Who was our #1 president in your opinion and why?
George Washington was the 1st President.
Andrew Jackson
Okay now I need to find the archive for this thread, because I can only imagine it's a goldmine.
Barack Obama. He got rid of all tha racist whyt cracas.
Andrew Jackson, btfo'd the brits at New Orleans
Jackson. Bad ass based motherfucker, who was the last true pres to defeat (((them)))
This is the only correct answer
Teddy Roosevelt. Probably just as badass as Jackson with more terms. Then there was that time he got shot on the way to do a speech, but instead of going to the hospital, he goes to the assembly, gets up onto the podium and tells the crowd
>ladies and gentlemen, I’ve come to inform you that I’ve just been shot
Dude stood on stage bleeding for 90 minutes with a bullet in his chest before going to the hospital.