Police in Tallahassee, FL are still looking for three black suspects that brutally beat an apartment complex security guard after he tried to break up an unauthorized pool party.
Reverse the situation and imagine what would be happening in the media right now if three white men beat up a black security guard. They wildly exaggerate non-events like Starbucks, but when it comes to actual violence of blacks on whites, the major US media are silent.
Fuck niggers I hope there is a niggercaust and all these apes get wiped out. I honestly hate them so much and I hate the fact that there are so many in this fucking city
Caleb Jones
Sucker punch then 3 of them beat the guy while on the ground
>black loiterers get asked to leave and when they refuse cops escort them out under trespassing laws in PA >jew media goes apeshit >blacks making unauthorized use of property get asked to break up the party, decide to attack the white security guard cuz kangz n sheeit >jew media silent
Looks like he's in his early 20's and has probably had the whole multikult line of bullshit shoved down his throat his whole life. The real perps here are the niggers and the kikes that spin lies about niggers. By the way, growing up around any substantial population of niggers is one of the most surefire ways you'll avoid jewdoctrination, because you see from the very start how much of a fucking lie their whole spiel is.
Elijah Moore
He made the mistake of approaching a pack of feral niggers that even the most experienced zookeepers would struggle to control.
Colton Johnson
>trying to talk to unruly niggers, alone and unarmed with that body language and physique
serves him right. know your limitations and know the danger. guys like that need to be weeded out of the gene pool. he probably even voted Hillary/Bernie....
Dylan James
Good ol' Tallanasty doesn't disappoint
Henry Jenkins
>Reverse the situation and imagine
better not do that. the fake news MSM might even report it as if it really happened resulting in major riots and damages again. that's what happens basically every tme a nigger is hurt. the M. Brown story was a lie from begining to end....
Caleb Scott
A lot of security companies require their employees to attempt to deal with a non-violent situation individually before calling police. If there's a violent crime already in progress then they sit back and observe and then call police. We all know why this is a stupid policy: When dealing with groups of niggers already breaking rules, the chances of violent escalation are just as high as if during a crime. The security guard was shafted on all sides from the very beginning... maybe he should be encouraged to sue the fuck out of his security company and the apartment complex.
Hunter Collins
>all this deflection of blame onto the white man Found the kikes.
Prohibited by security companies 99% of the time in places like these.
Ian Walker
If you're so cucked that you relax around niggers then you deserve it. We've only been telling you never to relax around nogs forever, so it's your own fault for being naive
William Lopez
>Be a skinny little 20-year-old fag >Not have any weapons >Go around confronting other men and telling them what to do
Uhhhh, is it a surprise that this nerd got beat up? Seems like that's reality.
If you're a skinny little faggot and you go around confronting other men eventually one is going to punch you in the face. Don't act tough if you ain't tough.
Caleb Richardson
my ancestors gassed the kikes. your ancestors came over to murder mine for trying to ridd their country of this menace. then they gave them a country for a present to build their ethnostate that was already occupied by people and bns of $$$ to terrorize the world with their samson option. and then you call me a kike?
Zachary Taylor
security guards are trained to observe and report. you call the police. especially if you are unarmed.
Wyatt Gomez
Definitely not true, a lot of apartment security are armed, especially in Florida. The difference is the complex is probably too cheap to pay the insurance for having someone armed on site.
Whitey had no jurisdiction to tell them to leave, that wasn’t even his patrol. He just been a racist ass cracka tryna stop some harmless fun. Those boys knew what he was up to and stomped his stupid ass before we get another Zimmerman situation going and he pull out a gun and fire on a nigga for just walkin.
Ryan Davis
Reported to Thought Police for wrongthink, please report to the Winston Churchill gulag for mandatory reeducation classes
Brayden Morris
reply to every starbucks tweet with this story
Xavier Thomas
Haha retard
Joseph Cook
>A good idea.
Carson Reed
those fucking monkey noises AYAYAYAYYAYA OH SHIEEEEEEEET
Angel Green
You left out the part where the nig, er, 'black man' hung out and generally made a nuisance of himself. You know, the usual chimping out shit that comes with that race.
Brody Ward
>meme flag
why dont you eat a dick, shill, nobody gives a fuck about this
>good gun laws >cheap cost of living >no state income tax >still has Republican representatives Fuck off back to where you came from.
Isaac Smith
>trying to speak to niggers >expecting them to understand human words >trusting them to listen >expecting them to behave like humans >treating them like humans >letting your guard down around them >not lifting weights >employed in "security" >still not lifting weights >get sent to niggerville to do security >arms thinner than chicken bones >expect them to take you seriously >surprised when they gang up and beat you .
We all know that blacks are feral but thats beside the point. They are at fault not the white security guard. If your sole response is "never relax!" you're taking blame away from the perpetrators and laying it onto the white man. You're doing the Jews' work.
Stories like these need more exposure, particularly in the wake of the total bullshit around black men in Starcucks. Every mention of Starbucks or some other kind of deluded claim about white racism needs to be met with a case of blacks going apeshit on whites.
>liveleak.com/view?t=CSKRy_1523773857 how many times are dummies going to watch people get sucker punched, get sucker punched, g4 you learn some good street tactics. Holy fuck, you lot are useless.
Hudson Fisher
Hope this filthy nigger was arrested and charged.
Dylan Cooper
Cost of living isnt cheap here you fucking moron. Its no San Fran but its not fucking cheap either
Ayden Green
I used to hate women before I realized they are basically like children we allow to drive cars. Then I became more understanding that women are the way they are because they are wired like that. I don't hate them, but I don't end up disappointed or horrified by their choices and actions either - and least surprised as well. It's the same with niggers. Equality is a lie. Diversity is a failure. Once we expect niggers to nog, we will hate them less - and are less likely to end up in situations where we could be victimized by them. Many a white liberal gets suckerpunched and still wonders why.
Ryan Watson
Niggers are literally subhumans, only way they'll attack is with sucker punches and numbers. Also whites are way too cucked, they'd rather defend some nigger than their fellow man
Charles Garcia
every time it gets posted on youtube (((they))) are taking it down - just unreal how blatant they are now in pushing the narrative
Adam King
Don't expect to treat niggers like people and get a good outcome for it.
Easton Perry
>Once we expect niggers to nog, we will hate them less- and are less likely to end up in situations where we could be victimized by them. Unless, of course, you're forced to have to deal with them on terms that others set for you, which is exactly the situation Leftists have created. If we truly had the freedom to voluntarily associate or dissociate with whomever we chose, those niggers wouldn't be living in our communities to begin with. And this is the whole fucking point. I don't know if you've ever worked in property management, but blacks absolutely *destroy* property, and any landlord would love the opportunity to just flat out say: "No blacks." Same goes for pretty much any kind of business setting, but productive whites are forced to directly and indirectly subsidize them with higher prices on damned near everything in addition to the welfare checks they get every month. You can "white flight" as much as you like away from multiculturalism, but Jewish Bolsheviks will just keep chasing after you. The blame squarely lies on the perps themselves and the Jewish-Leftist academics that push for false equality narratives. Maybe they both need a nice bloody nose to realize what they'll be dealing with.
Grayson Flores
I don't know how americans live with them.
Mason Phillips
>but when it comes to actual violence of blacks on whites, the major US media are silent. Yes, we know the system is literally anti-white. It is set up exactly for that purpose. It was NEVER about doing anything good for downtrodden people.
>Fuck niggers I hope there is a niggercaust and all these apes get wiped out someone make a political party out of this sole idea
Brody Jenkins
I think it's two-pronged... they're more desperate so they're pushing it more, and people are generally becoming more aware of the tactics. Black-on-white murder rates used to be a HELL of a lot higher 30 years ago, but the same silence was pervasive and the same anti-white narrative was in place. Light is a great disinfectant, which is why it's so important to broadcast these double standards everywhere.
Brandon Evans
he a security guard that's his job hes payed to do that so others don't have to
Nolan Carter
My thought exactly. Never... EVER relax.
Ryder Peterson
someone shoop soylent onto the hook
Juan Adams
Why would you seek a profession that involves manhandling niggers if you have an unbuilt lanky frame? Its like the chihuahua that wants to be a rescue dog.
Lincoln Lewis
He probably had no idea what he was in for. You'd think the security company itself would have weeded him out somehow if they found him incapable of doing the job they were advertising. I'm amazed at the amount of Jewish white-blaming going on here. The shilling is real.