
Interested in if anyone would actually attend a real life raid, possibly wearing Nazi uniforms? For Example 21 Beaton Rd, Glasgow G41 4NW 12:30 UTC+1 Friday 20th. Anyone can come if interested

Attached: Hutchesons'_Grammar_School_Secondary_2014-06-19_20-05.jpg (1024x722, 139K)

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With how the political climate is over there I would assume stuff like this isn't taken lightly.
You sir are a madman and a credit to your country, fucking godspeed.

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Yes, this is a good idea.

Thank you. I have cased the place many times over and it would be very possible to do this. It would go down in legend, and nobody would get caught. I would be at the school, as I go there.


what would be the point? open revolt? Humiliation of the system? Faggy protest?

Well just make sure you don't get caught, I actually get pretty peeved when people get caught for stuff like this, cause for the most part they don't deserve punishment.

All 3, but also for shits and giggles

so the plan is to raid some random UK school?

Hello (((reddit)))

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Saged, reported and laughed at.

litterally this, theres no point except to be arrested. Be normal kids and throw a rock into a nigger's house to calm your rage

Some shitty private school where the entire place needs red pilled, yes. The entire place is filled to the brim with shitty rich kids that has the Year 1 pupils showing off their IPhone X with 1000GB data. This place needs it.

Haha 10 years in UK jail for hate think

>haha, lets redpill them by ransacking a school lol! that will show them, shadilay!

>yes lets be autists and make people think we're retarded
Though I feel the pain, Here in The south everyone is redpilled except the rich whites who dont have to deal with the niggers

ok OP ill be there at 7 am, if you dont see me im probabaly already in the school

>haha we'll redpill the kids as to the benefits of national socialism
>once we tell the kids that the white race is being GENOCIDED RIGHT NOW they'll take up arms in their classrooms
Sure thing bud. Just keep sticking to your anti-feminism talks, I'm sure someone will care

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You glow so much tho.

No he is a retard nazi larper that wants to ruin any chance of uncucking his country.

We wouldn't be arrested. On multiple occasions, panic and emergency buttons have been pushed "Accidently" by students and teachers. Even the time where a kid brought a knife to school, it took the police 30+ minuets to appear.

so you're literally admitting to being underage?

Classic reddit

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> Underage and...

6th year. 18

take them anywhere with niggers, they'll redpill themselves


Sadly, It didn't work out. Still annoying fucks

you literally just told us your school and year. Nice, enjoy getting arrested tomorrow morning for inciting racial hatred

Wait so, let me get this straight. You want to go larp as a Nazi at your school, and someone this is going to do something positive? Like what are people going to do besides get offended, get scared, or laugh about it? I don't see the point when the consequence is jail time.


Dude, he's literally just a faggy kid.

Target is a fucking school... So either the MI5/MI6 (Brit alphabets confuse me) have a weird sense of humour or OP is product of late abortion and being raised by two Mothers.

>spoiler: its the latter.... Op is a faggot.

Action: SAGE

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then dont even try, they're too brainwashed

Just here to offend, and maybe teach them a thing or two.


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wow, radical.
Bet your buddies on Jow ForumsThe_Donald will love this EPIC XDD prank

Never been on that reddit. Any good?

Never actually been on reddit

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>"uuhhh guys.. g-g-guess wut.... Hurr hurr.. I epic pranked the 4chins to LARP as nazi at me school huhuhuhuhu"

But user, doesn't the FBI and British intelligence lurk that website? You didn't give any details about YOUR school or your age did you?

>"uhhmmm..... Uh oh... Me scared now"

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oh am laffin

also here's the schools twitter for anyone interested

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What are you going to teach them? Yell a few things about the white race being replaced, nigger iq, jews etc? Most people will just think youre crazy and retarded. Jow Forums wil certainly make fun of you. That IOTBW thing? That was an intelligent protest, and it shouldnt have stopped. This, this is just silly and pointless.