give a fuck about life" and then calling it a bunch of cells just show's typical ignorance of your feminist type

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Ya got me with ya shekel hunter

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it still has relevance today

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what the fuck?