Has anyone else noticed a massive, MASSIVE swing towards demoralization of Trump supporters...

Has anyone else noticed a massive, MASSIVE swing towards demoralization of Trump supporters? There is a huge attack against Trump right now, and it legitimately feels like the Deep State is winning. In the past when this happened, it would usually by this time have somehow turned out to benefit Trump (as usual)... yet this feels different somehow.
Call me a concern troll or what have you, but I am wondering if anyone else senses what I'm sensing, and has any thoughts on the matter.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I noticed attacks on Syria right after John Bolton. So, you know, fuck you "cuck".

>exhibit A

Even the shills on here have become relentless - the same highground moralistic hippies "TAKING A STAND" against war. Bunch of fucking pussies, honestly. Who else talks like that? Oh ya - leftists.

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Even Alex Jones realized we all got played. I think it's time we realized he's not going to fight the jew.

Muslims are the enemy right now and they are 1/3rd of the world

Yeah, Trump is leading the demoralization effort.

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People are realizing that Trump isn't going to change shit and that like every other politician, he played with our emotions.

How you noticed Trump's massive swing towards being a backstabbing kike?

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Thanks I think thats the only one I didn't have.

I don't see any of this. What the fuck are you guys even smoking?

Sure they are goy.

I also notice Trump did a 180 degree turn on all his policies, pardoned a bunch of jews, signed a disastrous omnibus, botched a couple special elections, and then attacked Syria.
Does this feel 'different' to you?

Muslims wouldn't be the violent savages they are today if Israel didn't bomb their countries with the help of US. The Middle East used to be one of the most economically growing parts of the world before Israel started having wars with those countries in the 60s.

they're just the superweapon

nah trump is setting them up for the big dick.

0.2 Shekels have been deposited to your cadre account.

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N-n-no, i-it's s-shareblue! Drumpf is based! Only shareb-b-blue calls him Neocon Don!

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He attacked syria for the second time and the part of his base thats only half retarded against pointless wars. Hes not as bad as some anons act but he has time to prove them right.

>MASSIVE swing towards demoralization of Trump supporters?

Every day he is shown to be a bigger asswipe that the day before.

Will it ever sink in?

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>carefully strikes so nobody is hurt
>israel is mad so they attack on their own
>everyone knows it's israel

yep, good understanding of the world you have there, fucking larperfaggot.

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He is lost cause. Move on.

>Muslims wouldn't be the violent savages they are today if Israel didn't bomb their countries with the help of US.

You are completely deluded.

Muslims have always been that way. Even in their most enlightened periods, they have always been violent savages. They are definitely enemies of the west and they will always be.

Saying it's X or Y's fault is complete nonsense.

>literally posts Alex Jonesstein, the gatekeeper
>even Alex Jonesstein shat all over Trumpenstein
Just HOW low IQ are you or bad at shilling? Holy shit, this is embarrassing. GTFO, leaf

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nah democrats and sand niggers are hoping their crimes will go unpunished. Comey will be taking up the ass in a federal prison within a year. big boy will take many hard ones up the ass as they line him up for target practice.


Trump could declare Jerusalem the capital of the USA and the fucking retards would believe it's some elaborate 4D chess! MAGA! AWOO!!

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> No wall
> Signs awful Omnibus bill
> Bombing Syria for the kikes risking WW3
> Absolutely no indictments or arrests of any Swamp creatures

Trump is demoralizing us all by himself.

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Nice rebuttal there lmfao

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>Trump could declare Jerusalem the capital of the USA

Are you implying this would not be the most baller badass shit any president has done in a century?

> Deep State
The rest of us refer to it as 'rule of law'.

beware op is a faggot who sucks dick and has aids.

This has happened before, massive shill campaign, a lot of people feeling demoralized, and when even the most ardent Trump supporters are starting to doubt the hammer comes down and the liberals get massively BTFO. You never see it coming even though you expect it. This time it's worse than ever so I can't imagine what script flip is coming but it will create massive salt on the left.

Nobody ever cared about you faggots.

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It's because we got duped. Trump is a complete piece of shit kike. Anyone here who still supports him is a redditfag pede. He's so bad we're going to support the democrats in 2020

>This has happened before, massive shill campaign, a lot of people feeling demoralized, and when even the most ardent Trump supporters are starting to doubt the hammer comes down and the liberals get massively BTFO. You never see it coming even though you expect it. This time it's worse than ever so I can't imagine what script flip is coming but it will create massive salt on the left.

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Any attack on him real or not will embolden his supporters. Cult of personality, goy.

You literally created them, you moron. USA, Saudi Arabia and Israel created wahhabism, the ideology of 99% of terrorists. No YOU, no terrorism. You funded, trained, armed Osama bin Laden, you funded, trained, armed Al-Quaeda. You literally CREATED ISIS, to cause (((civil war))) in Syria for Saudi Arabia and Israel. You killed millions of people for Schlomo and the other oil-semites and flooded Europe with rapefugees. Amazing job!

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Anyone who says this needs to go back to tumblr

what the fuck happened to this site jesus christ

Think I'll cap this to use later during my salt mining operation.

The (((deep state))) is winning though. They already won. It’s over

It's literally true though

Trump could literally skin Anderson Cooper with a paring knife while singing all the single ladies and still win again.

Just because it pisses the moonbats off.

>You literally created them, you moron.
>When you kill your enemies, they win!

Literally muslims have been attacking western cities since islam existed. Shitskins created them. We killed some of them. Boo fucking hoo.

I'm completely for destroying all of them.

>Fighting a war for israel

Lel fucking boomercucks amirite.

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>Deep State
aka Ramspecking. Apparently, it's been a thing for nearly a century.

>To remedy this problem, Mr. Blackwell is sponsoring a seminar this morning on ''the little-known process of Ramspecking and related procedures for careering in'' from noncareer Federal employment. The process is named for Representative Robert C. Ramspeck, a Georgia Democrat who served from 1929 until 1945 and sponsored legislation that gave political appointees a sort of ''veteran's preference'' when it came to obtaining Civil Service jobs.


What I said is

Shills being shills

Yes. You said it all bro

Were you not here the night Alex Jones had a complete mental breakdown live on periscope as he denounced Trump? It was like 2 days ago

>he might be doing Israels bidding but we need to support him because libruls will be pissed XD

Yes I do, it started the second he won the Republican nomination and hasn't even slowed down.


All fields. (You) withheld.

So you all followed suit like good little lads

Or you can just accept that 2016 is over and he's just going to be a dud like every president before him. Even my idiot liberal friends realized Obama was never going to close Gitmo and moved on with their lives after a year or so.


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>If you bomb your enemies they win

Typical canadian.

The demoralization fags are the ones that help make Trump the strongest. Every time a person who voted for Trump hears them trying their demoralization tactics it only emboldens and reassures the Trump voter they cast the correct vote. Being on the left isn't cool. It means you are part of a cult

>demoralization of Trump supporters
since when did dumbftards have any morals whatsoever...??

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There's a difference between a blind follower and a suporter who can make his own conclusions.

This is such a bad bait thread, Jow Forums should really go to Jow Forums to get another pov and they'd realise that 40% of threads on Jow Forums are just bait.

>Trump could declare Jerusalem the capital of the USA and the fucking retards would believe it's some elaborate 4D chess! MAGA! AWOO!!

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GTFO, reddit boomer

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I'm still pro Trump but wasting hundreds of millions of dollars to create some potholes and blow up empty barns in Syria on Israel's behalf was pretty fucking demoralizing. I hope there's some fucking 4D shit going on cuz his stance on Syria during the election was eventually what led to my red pilling.

We've got nobody else, which sucks shit.

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>it's bad to attack
>it's good to attack

pick a side faggot

No. Muslims actually hadn't attacked anyone for centuries and the entire global terrorism was created by you during the Cold War, when you and massive Saudi oil money started to prop up the most radical fringe Islamist sect to take down the SECULAR Arab nations. And what is even worse: you are continuing to do it NOW. Shitting all over Europe, mass murdering millions of people in the middle east and creating a new Cold War. All for Schlomo and the Mic! WOW! What a great fucking job!

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the absolute state of the boomer T_D

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even worse, im a millennial

Yes, OP, Trump is having a tough time and this summer will make or break him. The Dems/deep state/haters are all concentrating their fire on the USS Trump and she's taking on water but I hope she stays afloat and the good guys will make a come-back and win this war.

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>asting hundreds of millions of dollars to create some potholes and blow up empty barns in Syria on Israel's behalf was pretty fucking demoralizing.

That's probably because you don't understand that the 100 million goes right into the pockets of white engineers.

You've been trained to believe this is a bad thing, but this money is directly funding the industry that invents new military tech.

You say the point was to create potholes, but obviously potholes were not the point of the action. Console yourself with the fact that more money is spent on campaigns promoting foodstamps for niggers.

I've noticed it too, leaf. Although, I think the deep state has successfully steered Trump away from his promises and original ideals by distorting/swaying public opinion and his ability to receive it with his own eyes and ears. He seems to have been susceptible from the start, unfortunately. How can we get him to wake up?

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Trump is planning to have a "fake war" with Russia and let them nuke LA SD NY and DC and then call a cease fire after killing most minorities, Jews, media, and deep state so white people can take back America. You're welcome.

Nuke Tel Aviv, hang Trudeau, expel all Muslims from the West. Don't fly air cover for ISIS and let Shlomo create rapefugees for Europe while teasing WW3. Jesus Christ, are you fucking twelve!

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>anyone who disagrees with me are dumb Alex Jones watching Russian hackers.
Trumpshills now sound like CNN. Really makes you think.

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>but muh war is bad meme

literally WHO thinks like this and calls themselves right-wing. jfc

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So this is a designated shill thread

After seeing the relentless shit that shareblue and the dnc and friends attempt to pull it simply doesn't matter anymore. I will be voting directly against the interests of leftists on principal for the rest of my life.

No, you're just wrong. Muslims are not a peaceful people.

The idea that the US creates muslim terrorists is as insane as the idea that russia decided the 2016 election.
Yea, we have our geopolitical goals. Islam and the people themselves are a cancer though.

shh it's a shill trap. look at them all.

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Maybe it's because he fucking attacked Syria you stupid fucking Canadian nigger?

Are you blind? Talmud Trump promised us secure borders and an isolationist foreign policy. We haven't gotten either.

The MIC is the largest chunk of the welfare program.
t. Iron Ann

>Has anyone else noticed a massive, MASSIVE swing towards demoralization of Trump supporters?

Maybe is has something to do with him BOMBING Syria ?

I don't even know what you're talking about.
The user was talking about the missile strike in syria.

They are literally one generation separate from secular to extreme orthodox
Just look at Iran after the revolution

They are the perfect weapon

i fucking promise you he is already as woke as it gets

everything he does is for a reason


They literally did. Took headlines straight from CNN and MSNBC about le 2000% increase of Russian trolls. - The fucking irony! - While they were astroturfing this board to all hell. I'm just here to shitpost now. Doesn't fucking matter anyway.

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>Iron Ann
Idk who that is.... but it's better for the US gov to pay people to produce high tech weapons than it is for the gov to pay them to stay home and make nigger babies.

the biggest unavoidable side affect of his advanced age I think

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if you feel the (((deep state))) is winning you are spending to much time here. white girls dont prefer niggers and faggots are not running rampant on the streets. take a break and come back with a clear head

T_D nog
do you think there are differences in IQ among the races?

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Checked. Well I guess I have to take you at your word user.

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Still worth it even if he does turn out a normal neocon

Acceptance of syrian refugees has been way down and Trump is to thank for that. it was worth it

Whatever the fuck it was, it happened really fast

Obviously, have you met a nigger?

>gets objective history of factual actions of the USA, Saudi Arabia (add the UK) and Israel
NO! This is just INSANE!

Next you're gonna tell me, the USA never supported Saddam or Osama bin Laden. Jesus Christ! I also never claimed they were le peaceful. That's your strawman and not mine. And you know what? YOU are not fucking peaceful either. On the contrary. YOU are, objectively, the most aggressive and destabilizing element in the world right now. Blame it on Schlomo, or Bolton, or whoever. But the fact remains. And you are dragging us right into a completely unnecessary Cold War with Russia and China, while getting the Europeans to hate you, despite what the treacherous leadership does and which only contributes to them hating you and Israel and their own governments. The world has never been so unstable as now and the west is desintegrating. While during the Cold War only the commies hated you, soon everybody will hate you. And for what??

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>the Deep State is winning

No, the STATE is winning. I would consider a lawyer who paid off women who slept with political donors, government officials, and news reporters a member of the (((deep state))). But since they are all repiblicans they are clearly in the right and Jow Forums will continue to suck their dick, despite thinking they are smarter than niggers, jews, spics, etc.