He woke af bruh

He woke af bruh

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Yeah, and we shifting 'the consciousness' to one where HRC peels faces off of teenage girls.

Enjoy the ride.

Hes talking about the pineal gland.

>*tips tinfoil coated fedora respectfully*

t. just read Eckhart Tolle or something

it was a baby


your incapacity to move beyond dead memes from 2012 speaks volumes to your intelligence
don't even bother shitposting as a response, I won't read it

Damn...really makes you thank

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Small if false.

lol what?

Much older than 2012 friend

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I beg to differ faggot

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And people wonder why niggers are deluded retards when their head nigger representative speaks like this.

yo Ye, you need to do some shit with doom or madlib.

You're a faggot. Please go back to lebdit.

>doesn't realize he can actively change his whole universe by changing the way he perceives it

im shifting right now stand back

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I'm honestly tired of all these celebrities pretending to be deep. Just enjoy your money and shut the fuck up.

Black Twitter is such a source of inspiration.

Where would we be without a bunch of uppity negroes regurgitating self-help clichés?

not an argument. never been to redit

Waiting on his new album. Hoping the brain lobotomy they gave him didn't mess with his rapping skills.

He’s hip hop, not that I would expect a wh*Te like you do understand the difference

sounds like a 14 year old smoking weed for the first time. what a faggot

>celebrities make babbies first epiphany that you had at 14 on mushrooms

So him being featured in "I don't like" wasn't rap or trap?
You're no worse than kkk larpers taking ownership of shit other white people invented.

is our boy kanye goin schizo

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>brainlet pleb

>Some people are derivative while other people are more creative
>injects the word 'consciousness' to sound intelligent

wavy senpai

>Some people have to work in the existing consciousness
>Can confirm
This is why niggers don't have jobs in the existing consciousness. They are working the day shift at alternate consciousness MacDonalds

>preaching philosophy on twitter
Stupid nigger

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No we shift it from "we've been Israel's bitch for 70 years" to "there's literally no single reason to continue this"


user, I...

wow bruh he deep af
he on that dmt shit n shit
i want to smoke weed wit dis nigga probably the only muthafucker that would understand how deep my thought are n shit

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>mobile poster
>meme website
Wow damn, you showed me

o fuk