Should Oprah be president?

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It'll be either her, Joe Biden or Mark Cuban



this is the most reddit post I've ever seen.

The MSM would suck her dick and the new media would absolutely destroy her. She has too much to lose. It won't happen. Include me in the screen shot.


No more niggers with power

Sure lets try another out of touch billionaire.

>Democratic Party with no figure head
>Thinking she won't be president
She is literally Democrat Donald Trump with a pussy
She could be the Bill Clinton type and not do shit for four years, which is good.

No, but she needs to run.

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Only if the zucc is her vp

>not Doctor Phil

John Oliver said the same thing about Trump and look what happened. Don't do this.

Fuck no

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Yes! President of Uganda or Zambia or some other African shith*le.

A full fledged Council on Foreign Relations member and Club of Rome member.

This means she attends the meetings on accessible to the Rothschild Hebrew Banking family due to social influence, welcoming her to the CFR.

The Club of Rome membership is for the human sacrifice, child molestation, cannibalism and most of all getting the inside baseball on projected population reduction.

Bad idea, anons.

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I was semi quoting him, the result will be far different kek. Not even the worst libtard cuck deep down wants Aunt Jemima for president.

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God no. If there's any precedent we don't want to set, it's electing presidents with no political experience solely because they're popular.

You don't /thread yourself, dumbass

Clinton was NOT good. Doing nothing is itself an action.

no ET wont be president. it was to stupid to stay out of the way of cameras when that flood in cali happened. pic related

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If you just want to end it now and give everyone a shitty Kia in the process, then by all means.

Yeah we need more fat retarded niggers ruining America.

She is the president of being a fat, useless nigger

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Political experience is a meme. It only shows how balls deep is a candidate in the system and how the system is balls deep in him.

about 10 years ago she blurted out in an interview something like "we need fewer White People", so she is dead in the water.

Don't forget her "reverse slavery ball" with all black women attendees and all waiters were white.

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Milton Friedman said in an interview that the Clinton economy was doing good because no major bills(lol) were being passed due to a deadlocked house and Senate.

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Oprah and Gayle King

Finger in the dyke

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