Someone Needs to put this ROUGE DOG down FAST.

Litterally the SOURCE of ALL the middle eastern WARS

Look up the YINON PLAN

Attached: israel attacks syria AGAIN.png (605x411, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Umm woah calm down sweetie let's not get antisemitic. Your anger is misdirected. Israel has been America's right hand man since its inception and it is our duty to defend Israel no matter what.


#Israel has also attack Sharayat and T4 airbase

>muh greatest ally
>forcing a conflict to bring mutts into WW3

Attached: also T4.png (608x490, 45K)

stop bombing my waifu REEEEEEEEEEEEEE


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Fuck you kike. I'm ramping up the antisemitism right now.

Holy shit. Israel might actually get fucked this month

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>Sources on the ground say all missiles have been intercepted!

Also, freedom is slavery and war is peace! More at 11!

What kikery is this?

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>let's not get antisemitic.
I'll oven every single one of you mother fuckers!!

Your right hand chops your own dick off, aka false flag attacks USA over and over again.
AND you fucking PAY (((them))) billions

Mutts are the BIGGEST cu.cks in the world

im not her faggot

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Fuck the kikes. Race war now!

>rouge dog

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for perspective, here's a map of the airbases the US attempted to attack and mostly failed

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Are the missile interceptions sourced somewhere legit now?
Seems like Israel should be terrified by this. And it’s easier to intercept an Israeli jet vs a missile


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gonna give this one a bump.

>shot down all but what actually matters
is this the new meme?

>Are the missile interceptions sourced somewhere legit now?
Russian MOD confirmed it
+there are videos of a few interceptions
+some wreckage of French and US cruise missiles

+russia have been hardening syrian air defences.

And syrian girl has sources on the ground, so i believe it.

ALSO, leading up to the attack it was said US had 8 targets, but then only said they targed 3, because they only successfully hit 3, and wanted to save face.

+ 76 missiles on one building is just unbelievable.

>Israel should be terrified
problem is when playing defensively, like Syria is, eventually you run out of SAM missiles, or the system gets overwhelmed. Cant to 100% all the time. Damage starts chipping away at syrias critical bases.

IMO this is what Israel is doing. trying to wear down syria, before a BIGGER attack. Possibly a ground invasion...

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With recent attacks Russia won't belive in US peace lies like recent lifting of sanctions but export S300 instead. I hope Russia and Syria keep their mouth shut about delivery date and supise these warmongering kikes by blasting tose fuckers out of the sky

Hmmm... seems (((coordinated)))

Israel = ISIS's airforce

Attached: Israel ISIS's Airforce.png (587x460, 354K)

Israelis probably the only country that has balls. I say this historically because no one is attacking Israel for blatant shit like this in retaliation. Ever.

>taking what an arab whore has to say seriously
lol, I may listen to her if she has a mouth full of hog but until then I will disregard this e thot, BEGONE THOT, AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

These fucking arab shitters think were going to betray one of our most significant ally in the region all for what exactly? To appease some alawite thug..

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>Russian MOD confirmed it
of course they did
>+there are videos of a few interceptions
there are videos of anti-air missiles shooting straight into the sky and self destructing
>+some wreckage of French and US cruise missiles
no there aren't. there are images of rusted out ancient soviet air to air missiles
>And syrian girl has sources on the ground, so i believe it.

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they will

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Yes get Assad s300 s400 ASAP
Then smoke EVERY kike the second the take off lol


No friendo.
Israel strength is the myth of its superiority.
If broken down Syria after years of civil war can shoot western missiles with precision, that must scare the bejeesus out of the users of American technology, including Israel and the Saudis.
Israel couldn’t even hold onto Gaza and southern Lebanon. A ground invasion of Syria would be tantamount to suicide.
Again, after years of civil war, Syrians would have nothing to lose defending themselves against their most hated enemy. And Iran would be salivating at the prospect of Israelis ground losses.

>Syria once again shot down all but one of the missiles

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we'll die for the master race.

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Fucking Jews, man. They are like Sara Silverman in this clip.

That's because KIKES have infiltrated and corrupted every western government

(((federal reserve)))
(((lobbies))) > AIPAC etc

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They need a legitimate excuse to get pissed. Nowadays it's not enough to be shot at, you have to get hit too

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God bless our chosen ally
;_; everytime

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>no there aren't.

here is a US missile (you can tell cos only mutts write month/day/year)

Attached: us missile.jpg (360x240, 32K)


French missile

Attached: French Missile.jpg (750x855, 73K)

Iran sometimes blows up Israeli embassies. Not the same but still, they’re second to Israel in balls. Or first if you consider that it’s not them who have the Us behind them

wouldn't it be fucking great if russia went all 1945 on israhell and nuked the bastards

Attached: Operation_Upshot-Knothole_-_Badger_001.jpg (1140x969, 80K)

Shareblue worked for HILLARY


Fuck off disinfo (((shill)))

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Kek unironically this

tsara bomb israel pls

>there are videos of anti-air missiles shooting straight into the sky and self destructing
putting everything else aside for a second - do you even know how missiles work? You dont think cruise missiles have their engine running the whole trip do u? And when theyre not - how the fuck are u gonna see one in the night? Im pretty sure its much more likely the explosions were aa missiles actually taking the cruise missiles down as they CRUISE towards their target after burning most of their fuel, not just blowing up ten seconds after launch because why not.

I can't wait until we see video of animal assad and his cunt wife asthma's lifeless bodies being dragged through the streets of damascus by our pvt military contractors. G-d wills it..

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>Israeli territorial expansionism is worth going to war with Russia
Why are you even here?

>putin makes speech
>nuke drops on israel at the same time

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gas yourself boomershit

can you feel the noose tightening?

I'd love that cause then we can glass the Russians. Fucking niggers of Europe.

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This too, but unironically. Animal Assad's days are numbered.

idk, can you still breathe with all the goy foreskins stuffed down your throat?

Trumps planning a "fake war" with Russia and is going to let them nuke LA, SD, NY and DC and call a cease fire after killing most minorities, Jews, media, and the deep state so white people can take back America. You're welcome.

HOLY SHIT GUYS I want to be obliterated with all in a fucking nuclear war LET IT HAPPEN PLEASE PLEASE

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This guy needs more subs

I just love this shit, seeing all the Russian shills and the fools that buy their bullshit squirm. Just wait till we hit animal assad again. This is far from over.

>The bear will leave its cave forever
Shit's on now. Russia about to BTFO Israel.


Please Lord, teleport all the Palestinians to an island where they can prosper and blow up the land and everything in it known as "Israel".

Yeah that's great kill yourself and fuck up your economy for Israel.
keep it kikes AWOOOO
what a retard

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Please attack Israel and let's kick this thing off already. I want Kiketown to become a smoking crater

they should israel is our greatest ally


fuck off kike

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Here's hoping

i bet you do the fucking kikes have really jewed your country

In due time, once our allies soften animal assad up a bit, we send in ground troops and that's all she wrote hahaha
G-d bless Donald J Trump!
G-d bless our armed forces!

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Came to post this, you'd think aussies would have a better education than burgers. Guess not.
Also lol @ Israel acting like a spoiled child "Daddy you didn't hurt him enough!!!"

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Uh huh

Suicide plane bombers are needed

no the intercepts sources are not legit, it would be easy to produce evidence of a missile being shot down but none has come to light, the same bold claims were made on last year's US strike.

t. ADL

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kikes will be lynched in the fucking streets the second a bomb drops on US territory

All of the western countries share solidarity over getting liked, except maybe Iceland, for now...

VERY Good Goy

>If your not in a box, your an Anti-Semite

Attached: good goys.jpg (580x402, 55K)

>infamous for getting BTFO by based Israeli's over and over again
imagine being this cuck'd LOL

Attached: Israeli soldier slaps an arab boy around for fun.jpg (625x361, 45K)

Or Iran. Iran can nuke Israel probably

you're an idiot, cruise missiles have an active engine on through their entire flight

Really? They already blew up the 9/11 towers and fucking Pentagram and got away with it. They just shot up a fuckin school in Florida the other month.

Don't you have a goat to fuck?

I bet eight days ago this was because Israel cares about its greatest ally too

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>stockholm syndrome

europe and canada have been totally cucked now they're sinking their finishing venom into USA.

1776 now

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Why is every nation in the world not banding together and wiping the Israel and the jewish people off the face of the planet? Like literally just every country band together and just nuke Israel into a glass desert.

>Holy shit. Israel might actually get fucked this month

Israel has been bombing Syria non stop for years.

Why is it suddenly news?

awareness of kikery is at an all time high

good goy

Having 8 targets and only hitting 3 probably means they went with a scaled down approach. What typically happens in these scenarios is the joint chiefs present to the policy makers a collection of tiered strike packages, ranging from super aggressive to more of a show of force. It does sound like some back room deals with the russians had a play in this, and they went with the scaled down approach. No side wishes to escalate what is already a tense situation

sraeli jets flying over Lebanon and striking several Syrian positions. Friends in Damascus watching missiles intercepted from their homes. Reports of large Israeli mobilization in the Golan. 3AM and we can’t get any sleep. The spectacle of escalating war is really comedic.

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I agree with the commie