This. So. Much

This. So. Much.

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This is your brain on Jew

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Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

For a while it was just shitposting, but you know what? I unironically believe what he said. I stand with fucking Israel, and you Nazis can't do anything to change my mind. The Jewish people deserve a homeland and if Iran and Assad have anything to try and say about that, well how about big brother America comes and KICKS THEIR ASSES?

>For a while it was just shitposting, but you know what? I unironically believe what he said. I stand with fucking Israel, and you Nazis can't do anything to change my mind. The Jewish people deserve a homeland and if Iran and Assad have anything to try and say about that, well how about big brother America comes and KICKS THEIR ASSES?
Stop being a retarded, forum sliding shill.

What's wrong, can't argue with me? Sounds like you're the shill.

>What's wrong, can't argue with me?
You don't have an argument.

Jews are not White.
Jews are inherently anti-White.
Therefore, Jews and their supporters have no say in White countries.

Also, the Holocaust didn't happen because there is literally no evidence for it.

Is this what the typical American conservative is like?

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>Is this what the typical American conservative is like?
Yes. Conservatives are just as anti-White as Liberals.

>The name Iran in Arabic
What a fucking idiot. The name Iran in Middle Persian means land of the Aryans... not in Arabic. It's been called Iran since Sassanian times.

Iran is not an Arabic word you faggot. We have nothing to do with their identity crisis. Whites, Turks, Afghans, they could be fucking unicorns for all I care. We have nothing to do with it.

Burn in Hell, traitor.

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Here, feast your eyes upon a true house of worship...built on the carcass of the den of vipers and snakes.

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God I hate jews so fucking much


So are saudis white? What do you say you are Ahmed?

I hate Jews so much I wish them all dead

Powerbottom boomer faggot detected

Lampshade yourself, kike lover

I'm an Arab. Not white or black. An Arab can look pale, brown, or dark. Doesn't matter, he or she will always be an Arab. We are not obsessed with skin colors as you are.

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>We have nothing to do with their identity crisis.
We have no identity crisis.

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Trumps planning a "fake war" with Russia and is going to let them nuke LA, SD, NY and DC and call a cease fire after eliminating most minorities, Jews, media, and the deep state so white people can take back America. You're welcome.

nice jew style deflect. u guys really are cousins. we are jews.

>kill all Aryans

They're totally conditioned to serve Jews.

Fuckin boomers I swear more retarded than boomer leftists

Who's a good goy? Who's a good goy? Yes you are.

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Was your pic related from /po/? How someone managed to crumble up a piece of paper into a merchant is beyond me.

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what a schizophrenic.