What causes young white males to want to become female?

What causes young white males to want to become female?

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bad parents


Excess of wealth and lack of work.

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Being wh*Te generally


Well what makes young white males want to remain male? Remove that from the equation and you get your answer.

Being a woman is life on easy mode compared to what men have to do.

I want to destroy her p*ssy

The feminization process begins at an early age

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Jews. The answer is always jews.

Hipster parents try get to the cutting edge of fashion take public suggestion and shoot it straight into their kids. Constant reinforcement of fuck straight white people by ALL Of the media.

the estrogen in plastic and in teflon
use glass

Love, fear, pressure, profits, or power

Only to postpone their eventual suicide.

This is why we need wars. Constantly, small wars, big wars. Just lots of bloody wars. Only way to break the cycle

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Those pictures are a decade old. This is her now:

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If science could make me look like this

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No way she's hot that's not a fucking guy

I would jump for joy

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*single mothers

To add to my previous point, just look at how society cares about and promotes women compared to men. There has already been studies that show people are more prone to react to a crying baby girl than a crying baby boy. So this goes all the way back to infancy that a bias toward showering females in attention is formed. Add to that our current society that fawns over freaks like trannies , telling them how special and brave they are, etc. Then look at all the media campaigns for women's issues, how the "future is female." Now tell me the last time the media talked about men's issues or celebrated manhood? All you get is shit like "toxic masculinity" as an explanation for anything that troubles men these days. You add all that shit up and it's no wonder why little boys decide to become girls. They get lot's of praise and attention and the whole media celebrates their degeneracy.

>tom brady
>trump supported
>makes out with his son

and find friends so we could do this together

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This image is pedophilic, and that isn't okay.

Yes it is

High levels of estrogen from being poisoned and shitty parents.

It is not

Wtf why would you even want to look like that .. . where ? What?!? What the shit ?!?!

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That's a girl, she's just creepy young.

Female privilege

Things are being added to our food and water that is lowering our T levels so low that we no longer feel like men. It must be chemicals that effect certain races because white male to female is happening at an alarming rate.

>bad fathers+state-enforced divorce

Slit your wrists open edgy dumbfuck

A society increasingly against being white and male?

Be a fucking man , oh you wouldn't know how , so you become a woman and then off yourself a few years later , gtfo of here with that bs . .

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I'd say it's a combination of parents who desperately want their kids to be "unique" and cash in their imposed lifestyles for goodmom points with other liberals they are trying to impress and plastics in the drinking water affecting the hormone balance of developing children despite being widely known about but will also never be tackled as a problem since it primarily affects males. Media plays a part in it too, but that falls under parenting more than anything else.


Being a girl is the easiest thing to do. Your not allowed to bully them, your not supposed to hit them or do anything to them without seeming like a horrible kid. Young boys see how easy they have it and they choose to take the path of least resistance.

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It's easy too see how much better/easier it is to be a girl.
>more love
>more attention
>needs are met more quickly / thuroughly
>feelings get more consideration
>lots of positive attributes automatically attributes
>boys are mean/gross/creepy
>no one telling you to toughen up or learn to 'be a man'
>no one cares about your height, athleticism/physical prowess
>don't need to have abs/pecs/lats
>don't have to confront threats
>lowered expectations in essentially ALL things that are difficult

Women are winning the gender war.
>men dominate
>generation of tomboys and stonk indep, females are born
>women dominate
>homos and trannies are born

You fags need to step your game up.

Indirect cause is lack of masculine roles in the West, the eradication of meaningful warfare and a consumer base that markets to females (more females = more sales).

Direct cause is porn. Once a young boy has discovered their society has no place for them, and they are surrounded by women (single mothers are a major factor) and female-centric marketing, they become depressed. Depressed men tend not to find mates, so they look at porn. Porn makes money on selling and addicting someone to depravity, and when the main sites began promoting shemales back in the early 2000s it wasn't long before these men became exposed to the idea of transitioning, and having a place in society. 18 years later and now it's not just a fetish, it's an accepted and promoted lifestyle.

I say this as someone who transitioned.

Over exposure and popularism of transgender issues

Straight white male, it's what's being attacked , because if your STRAIGHT you must hate homosexuals ? If your WHITE your racist !?!?! And if your a MALE so you must hate women right ?? . . Everything else is ok tho . . R. . Right ?

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True but i think the main reason is just the propaganda/brainwashing from msm

You fucking retard, the US has been at war for 99% of its existence. What we need is to kill parasites like you and your kike boss.

Female privilege.

neither of you are wrong

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This is why we need peace. A big peace free from Jews and goyim like yourself.

Not really though. I mean war within the U.S. The "wars" the U.S. has been in have been in foreign lands and don't affect the people here. I want wars that shake these pampered faggots here into shape.

Single moms.

speedrunning, soy, antidepressants, and attention seeking

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>we need a war!
>uhh actually sweaty, the entire history of the US is pretty much "us at war..."
Shut the fuck up

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Peace is what got us here. The "wars" the U.s. has been in don't affect the majority of Americans. They barely even know that they are going on.


Jeez I have no idea, what could possibly make them not want to be male?

>good goy kill off your strongest
Wars are why France never recovered. Their best and brightest in the front lines. KYS kike

I'd just like to add to this how hypocritical all this "empowerment" thing is, like they are willing to celebrate women so much for the virtue of being born female, but then take every measure they can to denigrate men and purposefully ignore issues they face if it affects them more than women under the weird revenge driven motivation of "Men have had it too good for too long" so it's ok to treat them like shit now. I imagine some kids probably have been fucked up by this attitude that's so prevalent in society, but nobody cares because it's males affected by and they haven't been denied the right to vote or whatever, so it's a good thing if anything.

Look over here how it's been consistently known that lower-class white boys have been underperforming academically for decades now, yet nothing's done about it because it's not an "oppressed" minority that it's affecting, so the problem will just go untreated as long as a more politically correct group is suffering even a fraction as much.

science needs to work faster

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Again retard, the wars that the U.S. recently has fought in don't affect the majority of Americans. I want the U.S. to be rocked. I want these bitches to be forced to adapt or die. They are pampered.

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YOU don't know because you're a moron, don't lump everyone into the same double digit IQ level as you're in. I fucking wish I could send your ass to die in some war, or at the very least get you face to face and demand that you name a war we were in that isn't the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, or a World War, your brain would shit itself.

To be honest it shows just how pampered YOU are if you don't even need a working understanding of your nation's history to function in said nation. You will have TWO sentences to explain exactly HOW the wars from let's say, the past 40 years, have not affected us. You better adapt or die, come up with a good answer, or you'll have to abandon this thread and shill somewhere else you fucking crook nosed oven dodger.

>implying trap shota are somehow a bad thing
>implying that the only "bad" about this naturally-blossoming phenomenon isn't repressed puritan self-haters' cancerous ignorance
>implying the destruction of a toxic subnormal machismo caveman subculture isn't in evolution's interests
>implying that the forced cohabitation of males with innately incompatible female, hasn't led to much of the degeneracy in society today

category: mental gymnastics
degree of difficulty: 5
judges' total: 9.750

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GET IN HERE FAGGOTS twitter.com/Farberyanki/status/986003693400182786


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>Jow Forums in-ironically "thinks" that webM related is somehow bad

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>yet nothing's done about it because it's not an "oppressed" minority that it's affecting

When whites become the minority in your country, do you think the new majority will be as benevolent and suddenly decide to do something for the struggling white male minorities? My guess is no, in fact they'll use their majority power to get rid of the remaining white men.

Weak to no fathers, no real man would ever allow this

The life of a homosexual is a life spent submitting to a fetish. From its molecule, the life of a homosexual is selfish and indulgent, and unworthy of a man measured by any metric.

look up thylane blondeau you fags en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thylane_Blondeau
%100 woman

For you.

I liked guys from day one, I never was sexually assaulted to make me this way. Not that I do not think the female body is not hot, I enjoy males more, I like being held by some one stronger then me, I like cooking for him and cleaning the house. I never have given my husband anal, the idea makes me sick and he respects this. I work in the army and would fight for your right to hate me as long as you could put up a good argument. I mind my own business and feel you should be 18 to understand the choice of becoming transgender. . . . . . it is the most important and damming choice you could make and it is not to be taken lightly. I hate people who expect you to call them by the sex they feel, just leave me alone in public if you have a issue with my choice I am just trying to make it by in this fucked up world..

Parents with no morals.

It seems to me that, not unlike it only ever being "peace-loving" christgoys that wish ill on others (for not espousing their delusion), it's only ever professed homophobes ("professed", as in they're mostly projecting insecurity in order to dissemble their own inner sexual or gender turmoil) that are obsessed about the sexual proclivities of non hetero-normie individuals.

Of course, this reconciles, given the overwhelming and ubiquitous popularity of phonographic titillation, when compared to the relatively small demographic representation of non hetero-normative people.

As such, the real "degenerates" are the fake news hetero-normies who run around critiquing others' sexuality et al. -- not those simply getting on with their lives and living.

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Toxic masculinity telling women they can be anything but will need to work harder; while telling men they can only be certain things

Their parents.

No obsession was professed in my most, my poop-dicked upside down not-friend. Your post was awfully personal though, care to share a self-reflective thought about you and your banana hammock wearing brothers constantly identifying and invading any venue they can with sexuality? Wouldn't they be the sex obsessed people you're talking about? Write back soon, with love, God.

People view children in a peculiar way. If a boy dresses and acts like a man he is applauded for being strong, confident, and mature. If a girl dresses and acts like a woman she is shamed as a slut and told to dress age appropriate. The only explanation I have, for this predicament, is men view boys as potential work helpers. But, women view girls as potential sexual competitors.

Being female really is life on easy mode tbqh. But we're truly fucked since we need men around to protect society and build cool stuff. :(

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>banana hammock wearing brothers constantly identifying and invading any venue they can with sexuality
care to explain why hetero-normie marriage rates are more likely to fail than succeed (to say nothing of the many who stay together "for the kids / money / love.meme") and why the o so perfect union of Adam and Eve is hardly, if ever, celebrated in mardi gras etc....?

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So you wanna dodge the question, ignore my numbers, and reassert your warped perception of reality? Seems pretty "queer" to me!

They're told from birth how worthless they are and how 'toxic' masculinity is. No wonder they end up hating themselves and want to become the opposite sex.

Brain defect combined with horrible parents.

Too much porn leads to pussy envy.
You get to see women enjoying dicks as if they were God's blessing, while for the male the act is resumed as a few grunts snd a disappointing spurt.

someone should make a PG style hit list, eventually it would take form.

Not as easy as you think. I transitioned 12 years ago and now the medical problems are starting to happen, and you get sick of being catered to all the time after riding the initial wave of fun. I was sterile since age 4 so I don't see a point in detransitioning, but it's going to happen in droves to a lot of folks.

You can still build and protect you and yours, if you value it.

Enjoy aids faggot

>assuming this I our final form

why are you nggers always so easily tricked? bahahahhaha white "bois" don't want to reproduce anymore proceed accordingly.

says the unevolved monkey

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>Direct cause is porn.
I'll never understand why people love blaming porn as the cause of society's problems when it's just a symptom. Eliminate porn, and all you'll accomplish is removing the only sexual release most males have; dysfunctionality will continue to exist.

Males can't achieve sexual release without porn? Did imagination go away? I listed indirect and direct separately because they all contribute.

Stop watching porn.

She grew up. She filled up.

ingesting media that claims its the way to be happy in a world where masculinity is a dirty world from birth

That is NOT ok

the one's in government like hope hicks, lauren southern and trump jr's wife were raised boy-to-girl from birth because their faggot freemason parents like to bang transgendered kids.

most of the other one's in society are often jews. regardless they were all raised by shitty cold parents.

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>hey don't do sodomy it's bad for you
FUCK YOU JESUS says don't judge
*gets hiv*


This image is so powerful, I'm starting to tear up here. Finally we don't have to hide in the shadows anymore. Get this beautiful young man a pair of arseless jeans and lop his cock off.

the multi-level irony is that the sjw fags see Israel is "oppressive" to the dune coon and must be made to submit. All just so akmed can throw them off a roof for heresy.