”I’m just in this for the lulz!!!!”

>”I’m just in this for the lulz!!!!”
>gets autistically angry about someone he knows online moving to LA

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Other urls found in this thread:


yeah, that was really pathetic

metokur is the embodiment of Jow Forumscringe

Fuck that. Baked is a total degenerate. He deserves to get purged. Metokour saw right through the little jewish whore.

You sound like you suck a lot of cock.

You sound like you swallow lots of cum

>makes post on4chinz about jim
>he's autistically angry at jim

>meanwhile OP is projecting his autism onto jim because he clearly doesn't understand the reason why jim was angry at baked

>You sound like you suck a lot of cock.
you can tell just from the sound? fag detected


Get the fuck out Baked, and You too his stupid thot ho, Get the fuck out of here you sell out pieces of shit.

Can I get a tl;dr

>knowing that much about someone on youtube

>oh no! he doesn’t want unfunny faggots in his chat room anymore! he also moved to California!!!! sellout!!!!
You are a faggot. Kindly die.

Jim is a fraudulent faggot.

I know, Jim is autistic.
t. Literal cocksucker

Any documented or proof of his rage? Or are these other empty claims to bait?


t. Methhead Alaska

Baked just made an ass of himself in the last 72 hours. Admitted his audience was hurting his "brand" and that it might fuck up a netflix appearance for him. It also came out he is friends with an autistic methhead pedo and supplies people with drugs.

>Baked has 6 hour meltdown on stream where he attacks his fanbase and calls them toxic
>Metokour calls him out for only getting into Bloodsports for the shekels and for betraying his fanbase


baked is more of a mess desu
erins a literal hoe too

serious question.. why are any of you invested in this tripe? dont you think its like a gossip mag?

>Admitted his audience was hurting his "brand"
but his audience is/made his "brand", I knew that guy was retarded the one time I tried to watch one of his videos.

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Jim is great when he's dismantling big issues/stories. This e-celeb "bloodsports" bullshit is retarded and makes him look like a fucking sperg.

mate jim is acting like whinny little bitch. The fact he got mad in the first place goes against everything he is constantly saying is his videos. IN the end he is just another hypocritical loser who is too dumb to keep his charade up.

Serious question. Why aren't you enjoying burning jewlaska and his career?

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VVVat/s hiz endgejme??
VVVat doez ðhe krimzon pêntagram αn hiz kap signifaj??

Myster Metokoolest Monkej Yn Ðhe Tundžra

Attached: MisterMeTooCoolForSchool.jpg (1700x1800, 377K)

Is it true that his mongoloid whore left him

>buttoning the top button on a polo

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All of these people are scum. Every one of them.

I used to actually like these people.

I think you're just too dumb to understand that getting mad with faggots on the internet isn't in contradiction with anything Jim says

all i hear is..
omgee why aren't you interested in what kim kardashian is wearing right now?

Jim is right wing and he saw Baked start cucking completely for a tiny chance at getting pussy so he called him out.

Because for some reason I really thought they gave a shit about things and now I'm realize they're all just a bunch of faggots taking advantage of a contingent of the population that is concerned with political correctness

They're all basically as bad as the crackwhore Erin

Andy sees his entire audience as a bunch of suckers

It actually is. You’re such an assmad fanboy who really wants to give Jim a BJ.
>d-don’t take anything seriously guys

The fuck off this board faggot. If you don't want to burn this jew that's fine with me.

this is not politics

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>i-its not like we're fwends, baka!

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Why don't you explain what you think is contradictory then.

this is true, but why cant you just laugh that bakeds getting his career implosion first?

jims destruction will come in time, such is the life of a chaos prophet

He's a mason, just like all the E celeb entertainers

I just explained it to you. Who would’ve thought that a Metokur fanboy doesn’t know how to read?

Ignore faked alaska from now on. He is just an attention whore. No more attention for faggots like him, he enjoys it even when he it comes from him acting like a fucking passive agressive retard.

>I don't care, anyone who cares and actually gets angry is a pathetic whinny little baby.
>I'm fuckign mad!!! reeeee!!!
See the problem? you Fuckign retard.

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its probably more trashy than jerry springer. it had potential to be a lot better, but now its just men gossiping about each other.

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I wanna Sniff brat ass

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No you didn't you fucking retard. Pay attention to tags. If you explained anything it wasn't to me.

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how do some americans manage to look normal while dressed up? i never expected alaska to be such a fat fuck

Andy thinks we're all a bunch of faggots and looks down on his audience. He thinks we're all a bunch of beta faggots and takes advantage of our attention.

you are waay too invested in this. listen to yourself. youre like a weird superfan. get a grip mate. snap out of it boy

Andy is the definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Is he wrong tho?

Reminder that anyone who criticizes Metokur is either a leftypol shill or a fucking faggot.

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Oh i'm laughing at the baked, th only thing he actually did was get pepper sprayed like a bitch and cry for a while, i didn't know he even had a career on the internet and don't get why he has one.

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He's obviously in this for more than the lulz, he's not a fucking 13 year old. He wouldn't be doing this if he didn't have a patreon. While I believe him when he says he has no "friends" on the internet, he still cares somewhat about some of the people he talks to, and that's fine.

Baked is still a faggot though. He shouldn't kill himself, but fuck me he needs to take a long fucking look in the mirror. He is falling down really fucking hard

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Yeah I think he is. I think he's a faggot.

>gets angry is a pathetic whinny little baby.
Show me where jim has said that

I have no idea. He isn't even the normal kind of fat. He's fucking bloated and managed to grow tits somehow.


>duhhh u kno ecksplane 2

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and people say JP fans are bad

He would still do it but he'd likely have nuked his channel by now and would be making fewer videos he said so himself.

I am not, I just like trash fires and there is one every 2-3 weeks with these people and every single time there is one, threads are made here to inform me about it, just like this one. I had no idea what was going on before I came into this threads. I have to admit it might not be the healthiest thing to enjoy watching random people shitting the bed hardcore all the time, but what can I say, I am not perfect. The only one I really watch is Mr. Metokur because I like his content and already watched him back when he still was Internet Aristocrat.

And you sound like you're full of shit
>Boohoo this gossip is trash you guys are losers for talking about it
>Stays on the thread to whine about it

And so are we

>getting mad at somebody who built their platform as person x, only to become person y and turn on his platform and former fanbase for some easy money and potential pussy
>censoring his chat and pretending he's better than everybody around him now that he's an "influencer" and in LA now and is hanging out with Ice Poseidon and other e-celebs now
>is literally outed as a shekel-seeker who will hop bandwagons to whatever is popular and will make him money

ya sounds like he's mad at nothing and is just a hypocrite whiny bitch getting mad for literally no reason at all.