He's right you know

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Fallen angels

Threadly reminder that Christianity is inextricably linked to Western civilization and if you deny the Lord Jesus Christ then you are implicitly turning your back on your race, heritage, and culture.

Jesus happened.

Yeah but he thinks Trump is Hitler and will perpetrate a holocaust at any moment

Any clown that would pose for that picture isn't worth listening to.

He literally is. Christ came to Earth to lead us on the real path away from the Jews and Pagans.

What do you base your morality on then?

Of course the funny thing is the Moslems the lieks of him want to settle in the west iwll be the ones who not only disagree with him but will cut off his head to prove it

Liberalism really is a mental disorder

Why must an objective morality exist?

>the concept of an omnipotent god is false simply because there are different opinions on the details

Why should it not?

Bit of a strawman because all monotheistic religions pray to the same God but call it different names. Even the pagan religions had a ruler of the Gods, a central figure.
Different cultural interpretations give it differing interpretations, shocking I know.

I dont know if he is right, but at least he is funny

Does anyone seriously look to Gervais for wisdom? His comment suggests a juvenile understanding of religion.
If you do, then you deserve to die without reproducing and jerking off to kyke-funded porn in your basement

I did not say "Objective morality should not exist", I said "Why must an objective morality exist?"

Try again, and dont strawman this time.

It's a contingent necessity for purpose. If there's no "right" and conversely "wrong" ways to live one's life, then life is without any meaning whatsoever.
You don't believe that to be the case - it's why if someone stole all your property, raped women you care about, or dismembered and tortured you that you'd feel wronged.

Jew faggot is going to burn in hell.

There is only one God and every single atheist will be judged you him when they die

A consciousness needed to exist in order to observe the first schrodinger and collapse the wave to cause the big bang but God definitely doesn't exist, I know this because I liked the "I fucking love science" page on Facebook despite knowing zero science.

Muslims BTFO

what if all those Gods
were just
The SAME god
Seen and interpreted by different peoples. Even polytheistic pantheons, they could be aspects of one god seen as separate.

Not even saying christianity is the right take on this god, but dude, RICKY, what IF?

*takes a rip off the ol bong"

>There is only one God and every single atheist will be judged by him when they die

>then life is without any meaning whatsoever
Yes that's correct.

>You don't believe that to be the case - it's why if someone stole all your property, raped women you care about, or dismembered and tortured you that you'd feel wronged.
Humans are irrational. That doesn't suddenly make god exist.

What happens to an atheist when they die?



I want that Jew to go to London or Paris and tell the Europeans their Allah doesn't exist.

Writhe in your irrationality as you bleed out on death's bed then, and then lament at judgement for a life lived without principle.

The other side of that coin is that almost every civilization in history has believed in a divinity of some sort

Because I can justify murdering you for the greater good.

People that don't believe in God(s) sure spend a lot of time studying them....

Not an argument Mr. Fedora.

The Bible actually recognizes the existence of other gods. It's the first 2 commandments.

Why do atheists try to turn atheism into a religion? If you don't believe, you don't believe. You don't fucking try and convert people to atheism

God you're a faggot.

Not an argument

Yes you can, you can justify anything to yourself. Why do you think that means god must exist?

Because it is their religion

And you're going to hell.

says the "guy" that allows other guys to penetrate him. i would by cynical and miserable as well....

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Neither is "I won't believe". We'll both find out the truth in the end, won't we?

>there's been a million scientific theories
>but YOURS happens to be true
Yes, it's reproducible, you fucking mong.

I don't like this guy hes not even funny

>He doesnt know about the root of blashphemy and heresy

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A man once told me Ricky Gervais was not a retarded faggot.

He also told me RuPaul was not a retarded faggot.

We was wrong about RuPaul. That means Ricky is a retarded faggot.

That isn't me saying that. That is Ricky Gervais saying the same logic proves how retarded and gay he is.

Why are you listening to a retarded faggot.

There are 3000 Gods, but mine is the most powerful. Basically the Mike Tyson of deities. My numbers prove this.

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Of course he's right, but the dude has steel shutters on his gated mansion and hundreds of millions of dollars to work with. Of course he doesn't care.

My argument is not "I won't believe".

I haven't made an argument for why god does not exist. I am only refuting arguments in favor of the existence of god. Those two things are not equal.

There is a special place in hell for these English slobs who think that they're more "evolved"

God willing.

lel, he 's got all you faggots with that one.

>western civilization is based on a jew spouting nonsense which whites base their entire lives on and unswervingly obey
Sounds right

I'm not making an argument that God exists, I'm pointing out that if you believe your life is meaningless, it's very possible you come to find your mind wracked by doubt and to find upon your death that you wasted your entire life.
We'll both find out - inevitably - the truth of the matter.

>t. atheist


>lel, he 's got all you faggots with that one.
Homosexuality "evolved" first in England

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>We'll both find out - inevitably - the truth of the matter.

If I'm right then neither of us will know the truth for certain. At the time of death, we will become nothing.

He just looks sweaty desu all the time.

>REEE, ad hominems, fallacies, sophistry, scare tactics, changing the topic, whataboutism
These threads are the worst.

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I wish

>At the time of death, we will become nothing.
Which means you already are nothing. Only Jews and Negros have no souls.

Oblivion would be a confirmation. It would also guarantee that your life - in particular - was meager, pointless, wretched, and animal. I have high confidence in your facing judgment; you're free to believe whatever you'd like all the way until the end though!

No, it didn't, but you're obviously a dumb American, so I'm not suprised you'd think that. Homosexuality does seems to have been perfected in the US though, kek.

Pic related.

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This is like a teenage atheist's understanding of religion. Not all gods are anthropomorphic autocrats that dispense judgment on a daily basis, most of the "Gods" of history, including some sects of Christianity and Judaism, are metaphorical representations of the secularist "spirituality" that anyone can experience. They then go further to espouse ideas and traditions that can be passed on and used as the basis for organizing functional societies.

That's not an argument. If something has only one viable solution it only has one viable solution.

>1 post by this ID
Every time the same pic with the idiotic quote.

Prove it.

Christianity = Hebrew control of the west

You worship a Hebrew blood god

So did Buddha. So did Mohammed. For all we know so did Zeus.

>I'm not suprised you'd think that.
Everybody thinks that. Sodomy is endemic in England.

People who argue about if God is real or not are missing the point of religion.

Reminder that the only reason you believe in your god is because someone told you to believe a book written by pre scientific ancient dead people you never met

unironically this

The real redpill is they're all real, but the Christian God won.

He bulli Karl.

Could he lose? Can god fail? What's at stake if god can never fail?

But not his. Evolution's not silly made-up nonsense, evolution is fact, not theory. But god is also an unproven theory, isn't it? Just like Evolution.

> I named my god science, he made everything out of these imaginary things called numbers
> Counting makes sense, so by counting everything we learn deep universal numerical meanings

Rangeban Canada when?

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All 3000 of those "gods" exist. They are demons (fallen angels) who try to draw people away from Christ. This anglo has been deceived by an atheist demon.

Satan is real btw.

What is this, 2012?

Evolution is proven, and god doesn't qualify as a theory

Augustine literally answers this question in City of God