If we wuz kangz is really just larp and whites were here first, how come whites are covered head to toe in black and brown birthmarks?
Really makes me think? Its almost as if whites are bipedal simian great apes that descend from albinism, and they live in an artificial and unnatural matrix. Because ignorance is bliss. Because the truth is not one they want to hear.
No, "WE WUZ TALL WHITE SPACE NORDICS. SPACE ALIENS N SHIET" Calm down simian. You have blonde peachfuzz on your face.
At least I don't smell like a trashcan, it's almost like niggers think they don't have to take showers cause their dark skin will just hide the dirt, but we can still smell them. Fuck, maybe nigger don't actually exist and they are just covered in a think layer of crud.
Sounds like you are looking into human biology more. This is great, keep searching with an open mind user.
Nathaniel Gray
Vitamin D due to northern latitude.
Cameron Edwards
Im not even black and thats sad you have to compare yourself to them to make yourself feel better. "Why.. Im not an olympic gold medalist.. but at least im not in a fucking wheel chair!"
Thats what you sound like.
WN logic is so flawed. >Be simian great ape >Make fun of black ppl, calling them monkeys >REEEE B-black people didnt come first!
Brayden Hernandez
Ah of course, albinism, Coming from the latin word albus, meaning white.
this is really strange. i was just thinking about you earlier today, albinoposter, wondering 'where did that guy go anyway?' and here you are. genuinely amazing.
Parker Perez
Whites weren't first. European whites are the latest of all human subspecies to evolve. European whites display evolutionary adaptation to the sub glacial areas of Europe during the last glacial period. Whether European whites were directly decended from earlier hominids like home erectus or from Africans who migrated to Europe is ultimately important. Adaptations are for survival in a harsh climate. And were selected for over tens of thousands of years due to evolutionary pressure. Physical adaptations are as follows >Pale skin Humans need vitamin D to survive. Humans can manufacture vitamin D in third skin cells through exposure to ultraviolet light in natural sunlight. Dark skin necessary to protect from intense UV radiation was an impediment to vitamin D production in northern climates. People with lighter skin received more UV light and were healthier than people with darker skin and were more competitive. In the harsh reality of a hunter-gatherer society even a slight disadvantage would have been ultimately fatal. >Varied hair color As skin lightened, did hair pigment. >Varied eye color Ditto, with the added bonus that pale eye colors are better at gathering light, meaning that the new pale skinned people could see better in the dark >Thin noses and fine boned features Thin noses warmed air as it was drawn into the lungs, fine features meant less surface area to lose heat >Fine, thick hair Heat retention, especially on the scalp >Higher subcutaneous body fat Heat retention Mental adaptation includes a longer time preference and a more agile, inventive mind. If you live in San environment where food is readily available, you don't really need to plan ahead. If you live in an environment where the landscape is frozen solid for half the year and food is intermittently unavailable, you have to be able to think we'll ahead of the present and think up new ways to hunt, live and survive. Stupid people didn't live long in the sub glacial zone in Europe.
Elijah Phillips
You are right about a lot but missing the change from curly hair to straight hair. It came through albinism. A missing protein in an amino acid, a side affect of the deficiency disease.
Isaac Sanders
There's also the interbreeding with Neanderthals, who evolved before modern man. They were highly adapted to the sub glacial environment and had larger brains than modern humans. Almost all human populations EXCEPT sub saharan Africans have some percentage of Neanderthal DNA. Neanderthals were smarter than newer homo sapiens, but reproduced more slowly and were physically hyper adapted to the sub glacial environment. Like other species adapted to a sub glacial environment, they were replaced by more generalised species as the glaciers retreated but left us with their intelligence and inventiveness.