HOLD THE FUCK UP!!!!!! PIZZAGATE and SYRIA correspondence

Ok hear me out here, recently the past day or so things regarding the situation in Syria has cooled down quite a bit, UNTIL rumors start spreading about a certain HRC/Huma video.

Seems a little fishy to me

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jews are really chimping out recently, aren't they?

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Russian shills they're doing it all from the Sean Hannity shit to pizzagate to Human and Clinton shit

Why is this so hard to understand?

It's on p2p. Under the name falko

and what we know they're Israeli planes because of the nosecones?

they gotta deflect every time


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What has pizzagate to do with Syria? Everyone knows muslims like to fiddle children.

>us air strike
>Israel cheering it on
>dust settles a bit
>Israel starts oy veying “oh no the us might do what Jow Forums has been saying the us might do”
>about the same fucking time rumors start flying about the video
>all of a sudden Israel does the one thing Jow Forums always knew it would do and shoots itself in the foot with a nuclear grade geopolitical faux pas of irredeemably strange quality

Very interesting times

I feel like i should be wyzal and get zyzal

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No. Everyone knows that SEMITES like to fuck children. At least sand niggers fuck their own kikes rape ours.

What video?

You’re retarded if you really believe it’s US vs Israel sadly

911 truth will turn us against Israel.


Bad shit... think of the destruction vids of years ago.. this time its video of a young girl getting flayed alive and her face being worn, while she is still alive and her blood is being drank directly from her face. STILL ALIVE. And the ones doing it are clinton and huma

no it wont you stupid faggot

Fair enough.

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Jesus.... Jews are vampires....

9 generals on the left
11 generals on the right

3 towers in the middle

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Are those them Brit roasties abroad? Slags sleeping on a ping pong table

Yes it will, shlomo. 9/11 being dropped is going to destroy you kikes. All of those Muslim shitholes that are now wastelands because you kikes pulled 9/11 and pointed the finger on them... they are going to know the truth too. And ya know what’s gonna happen? We are going to hit your strategic targets and then watch your golems eat you.

supposedly Hillary on the left ad human on the right. the wall marking on the bottom left of the first picture perfectly resemble the markings on a wall in Comet Ping Pong

It’s not even a meme don’t have it because phone posting rn but there are plenty of screen caps of anons explaining how the vampire stories aren’t even allegories for the kikes it’s verbatim shit just replacing kike with the word vampire

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Ohh shit nigga. that's hillary on the left isn't it? wtf.

I-is it true that the video shows Hillary and Uma torturing and raping a girl... and then proceed to cut off her face and use it as a mask to taunt her while she is still alive and crying and wailing ?!!

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cucked larping garbage

the one on the right is holding a baby

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and it looks like she is holding her own face, could be to keep the mask in place

>implying this wasn't faked and leaked on purpose to mock you

This smells like another Steve Pieczenik psyop.
The primary purpose is to distract/direct/discredit.
lOOk at the timing.

Pieczenik started pizzagate, with possibly the help of the fbi. It appeared coordinated and, at the very least, Pieczenik had inside info about when the fbi's twitter for FOIA requests would go live.
At the time Jow Forums was digging through Podesta emails and finding unethical and possibly illegal things that showed the DNC corruption and collusion.
The story built anticapation on Jow Forums for about a week, then a couple videos were released in the middle of the night IIRC.
The next morning the FOIA twitter went live and added legitimacy to the story.

Last I heard, the fbi was "investigating" itself about the twitter account activity.

Jow Forums was redirected from digging through the emails.
The narrative was, "we at the fbi want to take down Clinton too, but our hands are tied. We need you to make FOIA requests so we can release info.
As if Jow Forums could do anything with heavily redacted documents that the fbi couldn't do with unredacted documents.

Q has a similar "smell"

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No shit, faggot?

could be, still not sure if jewish trick, but threads about this getting 404'ed, moved to Jow Forums and shilled all day

>Russian shills
>american flag

naw nigga. You be smokin yo mommas stank crack here.

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in all honesty I think that is her left arm reaching down, possibly fingering herself.

And here come the shills


Odd that this psyop would start now.
Odd timing that the fbi would raid Trumps lawer when he was under pressure to bomb syria and then he did, shitting on his stated goals to the people.
Odd that Comey resisted Bush/Cheney's NSA spying and was smeared by both parties after saying "deep state"
Odd timing on the "chemical weapons attack" as people were asking "where's the media coverage of palistine","why are they calling shooting fenced in people clashes", and Trump says he wants to withdraw from syria.
Odd that Trump would bomb Syria with chemical weapons investigators on the way

The neocon machine rolls on regardless of who you elect, only the narratives, distractions, and justification change.

inb4 typical ad-homs
>russian disinfo
>only shills say neocon

Repost this info in these diversion/distraction "Clinton ate babies or whatever" LARP threads.

I'm pretty good at recognising faces and i'm convinced the on the left is hillary. I've heard what happens in the video but haven't seen any proof of what supposedly happened.

those look like tits more than a baby if you ask me

Fuck off shareblue



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Ping pong tables? What the fuck?

People like you are as dumb as tumblr sjws.

You’re retarded

check dis pic

its over, they have won. They used obesity against us in the 90s. Now its the soy generation. Game over.

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Huma is straight up finger banging herself with her shirt off, right arm is reaching up seemingly pulling at her own hair or some shit.

Has the video in question been banned from discussion? I just checked the entire catalog and this was the only thread coming close.

Nah, newsmakers take the weekend off usually.

woah dude

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I'm dubious about whether or not the face flaying video is a hoax or not (something really extreme and over the top conjured up because an actual video is on the cusp of going public which isn't as shocking) but there was a video on Twitter I saw earlier, the thread got pruned very quickly but I haven't seen anybody discuss it, it was only posted that one time.

It's incredibly dark and even more incomprehensible than the supposed Podesta video. You can barely see the figure of a child fading in and out of the terribly dark lighting, there appears to be two male adults and the child. Could barely make out what appeared to be an alcove in the room, likely a shower, behind the child. The voices were telling the child to get in the shower, do a spin, most of the audio was incomprehensible. But it does bring back the suspicion of the Podesta video being in a shower.

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>extraordinary claims extraordinary evidence.
Where did you hear about this, faggot? Sounds an awful lot like a LARP

lookt at Jow Forums threads about this get moved there


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I can’t solve it.
Pls explain

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Oh fuck Nicolas Cage is mixed up in this?


>You’re retarded if you really believe it’s US vs Israel sadly
people or government? because we dropped billions on Israel dropping bombs on children meanwhile our bridges are falling apart and people are dying

so we have billions to kill browns but nothing to fix the roads so your mom can get to the store and buy milk without getting crushed by a falling piece of highway

not the same table soccer at all...

Ho look, its that huma/hillary video psyop at it again aimed at discrediting any new/future evidence of wrongdoing before the fact by having things be (((debunked))) ahead of time.

KYS fuckign kike shills

I was present for most of the threads that were going on and some user increased the game on the video among other things and it came to the conclusion from others that is was a child washing blood of himself in a shower while another man was shining the light on him while a third man was heard groaning throughout the clip

>. Everyone knows that SEMITES like to fuck children.
turks don't do this

No. It’s just his expression

8ch net/pol/res/11495819.html#11498023

come on now

>Nicolas Cage is mixed up in this?
anybody in entertainment who makes money is

>People who don't believe don't understand
>I'm correct

Do better or kill your absolute self.

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Pic related

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Ok, say pol uncovers this shit and its absolutely true. then what? nothing is going to happen. News will ignore it. Our justice system will ignore it. No one will mention it.

Again, it is up to the citizens at this point to bring justice to ANY OF THESE PEOPLE.

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Pic related
PD user

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I really don't see a fucking face in this.

Kikes hit the base houseing the Russians.

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NYPD user

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Check it’s there. It was ripped off nigger, tf you expect

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This is the place most anons were linking to in other threads.
John Podesta's "you think you're hot shit dontcha video is from there as well".

>say pol uncovers this shit
/pol isn't uncovering anything, we're just a bullhorn for shit that people drop here true or false

Last night i Red Octobered Kartoshechka your sister

I've seen flayed faces in cartel videos / pictures and they certainly don't look like that.

MegaANON runs this Twitter from WH. This was supposed to drop month ago but had to get McCabe out first

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bro what...everything is legit in the same exact spot in each picture, even the fucking raised black floor mat in the back

People are saying the circle red outline is a baby but I think it's an optical illusion of her shoulder. If you look at the outlined part as her shoulder it looks like she has her hand on her crotch.

I've seen worldcorpro pop up several times in these threads. Will I be v& for looking at this fucked up shit?

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No. It’s fine. I’ve seen it.

>In a month, on 2/6/18
none of that has happened at all.

Yes, hope you are behind 7 proxies

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Last week, Peter John Dalglish, United Nations adviser and founder of the Street Kids International charity, was arrested on suspicion of pedophilia, at a home that he was staying at in Nepal. During the arrest, two young children, ages 12 and 14, were “rescued” from the home.

It is important to note that there have been conflicting reports about the children that he was found with, with some sources saying that two boys were found in his home, and other sources suggesting that it was two girls.

The most up-to-date information seems to be on the Wikipedia page for Dalglish, which suggests that there were two girls found in his home and that the allegations involving the two boys are part of a separate investigation. If this is the case, Dalglish will be facing additional charges.

Dalglish, 60, is a citizen of Canada who travels the world working with children. Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police (CIB) told Global News that Dalglish “is being investigated for child sexual exploitation abuse.”

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W/E kike. Your days are numbered

This mans got it... They find great pleasure in these rituals so I'm almost 100% sure thats huma doing herself and Hillary is just over there looking like she busted the best nut ever

Hmm. ((They)) could be pushing this to distract us from the fact that they want potus to start WW3 with Russia.
At the same time I want the clintons and podesta to face justice.