Generally a board where we mock and shame women. Scientific sexism preffered. Pic related.
Women Hate Thread
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the fact that i literally am able to kill 99 percent of women with a single blow always gives me a relief
physical strength >>>>> everything else
sure you can yoshiro, sure you can lmao
yeah i'm sure i can
women are fucking weak compared to men, which is something all men but fucking virgins know
The median IQ of women is higher than the median IQ of men. Also:
"Although men have bigger brain size which is partly explained by their bigger bodies, women have greater cortical thickness, cortical complexity and cortical surface area (controlling for body size) which compensates for smaller brain size.[66] Meta-analysis and studies have found that brain size explains 6–12% of variance among individual intelligence and cortical thickness explains 5%."
Sorry fellas, the truth is that you're an average joe, you're probably dumber than the average woman.
If they really want to get their pictures off the website just tell them they were under 18 when they were taken. You'd be surprised how fast that shit would get scrubbed.
Appears to be legit. HOWEVER.... They still have less hand-eye coordination than men. If you watch sports you fucking know this.
lol IQ is literally a meme
the only thing that matters after all is the physical strength
women may betray men but muscles will never betray us
nice try kid
>tfw a moderately thicc white woman is taller and wider than you and could probably body slam the fuck out of you
How do Asian men even exist without killing themselves? Lel
Men also produce more geniuses. Women produce average joes. We might also produce more retardos but who cares. Removing men would be like removing whites.
she reminds me a pathetic version of this one
funny thing, she was played by Janette (((Goldstein)))
>muh anybody can edit wikipedia!
>Wikipedia doesn't count as a citation for your grade 8 volcano science project!!!!1!
Boomers please fucking kill yourselves
>I-IQ is literally a meme, who cares
At least have some self-awareness
>le Jow Forums is one person maymay
>it's a fucking can*ckoid
Yes, but the mean is the same. And as you can see the top (and bottom) end has far more men. Meaning out of 100 people with high IQ, most will be men. What's more testosterone in males and females determines how systematic (like of things) they are. As a result the vast majority of industry as well as world leaders are men.
nice try idiot but i'm 182cm
also the average white women in the US is 5'4'' while the average men in my country is near 5'8''
the truth is that the average white women are much shorter than the average asian men
and what makes women so fucking weak than men is that women have only about 1/20 testosterone, which is the biggest factor why men are in general far stronger than women
kek, stupid cunt
Whats with movies and stuff where w*men have these psychic abilities. Where did that meme even come from?
because they operate on emotion instead of logic
This happened to me. She told everyone I was a creepy stalker because I kept calling her for her portion of the presentation that was worth 40% of our grade. I don't give a shit how mad your boyfriend is, I'm not going to go from an A to a D because you're a stupid skank that can't use a Google Doc.
the boy is not wrong
Top fucking kek
He's not wrong, you stupid fucks. Is attacking the flag all you can do?
the graphic that shows why men rule the world
This knee jerk response is pretty telling. If you want a chick's attention you have to randomly hit on her without any signal of interest first. Its so retarded. I guess all the women who aren't complete retards get picked out fast because they actually signal interest to men they like, they bat their eyelashes and smile etc.
So the only single women left are social autists and expect guys to randomly apporach them and go against all social mores and standards of decency.
>near 5'8
so average is 5'7 and you bend the linea a bit?
women are a meme
they're devils that seek to steal everything from men
while muscles will never betray us
i always wish the civilization collapsed so that i could rape every single feminsts i know IRL so fucking brutaly
Oh, and take a random pic.
old but gold
more like
>IQ is a jewish trick
>Niggers litterally cannot stop stealing killing and hurting people for no reason
>White ethnostate now
Like this?
None of that contradicts my statement. Who cares about the mean? If we're talking about the average person, median is the only thing that is relevant. So if you're an average joe, most of the women you encounter will have a higher IQ than you.
in situations like these you need to go to the professor and explain the situation and be prepared to show some kind of evidence that your partner is being dead weight. text message/email history etc.
Aww, Haruto, sweetie, it's ok :) you can still be a cute twink!
This post proves that you're stupid just as an average woman
And this. Although, full disclosure, I want to hate fuck Zoe until she's just a hot pile of semen covered meat.
Fucking this both the guy and the Damn Bitch will be getting their ass whooped
>almost as much as men
>men cheat more but imma complain
>brainlet doesnt understand how gaussian functions work
that graph single handedly explains why women dont, should not, and never will dominate or even have a non-negligible presence in STEM or the highest echelons of anything intellectual and otherwise cognitively intensive
Yes good goy. Keep hating women. Especially white women. Also go MGTOW.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I had planned, but she somehow got it turned in on time. Her boyfriend probably did it for her.
You're not a Japanese native I am assuming? Cheating is, to my understanding, part of Japanese culture. Like the practice of wives, young women, etc. at night allowing strangers who were staying in their village into their rooms to have sex before they left.
>calling her
I 100% agree that you did nothing wrong, but kids nowadays are so socially retarded that phone calls are scary to them. They'd rather text where they can lie easier and show everyone screenshots of everything.
you're a little bit hostile to me here but i'm sure that if we met IRL you would be more polite to me as i'm able to kill you with one punch
go fuck yourself, fatty
Tbh that's all everybody would need leaf
Nah. I'd stand over you and laugh while you flail with your arms that are as thick around as my wrist.
. . . Saitama?
notice the girl taking the selfie
>if you don't toe the line of my political beliefs, I wont give you access to my vagina
>oh no I'm on the internet and he doesn't care about my vagina because he wouldn't have access to it anyway...
>*wheels turn in 18% smaller female brain*
>AHA! I'll threaten the access of vaginas by proxy!
>look like your on your death bed relative
>quick pose for a selfie
Good men don't cheat. But chads cheat because no alpha male in nature is monogamous. And women would rather share a chad than commit to a decent man.
Or at least, I will say this: Maybe 1/20 single young women age 18-22 want a decent man. Then 9/20 will want a decent man after getting burned by a cheating chad the first time. then the remaining 10/20 will have serial monogamist relationships with different chads until she gets cheated on one too many times or she hits the wall
>having a folder of women posing with dead people
Fucking Aussies.
I recently found out.... you're not going to believe this guys .... women are completely dickless! How will they ever live this down? I know you don't believe me but it's true. Ask my mum.
Nah I don't have enough for a dedicated folder. Yet.
No. Some will be much smarter, some the same, and some much dumber.
That and NAXLT can suck a dick when used how your trying to. It good for predicting things in a population, which I explained.
What hits her? I didn't see anything.
Fuck these really trigger me
>the absolute state of modern women
Street sign