A Hard Red Pill To Swallow

-I realized that it would have been better if Hillary was elected. If Hillary was elected, an organized grassroots right/libertarian movement of patriots would have been formed. Instead, we have faux-conservative Trump taking up the space, like a black hole, sucking everything into it; as we sit around with our thumbs up our tuchus wondering how badly he is going to let us down.

The true patriots (not ones that are "nationalists and globalists" like Trump) all became splintered and confused as we argue over how retarded his next tweet is. "Bombard them with bullshit." Before the last crisis can be analyzed there's already a new one. I'm telling you this guy is one big ( extremely successful, so far) psyop, he's doing exactly what he has been installed by the deepstate to do: give false hope, divide, confuse, and conquer.

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Focus on your own country, shill. We're doing fine

You guys let Trump bypass congress to send millions of dollars worth of missles without declaring excuse and without providing evidence that a chemical attack took place because it was too secret for congress to see. I thought you guys cared about your constitution but what he did was unconstitutional.

I honestly wonder if accelerationism is our best choice. With Hillary in control, she would've enacted anti-hate speech, anti-gun and other laws, and Americans could finally find their balls.

but her emails

This will happen soon enough. The whole purpose of Trump was to buy time.

Im worried Trump was the equivalent of gradually heated water. With the good Trump does here not being enough, people won't act until its far too late.

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Yes, I think we wanted to piss off liberals too much instead we should have made the opposition win and revolt.
I'm not too sure about that.

What if the renovations at GITMO and sealed indictments are actually against patriots and not against globalists?
What if all of this was a psy-op to get us screwed
What if the wall and the troops on the border there to keep us in and not others out?

What if their goal is to create a wat tyler scenario where everyone hates his advisers but not the leader himself in order to create plausible deniability when the crap hits the fan?

I still support Trump because he hasn't completely shown this but I'm starting to eat up the black pills a little that people are dropping here on Jow Forums

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This is the very first sign of doubt I have ever had with Trump.

I fully 100% trusted him until he bombed syria this week
For me, that was the thing which made all my doubts surface
Now I'm sitting here trying to figure it all out.
He's either one of them at this point, or he's completely cucked out and might as well be one of them now

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I still have some hope for him
But it's starting to break....

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>-I realized that it would have been better if Hillary was elected. If Hillary was elected, an organized grassroots right/libertarian movement of patriots would have been formed. Instead, we have faux-conservative Trump taking up the space
I've got harder redpill for ya
>Trump started as grassroots right/libertarian movement of patriots

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But he is false hope,

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podesta would have been in the state department and anyone that mentioned pizzagate was going to be arrested and tortured to death.
no, this is stupid, fuck off

No, that would never go through congress.

Thing is you'll never find true one, if your modus operandi is to elect /yourguy/ and then to sit on your arse doing nothing. With this mindset absolutely any victory of the people can be turned into division, confusion and demise.

Trump wasn't a grassroots right/libertarian movement though. He tried running from president before this era, he also switched between Democrat and Republican multiple times always in the opposing party of the current president of that era.

If Hillary was elected, we wouldn't have to slog through all the Q LARPing and "muh 69D chess, muh optics" posts from Boomercucks.

God I wish I was on the Hillary timeline rightnow

Not even close faggot! All the stuff being shoved down our throats Share Blue Jew derived is Fake News! We are still winning! Go away faggot!

How are you guys winning?
By making money of war?
What Trump did was unconstitutional

I agree with your general sentiment but I disagree about Hillary being better. I know a lot of Jow Forums drank the koolaid on Trump but to me he was never a savior or even a good candidate, he was just the nuclear option. I voted for him simply because I hate the status quo, and he was the furthest deviation from the status quo available. His victory definitely placated a lot of the boomer mentality guys here who thought they now had a glorious emperor. But it gave the rest of us more passion and hope. Trump is a kike infested neocon, but just the fact that the infinitely stronger kike infested neolib actually lost is amazing to me. And since that huge defeat for the neolib machine I've gotten my life on track and am steadily working towards a simple redpilled life with guns and white children.

tl;dr Trump's spiral into kikery has subjective reactions. If you really put your faith in him then you slowed down because you were satisfied and now you're probably even more slowed down because you feel betrayed, defeated, or depressed. But if you didn't put much faith in him to begin with, which a lot of us didn't, then you just see him as a lesser evil who gave us hope that at least one side of the kike machine can be felled, and if we keep working then maybe one day both sides of the kike machine will fall.

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Hillary would have been an utter catastrophe
but the Americans get that catastrophe anyway. Later, with Trump, rather than sooner but it will come

I don't think Hillary is a better candidate but that her victory would lead to more anger towards the establishment.

glad you have saw the light.
you fucked yourselves over far more by getting Trump elected.
t. retard accelerationists.

Trump was put in so we wouldn't put bullets in their heads. They really did blind side us. We were all fools.

I wasn't really involved with the election of trump.

I don't agree with the strike and think we're being kiked. What he did was by no means a declared war, it was a single strike and has been considered completely constitutional.

Realized this a while ago, no one would believe me.

>the frog is boiling on a fire whose logs are shaped like 6 6 6

holy shit


Nice try shill, but you are caught -- nobody fucking says that.

How is a missile strike not considered war though?
Oy vey! Did you see the tuchus on THAT mensch?!
>not using jiddish words for the meme value


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100% truth. American elections are theater. These people install puppet governments across the world, but yeah they care about human beings now! This is the year! No. Nobody ever mention Gay's name again. People are starving and rotting away, half the country is on food stamps, even more wealth is about to be stolen, jobs are going to be automated, the brain police have been formed, but 100 millions fucking retards want to discuss potty jokes and porn stars.

Remember the trillions of dollars that Israel stole from us since 9/11? That money they used to take over the entire United States and get every Israeli citizen established while most millennials will never own property or retire? Fuck that faggot kike shit. Stage 2 starts now. Fuck that fucking celebrity diva. DO NOT MENTION HIS NAME YOU ARE DOING THEIR WORK FOR THEM.

We were almost there. Time for some chaos so we can try again. Don't let the lizards win.

And more and more of your tax money is ending up to the people and companies that profit from the war.