Video of Syrian President Al-Assad and his family without guards in Hama

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assad is lanklet

He looks so evil just like the ((media)) told me he was

Seriously, if this isnt propaganda, I can't take being redpilled anymore

but have you seen his wife?

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Why do Syrians look more white than Americans?

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Fucking hell, I'm impressed.

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He seems like an alright dude, but you're out of your mind if you don't think his guards have that house on absolute lockdown.

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Do you need to see anything aside from that the women aren't covered? How can they be worse than the mudslimes they're fighting?


what did he mean by this?

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Yes. Look at his children and how normal they look. That should show you that Assad is not as bad of a ruler as the alternatives.

Obvious propaganda

I pro globalism but I cant see USA killing him ending well. Hes too wholesome. His soldiers are not, but hes good. USA should post more videos of his soldier burning men alive and stomping their faces into sand.

The resemblance is so uncanny

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muts and kikes want to bomb this

I'd like to trade Londonistan mayor for Assad please

Maybe theyd post them if those videos existed???

They dont.

He is actually pretty beloved by his people.

I studies Ba'athism in college and women are far far better off than under tradional Islamic regimes. It combined the authoritarianism needed to run Islamic countries with the right western concepts to advance their societies. Iraq and Syria had pretty advanced economies before the sanctions and wars. There were plenty of women in Iraq that had PhDs that were forced into prostitution once we crashed the economy with our sanctions as well. Its a very sad story really, how we destroyed prospering ME countries so the kikes can get more land.


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Damascus was where the Arab slave markets were held for European prisoners

really though, if you mute the dunespeak it could be a video of a poor southwestern mixed family

Because Levantine Arabs are descendants of Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans and are only "Arab" because they speak Arabic.

You see plenty of blond and redheaded Arabs from Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, and Syria, but when you look at actual Arabs, they look like some bizarre mix of Africans, Europeans, and Indians.

Pic related is Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, Iraqi army commander under Saddam Hussein, fucker looks like Ron Howard.

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Damn I love Assad and his family.
He wasn't even supposed to rule the country, originally it was his brother who was in line to do so. It just fell on his lap.

pic related, a Syrian man.

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>we need to have everyone killed in a 5 mile radius of Assad, the bring in the actors

That dude is literally descended from recent immigrants though. If I remember the story his parents were British authorities who served the king of Iraq and they and thus him just stayed around as elites.


Assad the God.

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Dude looks more Scottish than most Scots.

Wasn't that her in the video wearing the tight white capri pants?

>tfw you will never get comforted by Bashar and Asma

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He's from al-Dour (hence his clan name al-Douri) which is a tiny farming village near Tikrit (Saddam's home town)

He's 100% native to that region.

What an animal. Couldn't finish the video. I had to turn it off. So cruel. Trump and all the shills are right. ASSAD IS AN ANIMAL! IREEEEEEEEEEEEE

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Assad is the good guy

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are you really this retarded? I don't want to believe it

How based can one man get?

>Can I have a more polite war please?

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Syria should be our ally. Not Israel. REEEEEE

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>0:49 feet. yahhhhhhhhheeeeehbabfrgrn

This. Assad is not just the good guy, he's also kind af. It pisses me off how the ignorant retards in this country want him dead and haven't done any research on him outside of CNN or Fox. Hail Assad!

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this is true. I've watched several interviews with him, he speaks english very well and fluently and makes really good arguments

his wife speaks better english than most niggers and spics in our country. Let that sink in.

She was born and raised in London, of course she speakers better English than niggers and spics in our country.

American soldiers won't shoot white people.
Just make Americans not white, ((They)) are so smart!

What about Assad? Was he born in Londonistan too?

literally whiter than 98 % of Americans

virgin drumpf vs chad assad

He went there to study to become a dentist.

Guy looks like a normal person, wtf is it with neo-cons kike lovers wanting to kill people like this

No, he's Syrian, born and raised. He learned French in school (since Syria was taken over by the French after the Ottoman Empire fell) and planned on studying in France, but opted for England instead even though he couldn't speak English well.

Ophthalmologist, actually. He's an eye doctor. His father wanted one son to become a doctor and another to become his successor, but after his brother was killed in a car accident, Bashar had to become the successor to his father, something he was completely unprepared for.

greater Israel... Golan heights... Iran wants to build bridges with Syria. That's why Israel feels threatened. They fear a second Gaza.

how did this dentist become an unbeatable commander? luck?

Just look at the extent they go to look like westerners, they understand the way the world looks at them, they don't wanna be seen as terrorists and THEY AREN'T but (((they))) would do anything, ANYTHING, they can to perverse the world's thought on this matter. (((They)))'d start fucking WWIII if they'd had to.

His son looks like a giga chad

Wait, didn't Thomas Wictor say Assad fled Syria??

Russian and Iranian intervention, but that doesn't sound as cool as The Lion of Damascus.

Cringe LMFAO fucking chinless wonder is a faggot cry more about your mud huts and btfo chemical plants.

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Asma has a better English than the interviewer. Let that sink in for a moment.

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yfw the elites had this whole thing planned out years ago , and they already boosted war propaganda against assad and russian nationalists

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America First. Fuck Israel. Fuck Syria. Let them deal with their own problems. We ain't got no goddamn time to fight wars for Israel. Let's make America great again... not Israel. FFS!!!!

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Why is assad so damn stylish?

America is going to end up pretty fucking far from "great" as long as supreme cunt Trump is in office. We should have put that weasel cocksucker behind bars 6 months ago.

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he is basically the Prince of Syria.

Bashar is the most normal person to ever run a country, if you watch him you can literally see him running a Dentist Clinic. When you compare him to Saddam or Gadhaffi you can easily tell why most people don‘t eat the bloodthirsty Tyrant narrative, he‘s just a Dork who was never meant to be in the position he found himself in. Yet he radiates confidence and harmony in his own way.
When you actually research the matter you will find that the Assads are less of a Despotic Clique, and more of a Royal Family that has more of a figurehead position for the Government than actual dictatorial power.
Bashar drives his own Honda everywhere for fucks sake, and the only time he has Bodyguards is when he goes to Meetings with other Heads of State like Putin in a Syrian Airbase recently.
>Assad follows Putin in a procession after greeting
>Russian Officer puts arm on Bashars chest because he accidentally waddled into the Russian greeting Ceremony for Putin
>you can see him apologizibg to the Officer
it‘s hilarious how he is compared to what Western Media would have you believe.

clean shaved, healthy weight, good looking, fit clothes

basically, let's try not to look like goats fuckers here and act like god damn civilized people.

God bless them.

He’s really a nice guy in person

Honestly Assad must be a changed man at this point.

I mean think about it. He must know that if he appears weak, if he doesn't show himself in public, his people will lose faith in him.

The reason the civil war didn't succeed in ousting him is because not all Syrians were against him. Most supported him or were ambivalent. He needs to be a man of the people, otherwise the people might decide to rebel against him. He defeated one civil war. He couldn't win if those loyal to him lost faith.

So he does stuff like this to prove not only that he's not above the common man, but to show he's not afraid of the common man.

African dictators hole themselves up in palaces and never come out. And this means they live in fear, because if they ever stepped out onto the streets without guards, they'd be butchered.

Assad is genuinely courting his people because he requires their faith in him, as they require his in them.

I bet he's not nearly the same person as when this shit storm started. I hope he writes a book about how all this affected him.

Assad is fearless, he knows death can happen any day, any time, around any corner, yet he has the balls to just walk around, because he knows the people love him and the rebels are disgusting cowards who are so incompetent and weak they are in hiding.

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>I hope he writes a book about how all this affected him.
Same I would buy that shit in a heartbeat and get it autographed.

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Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

keep assad safe, syriabro
I'd hate to see harm come to him or any more syrians because of our corrupt political systems

mayor? I wan't him Emperor of Europe !
This is the single guy in the whole fucking world who looks and behaves like a freaking Head of State.

Macron looks like it, but doesn't behaves like it.

That old hag that you call queen, is ugly and old and a FUCKING traitor. Ptince whatever married the ugliest bitch from Suits. What a nightmare.

Felipe of Spain looks like it too, but the moron got in that Barcelona sorosist march after the terrorist attack. Fucking lame-ass cuck at that point.

Trump looks like a slimy fat pig filled with shit. Behaves like one too.

No one comes near Assad in magnificence.

Is Assad the Hitler of our time?

Just some autistic dork who wanted to be something relatively normal (painter/dentist), ending up in a leadership role where he finds himself being absolutely demonized as a genuinely insane babykiller by the kikes, who are his worst enemy. He also seems pretty comfortable without guards or anything of the sort, just going about his business, which is another parallel with Hitler.

He has been doing it in ton's of threads tonight. Maybe he thinks it is funny or something, but yeah, either way, he is a fucking retard.

This. No leader can realistically be without guards.

Why does everyone keep saying he's a dentist? He's an ophthalmologist, he's a medical doctor specialized in ophthalmology, meaning he's an eye doctor.

He was never in the military, but worked in a military hospital before going to Britain to study and work in a hospital there, he had no interest in politics, and he was never intended to be rule that country.

Also, his tribe is Alawite, they're not even Muslim, they reject the shariah, they drink alcohol in their religious ceremonies, they believe in a divine trinity, and they believe in reincarnation, they're about 12% of the population of Syria, but they're 99% of the military, that's why this war has been so ugly: There is no common cause to be made, 70% of Syrians are Sunni and they feel as though they're living under heretical, fake Muslim rule.

And they're not exactly wrong.

But then again Assad is secular and rational, there is no better person to lead that country than him.

let's all be honest here, we were all expecting that to happen.

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He sounds cool, why Trump turn on him? Jew eggs?

He's allied with Hezbollah and Iran, we can't have that now, can we?

i love how anytime some sand nigger/paki/whatever man gets posted it's always a cherry-picked photo of a guy with blue eyes just to prove how they are """white""".

Fuck Bashar Assad. He is a real big piece of shit. He is a quasi-dictator. All this Assad cock sucking going on over here. Been to Syria. Fuck, his father Hafez did an amazing job on creating the Assad cult. Pictures and monuments all over the country to him. Before the war happened children were brainwashed to pledge allegiance to Assad everyday before school started. The Assad cult is responsible for atrocities too. The secrete police and their torture prisons. Do not forget how Syria occupied Lebanon too. The occupation was pretty shitty for the Lebanese under their control. The corruption and special status of Syrians during that time was absurd. That said he is the best alternative to the people who want to overthrow him.

Wow! Assad just looks like a normal guy.

OMG, look at the beautiful women with no dirty rags covering them! Everyone here looks so nice and civil. Why couldn't these Syrians seek refuge in my country rather than the African, Afgan, and Bangladeshi "Syrian refugees." :(

It's propaganda. I still hope some Israeli secret service guys will take him out soon.

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>daughter wearing tight jeans

feelsbadman had a syrian refugee in my class who was into me but she was 7/10 at best but man are they white af legit tought she was white

Nice america this vidya gets um triggered.