
is Christianity a cult?

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yes, but a very successful one.

Religions are just mainstream cults.



The biggest supersticious Jewish indistinct cult

I mean, it's literally the cult of Jesus. Within it are cults of saints.

Yes, some israeli scholars made some semite shit up. Hail Zeus. Hail Prometheus. Dead jew on a stick btfo!

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Yes. Mormonism is the one true way.

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rofl, no

Cry all you want, but Mormons are the future of the white people and as such, the future of the west.

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hahahaha no.

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I can't tell if you're a shitty troll or just really upset.

He is in denial that Mormonism is the future of the white race and he tries to laugh it off like a depressed waste of skin after realizing that they are in their 40s and still live in their parents basement with no job.

i'm not a troll or upset, i'm just searching for the truth.

>>Christian's will defend this

just objectively define both of those words

"and make no idols for me"
so no.
Is it a scam? yes, jesus even said it. hellfire is catholic fuckery. hell is more complex then a lake.

The truth is that Mormons are the future of the white race. They are the only ones having kids and have ingroup nepotism allowing them to get ahead in society. Hell they just might be able to out Jew the Jew.

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I'll bite, why is Mormonism the future? Is it just because they're having kids?

Yes. It's also an abomination, because it promotes love for emptiness, non-existence, undeath as life. Christians are p-zombies of the highest order.

Life is a becoming. The absolute state of being is found in relentless becoming, not in suppression of becoming. Christianity is when you subvert this principle and make emptiness the absolute state of being, and you then praise that emptiness.

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They have kids, discourage degeneracy, have ingroup nepotism aka everyone looks out for each other, and above all else they share a positive view of the future as opposed to nihilists who say that everything will go to shit and doesn't matter. Basically people who give a damn about their culture will have a better chance at survival.

Interesting, I hope I live long enough to see if you're right about Mormonism or not. Are you a Mormon yourself?

Yeah. I'm not as active as I should be, but I still keep to the practices. A couple years ago I began falling into the nihilism trap, but as I began to look at how civilizations rise and fall and reread the Book of Mormon I abandoned nihilism. Nowadays I find it to be a trap which only serves more ambitious people.

Holy fuck the mental gymnastics.

I don't even know what it is. The old texts read nothing like what today's Christians preach.

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For you, wandering one.